thread/dispatcher.ccA Glib::Dispatcher example.
/* * Glib::Dispatcher example -- cross thread signalling * by Daniel Elstner <daniel.elstner@gmx.net> * * Copyright (c) 2002 Free Software Foundation */ #include <sigc++/class_slot.h> #include <glibmm.h> #include <gtkmm/box.h> #include <gtkmm/button.h> #include <gtkmm/buttonbox.h> #include <gtkmm/main.h> #include <gtkmm/progressbar.h> #include <gtkmm/stock.h> #include <gtkmm/window.h> #include <algorithm> #include <functional> #include <list> namespace { class ThreadProgress : public Gtk::ProgressBar { public: ThreadProgress(); virtual ~ThreadProgress(); void launch(); SigC::Signal0<void>& signal_finished(); private: unsigned int progress_; Glib::Dispatcher signal_increment_; SigC::Signal0<void> signal_finished_; void progress_increment(); void thread_function(); }; class MainWindow : public Gtk::Window { public: MainWindow(); virtual ~MainWindow(); void launch_threads(); protected: virtual bool on_delete_event(GdkEventAny* event); private: std::list<ThreadProgress*> progress_bars_; Gtk::Button* close_button_; void on_progress_finished(ThreadProgress* progress); }; ThreadProgress::ThreadProgress() : progress_ (0) { // Connect to the cross-thread signal. signal_increment_.connect(SigC::slot(*this, &ThreadProgress::progress_increment)); } ThreadProgress::~ThreadProgress() {} void ThreadProgress::launch() { // Create a non-joinable thread -- it's deleted automatically on thread exit. Glib::Thread::create(SigC::slot_class(*this, &ThreadProgress::thread_function), false); } SigC::Signal0<void>& ThreadProgress::signal_finished() { return signal_finished_; } void ThreadProgress::progress_increment() { // Use an integer because floating point arithmetic is inaccurate -- // we want to finish *exactly* after the 1000th increment. ++progress_; const double fraction = double(progress_) / 1000.0; set_fraction(std::min(fraction, 1.0)); if(progress_ >= 1000) signal_finished_(); } void ThreadProgress::thread_function() { Glib::Rand rand; int usecs = 5000; for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { usecs = rand.get_int_range(std::max(0, usecs - 1000 - i), std::min(20000, usecs + 1000 + i)); Glib::usleep(usecs); // Tell the GUI thread to increment the progress bar value. signal_increment_(); } } MainWindow::MainWindow() : close_button_ (0) { set_title("Thread Dispatcher Example"); Gtk::VBox *const vbox = