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Glib Namespace Reference


class  ArrayHandle
 If a method takes this as an argument then you can use a standard container such as std::list or std::vector. More...

class  Cond
class  ConvertError
 Exception class for charset conversion errors. More...

class  Date
 Julian calendar date. More...

class  Dir
 Utility class representing an open directory. More...

class  DirIterator
 The iterator type of Glib::Dir. More...

class  Dispatcher
 Signal class for inter-thread communication. More...

class  Error
class  Exception
class  Private
class  ReaderLock
 Utility class for exception-safe locking of read/write locks. More...

class  Lock
 Utility class for exception-safe locking of recursive mutexes. More...

class  Lock
 Utility class for exception-safe mutex locking. More...

class  Mutex
 Represents a mutex (mutual exclusion). More...

class  RecMutex
class  RWLock
struct  StaticMutex
 Like Glib::Mutex, but can be defined at compile time. More...

struct  StaticPrivate
struct  StaticRecMutex
 Like Glib::RecMutex, but can be defined at compile time. More...

struct  StaticRWLock
 Like Glib::RWLock, but can be defined at compile time. More...

class  Exit
 Exception class used to exit from a thread. More...

class  FileError
 Exception class for file-related errors. More...

class  HelperList
class  IConv
 Thin iconv() wrapper. More...

class  IdleSource
class  Interface
class  IOChannel
 IOChannel aims to provide portable I/O support for files, pipes and sockets, and to integrate them with the GLib main event loop. More...

class  IOChannelError
 Exception class for IOChannel errors. More...

class  IOSource
class  ListHandle
class  MainContext
 Main context. More...

class  MainLoop
class  MarkupError
 Exception class for markup parsing errors. More...

class  Module
class  Object
class  ObjectBase
class  PatternSpec
class  PollFD
class  Property
class  PropertyBase
class  PropertyProxy
class  PropertyProxy_Base
class  PropertyProxy_ReadOnly
class  PropertyProxy_WriteOnly
class  Quark
class  QueryQuark
 Quarks are unique IDs in Glib for strings for use in hash table lookups. More...

class  Rand
class  RefPtr
 RefPtr<> is a reference-counting shared smartpointer. More...

class  Sequence
 Utility class holding an iterator sequence. More...

class  ShellError
 Exception class for shell utility errors. More...

class  SignalIdle
class  SignalIO
class  SignalProxy0
 Proxy for signals with 0 arguments. More...

class  SignalProxy1
 Proxy for signals with 1 arguments. More...

class  SignalProxy2
 Proxy for signals with 2 arguments. More...

class  SignalProxy3
 Proxy for signals with 3 arguments. More...

class  SignalProxy4
 Proxy for signals with 4 arguments. More...

class  SignalProxy5
 Proxy for signals with 5 arguments. More...

class  SignalProxy6
 Proxy for signals with 6 arguments. More...

class  SignalProxyBase
class  SignalProxyConnectionNode
 SignalProxyConnectionNode is a SigC::ConnectionNode for use with SignalProxy. More...

class  SignalProxyNormal
class  SignalProxyProperty
 Use the connect() method, with SigC::slot() to connect signals to signal handlers. More...

class  SignalTimeout
class  SListHandle
class  Source
class  SpawnError
 Exception class for errors occuring when spawning processes. More...

class  StreamIOChannel
 This whole class is deprecated in glibmm 2.2. More...

class  Thread
 Represents a running thread. More...

class  ThreadError
 Exception class for thread-related errors. More...

class  ThreadPool
 A pool of threads to execute work concurrently. More...

class  TimeoutSource
class  WriterLock
 Utility class for exception-safe locking of read/write locks. More...

class  Timer
 Portable stop watch interface. More...

struct  TimeVal
 Glib::TimeVal is a wrapper around the glib structure GTimeVal. More...

class  ustring
 Glib::ustring has much the same interface as std::string, but contains Unicode characters encoded as UTF-8. More...

class  ustring_Iterator
 The iterator type of Glib::ustring. More...

class  Value
 Generic value implementation for custom types. More...

class  Value<bool>
class  Value<char>
class  Value<const T*>
 Specialization for pointers to const instances of any type. More...

class  Value<double>
class  Value<float>
class  Value<Glib::RefPtr<const T>>
 Partial specialization for RefPtr<> to const Glib::Object. More...

class  Value<Glib::RefPtr<T>>
 Partial specialization for RefPtr<> to Glib::Object. More...

class  Value<Glib::ustring>
 Specialization for UTF-8 strings. More...

class  Value<int>
class  Value<long>
class  Value<long long>
class  Value<std::string>
 Specialization for strings. More...

class  Value<T*>
 Specialization for pointers to instances of any type. More...

class  Value<unsigned char>
class  Value<unsigned int>
class  Value<unsigned long>
class  Value<unsigned long long>
class  Value<void*>
class  Value_Boxed
class  Value_Enum
 Base class of Glib::Value<T> specializations for enum types. More...

class  Value_Flags
 Base class of Glib::Value<T> specializations for flags types. More...

class  Value_Pointer
class  ValueBase
class  ValueBase_Boxed
class  ValueBase_Enum
class  ValueBase_Flags
class  ValueBase_Object
class  ValueBase_String


typedef ArrayHandle<Glib::ustringStringArrayHandle
 If a method takes this as an argument then you can use a standard container such as std::list<Glib::ustring> or std::vector<Glib::ustring>.

typedef Glib::ArrayHandle<
typedef Glib::ObjectBase*(* WrapNewFunction )(GObject*)


enum  OwnershipType {
enum  FileTest {
  FILE_TEST_IS_DIR = 1 << 2,
enum  SeekType {
enum  IOStatus {
enum  IOFlags {
  IO_FLAG_APPEND = 1 << 0,
  IO_FLAG_NONBLOCK = 1 << 1,
  IO_FLAG_MASK = 0x1F,
enum  {
enum  IOCondition {
 A bitwise combination representing an I/O condition to watch for on an event source. More...

enum  ModuleFlags {
  MODULE_BIND_LAZY = 1 << 0,
enum  SpawnFlags {
enum  ThreadPriority {
 Specifies the priority of a thread. More...

enum  NotLock { NOT_LOCK }
enum  TryLock { TRY_LOCK }
enum  UnicodeType {
enum  UnicodeBreakType {
enum  AsciiType {
  ASCII_ALNUM = 1 << 0,
  ASCII_ALPHA = 1 << 1,
  ASCII_CNTRL = 1 << 2,
  ASCII_DIGIT = 1 << 3,
  ASCII_GRAPH = 1 << 4,
  ASCII_LOWER = 1 << 5,
  ASCII_PRINT = 1 << 6,
  ASCII_PUNCT = 1 << 7,
  ASCII_SPACE = 1 << 8,
  ASCII_UPPER = 1 << 9,
  ASCII_XDIGIT = 1 << 10
enum  NormalizeMode {


template <class Iterator> Sequence<Iterator> sequence (Iterator pbegin, Iterator pend)
 Helper function to create a Glib::Sequence<> object, which in turn can be used to initialize a container handle.

bool get_charset ()
 Get the charset used by the current locale.

bool get_charset (std::string& charset)
 Get the charset used by the current locale.

std::string convert (const std::string& str, const std::string& to_codeset, const std::string& from_codeset)
 Convert from one encoding to another.

std::string convert_with_fallback (const std::string& str, const std::string& to_codeset, const std::string& from_codeset)
 Converts a string from one character set to another, possibly including fallback sequences for characters not representable in the output.

std::string convert_with_fallback (const std::string& str, const std::string& to_codeset, const std::string& from_codeset, const Glib::ustring& fallback)
 Converts a string from one character set to another, possibly including fallback sequences for characters not representable in the output.

Glib::ustring locale_to_utf8 (const std::string& opsys_string)
 Convert from the current locale's encoding to UTF-8.

std::string locale_from_utf8 (const Glib::ustring& utf8_string)
 Convert from UTF-8 to the current locale's encoding.

Glib::ustring filename_to_utf8 (const std::string& opsys_string)
 Converts a string which is in the encoding used for filenames into a UTF-8 string.

std::string filename_from_utf8 (const Glib::ustring& utf8_string)
 Converts a string from UTF-8 to the encoding used for filenames.

std::string filename_from_uri (const Glib::ustring& uri, Glib::ustring& hostname)
 Converts an escaped UTF-8 encoded URI to a local filename in the encoding used for filenames.

std::string filename_from_uri (const Glib::ustring& uri)
 Converts an escaped UTF-8 encoded URI to a local filename in the encoding used for filenames.

Glib::ustring filename_to_uri (const std::string& filename, const Glib::ustring& hostname)
 Converts an absolute filename to an escaped UTF-8 encoded URI.

Glib::ustring filename_to_uri (const std::string& filename)
 Converts an absolute filename to an escaped UTF-8 encoded URI.

SigC::Connection add_exception_handler (const SigC::Slot0<void>& slot)
 Specify a slot to be called when an exception is thrown by a signal handler.

FileTest operator| (FileTest lhs, FileTest rhs)
FileTest operator& (FileTest lhs, FileTest rhs)
FileTest operator^ (FileTest lhs, FileTest rhs)
FileTest operator~ (FileTest flags)
FileTestoperator|= (FileTest& lhs, FileTest rhs)
FileTestoperator&= (FileTest& lhs, FileTest rhs)
FileTestoperator^= (FileTest& lhs, FileTest rhs)
bool file_test (const std::string& filename, FileTest test)
 Returns true if any of the tests in the bitfield test are true.

int mkstemp (std::string& filename_template)
 Opens a temporary file.

int file_open_tmp (std::string& name_used, const std::string& prefix)
 Opens a file for writing in the preferred directory for temporary files (as returned by Glib::get_tmp_dir()).

int file_open_tmp (std::string& name_used)
 Opens a file for writing in the preferred directory for temporary files (as returned by Glib::get_tmp_dir()).

std::string file_get_contents (const std::string& filename)
 Reads an entire file into a string, with good error checking.

RefPtr<ObjectBasewrap_interface (GObject* object, bool take_copy=false)
IOFlags operator| (IOFlags lhs, IOFlags rhs)
IOFlags operator& (IOFlags lhs, IOFlags rhs)
IOFlags operator^ (IOFlags lhs, IOFlags rhs)
IOFlags operator~ (IOFlags flags)
IOFlagsoperator|= (IOFlags& lhs, IOFlags rhs)
IOFlagsoperator&= (IOFlags& lhs, IOFlags rhs)
IOFlagsoperator^= (IOFlags& lhs, IOFlags rhs)
Glib::RefPtr<IOChannelwrap (GIOChannel* gobject, bool take_copy=false)
IOCondition operator| (IOCondition lhs, IOCondition rhs)
IOCondition operator& (IOCondition lhs, IOCondition rhs)
IOCondition operator^ (IOCondition lhs, IOCondition rhs)
IOCondition operator~ (IOCondition flags)
IOConditionoperator|= (IOCondition& lhs, IOCondition rhs)
IOConditionoperator&= (IOCondition& lhs, IOCondition rhs)
IOConditionoperator^= (IOCondition& lhs, IOCondition rhs)
SignalTimeout signal_timeout ()
 Convenience timeout signal.

SignalIdle signal_idle ()
 Convenience idle signal.

SignalIO signal_io ()
 Convenience I/O signal.

Glib::ustring get_application_name ()
 Gets a human-readable name for the application, as set by Glib::set_application_name().

void set_application_name (const Glib::ustring& application_name)
 Sets a human-readable name for the application.

std::string get_prgname ()
 Gets the name of the program.

void set_prgname (const std::string& prgname)
 Sets the name of the program.

std::string getenv (const std::string& variable, bool& found)
 Returns an environment variable.

std::string getenv (const std::string& variable)
 Returns an environment variable.

std::string get_user_name ()
 Gets the user name of the current user.

std::string get_real_name ()
 Gets the real name of the user.

std::string get_home_dir ()
 Gets the current user's home directory.

std::string get_tmp_dir ()
 Gets the directory to use for temporary files.

std::string get_current_dir ()
 Gets the current directory.

bool path_is_absolute (const std::string& filename)
 Returns true if the given filename is an absolute file name, i.e. it contains a full path from the root directory such as "/usr/local" on UNIX or "C:\windows" on Windows systems.

std::string path_skip_root (const std::string& filename)
 Returns the remaining part of filename after the root component, i.e. after the "/" on UNIX or "C:\" on Windows.

std::string path_get_basename (const std::string& filename)
 Gets the name of the file without any leading directory components.

std::string path_get_dirname (const std::string& filename)
 Gets the directory components of a file name.

std::string build_filename (const Glib::ArrayHandle<std::string>& elements)
 Creates a filename from a series of elements using the correct separator for filenames.

std::string build_filename (const std::string& elem1, const std::string& elem2)
 Creates a filename from two elements using the correct separator for filenames.

std::string build_path (const std::string& separator, const Glib::ArrayHandle<std::string>& elements)
 Creates a path from a series of elements using separator as the separator between elements.

std::string find_program_in_path (const std::string& program)
 Locates the first executable named program in the user's path, in the same way that execvp() would locate it.

ModuleFlags operator| (ModuleFlags lhs, ModuleFlags rhs)
ModuleFlags operator& (ModuleFlags lhs, ModuleFlags rhs)
ModuleFlags operator^ (ModuleFlags lhs, ModuleFlags rhs)
ModuleFlags operator~ (ModuleFlags flags)
ModuleFlagsoperator|= (ModuleFlags& lhs, ModuleFlags rhs)
ModuleFlagsoperator&= (ModuleFlags& lhs, ModuleFlags rhs)
ModuleFlagsoperator^= (ModuleFlags& lhs, ModuleFlags rhs)
bool _gobject_cppinstance_already_deleted (GObject* gobject)
Glib::ArrayHandle<std::string> shell_parse_argv (const std::string& command_line)
 Parses a command line into an argument vector, in much the same way the shell would, but without many of the expansions the shell would perform (variable expansion, globs, operators, filename expansion, etc. are not supported).

std::string shell_quote (const std::string& unquoted_string)
 Quotes a string so that the shell (/bin/sh) will interpret the quoted string to mean unquoted_string.

std::string shell_unquote (const std::string& quoted_string)
 Unquotes a string as the shell (/bin/sh) would.

SpawnFlags operator| (SpawnFlags lhs, SpawnFlags rhs)
SpawnFlags operator& (SpawnFlags lhs, SpawnFlags rhs)
SpawnFlags operator^ (SpawnFlags lhs, SpawnFlags rhs)
SpawnFlags operator~ (SpawnFlags flags)
SpawnFlagsoperator|= (SpawnFlags& lhs, SpawnFlags rhs)
SpawnFlagsoperator&= (SpawnFlags& lhs, SpawnFlags rhs)
SpawnFlagsoperator^= (SpawnFlags& lhs, SpawnFlags rhs)
void spawn_async_with_pipes (const std::string& working_directory, const Glib::ArrayHandle<std::string>& argv, const Glib::ArrayHandle<std::string>& envp, SpawnFlags flags=SpawnFlags(0), const SigC::Slot0<void>& child_setup=SigC::Slot0<void>(), int* child_pid=0, int* standard_input=0, int* standard_output=0, int* standard_error=0)
void spawn_async_with_pipes (const std::string& working_directory, const Glib::ArrayHandle<std::string>& argv, SpawnFlags flags=SpawnFlags(0), const SigC::Slot0<void>& child_setup=SigC::Slot0<void>(), int* child_pid=0, int* standard_input=0, int* standard_output=0, int* standard_error=0)
void spawn_async (const std::string& working_directory, const Glib::ArrayHandle<std::string>& argv, const Glib::ArrayHandle<std::string>& envp, SpawnFlags flags=SpawnFlags(0), const SigC::Slot0<void>& child_setup=SigC::Slot0<void>(), int* child_pid=0)
void spawn_async (const std::string& working_directory, const Glib::ArrayHandle<std::string>& argv, SpawnFlags flags=SpawnFlags(0), const SigC::Slot0<void>& child_setup=SigC::Slot0<void>(), int* child_pid=0)
void spawn_sync (const std::string& working_directory, const Glib::ArrayHandle<std::string>& argv, const Glib::ArrayHandle<std::string>& envp, SpawnFlags flags=SpawnFlags(0), const SigC::Slot0<void>& child_setup=SigC::Slot0<void>(), std::string* standard_output=0, std::string* standard_error=0, int* exit_status=0)
void spawn_sync (const std::string& working_directory, const Glib::ArrayHandle<std::string>& argv, SpawnFlags flags=SpawnFlags(0), const SigC::Slot0<void>& child_setup=SigC::Slot0<void>(), std::string* standard_output=0, std::string* standard_error=0, int* exit_status=0)
void spawn_command_line_async (const std::string& command_line)
void spawn_command_line_sync (const std::string& command_line, std::string* standard_output=0, std::string* standard_error=0, int* exit_status=0)
bool str_has_prefix (const std::string& str, const std::string& prefix)
 Looks whether the string str begins with prefix.

bool str_has_suffix (const std::string& str, const std::string& suffix)
 Looks whether the string str ends with suffix.

std::string strescape (const std::string& source)
 Escapes all special characters in the string.

std::string strescape (const std::string& source, const std::string& exceptions)
 Escapes all special characters in the string.

std::string strcompress (const std::string& source)
 Replaces all escaped characters with their one byte equivalent.

Glib::ustring strerror (int errnum)
 Returns a string corresponding to the given error code, e.g. "no such process".

Glib::ustring strsignal (int signum)
 Returns a string describing the given signal, e.g. "Segmentation fault".

void thread_init (GThreadFunctions* vtable=0)
 Initializes the GLib thread system.

bool thread_supported ()
 Returns whether the thread system is initialized.

void usleep (unsigned long microseconds)
gunichar get_unichar_from_std_iterator (std::string::const_iterator pos)
 Extract a UCS-4 character from UTF-8 data.

void wrap_register_init ()
void wrap_register_cleanup ()
void wrap_register (GType type, WrapNewFunction func)
Glib::ObjectBasewrap_auto (GObject* object, bool take_copy=false)
template <class T> T::BaseObjectType* unwrap (T* ptr)
 Get the underlying C instance from the C++ instance.

template <class T> const T::BaseObjectType* unwrap (const T* ptr)
 Get the underlying C instance from the C++ instance.

template <class T> T::BaseObjectType* unwrap (const Glib::RefPtr<T>& ptr)
 Get the underlying C instance from the C++ instance.

template <class T> const T::BaseObjectType* unwrap (const Glib::RefPtr<const T>& ptr)
 Get the underlying C instance from the C++ instance.

template <class T> T::BaseObjectType* unwrap_copy (const Glib::RefPtr<T>& ptr)
 Get the underlying C instance from the C++ instance and acquire a reference.

template <class T> const T::BaseObjectType* unwrap_copy (const Glib::RefPtr<const T>& ptr)
 Get the underlying C instance from the C++ instance and acquire a reference.

Typedef Documentation

typedef Glib::ArrayHandle<Glib::ustring> Glib::SArray

typedef Glib::ObjectBase*(* Glib::WrapNewFunction)(GObject*)

Function Documentation

bool _gobject_cppinstance_already_deleted ( GObject   gobject

SigC::Connection add_exception_handler ( const SigC::Slot0<void>&    slot

Specify a slot to be called when an exception is thrown by a signal handler.

gunichar get_unichar_from_std_iterator ( std::string::const_iterator    pos

Extract a UCS-4 character from UTF-8 data.

Convert a single UTF-8 (multibyte) character starting at pos to a UCS-4 wide character. This may read up to 6 bytes after the start position, depending on the UTF-8 character width. You have to make sure the source contains at least one valid UTF-8 character.

This is mainly used by the implementation of Glib::ustring::iterator, but it might be useful as utility function if you prefer using std::string even for UTF-8 encoding.

template <class T>
const T::BaseObjectType* unwrap ( const Glib::RefPtr<const T>&    ptr [inline]

Get the underlying C instance from the C++ instance.

This is just like calling gobj(), but it does its own check for a NULL pointer.

template <class T>
T::BaseObjectType* unwrap ( const Glib::RefPtr<T>&    ptr [inline]

Get the underlying C instance from the C++ instance.

This is just like calling gobj(), but it does its own check for a NULL pointer.

template <class T>
const T::BaseObjectType* unwrap ( const T*    ptr [inline]

Get the underlying C instance from the C++ instance.

This is just like calling gobj(), but it does its own check for a NULL pointer.

template <class T>
T::BaseObjectType* unwrap ( T*    ptr [inline]

Get the underlying C instance from the C++ instance.

This is just like calling gobj(), but it does its own check for a NULL pointer.

template <class T>
const T::BaseObjectType* unwrap_copy ( const Glib::RefPtr<const T>&    ptr [inline]

Get the underlying C instance from the C++ instance and acquire a reference.

This is just like calling gobj_copy(), but it does its own check for a NULL pointer.

template <class T>
T::BaseObjectType* unwrap_copy ( const Glib::RefPtr<T>&    ptr [inline]

Get the underlying C instance from the C++ instance and acquire a reference.

This is just like calling gobj_copy(), but it does its own check for a NULL pointer.

void usleep ( unsigned long    microseconds

thread/, and thread/

Glib::RefPtr<IOChannel> wrap ( GIOChannel*    gobject,
bool    take_copy = false

Glib::ObjectBase* wrap_auto ( GObject   object,
bool    take_copy = false

RefPtr<ObjectBase> wrap_interface ( GObject   object,
bool    take_copy = false

void wrap_register ( GType    type,
WrapNewFunction    func

void wrap_register_cleanup (  

void wrap_register_init (  

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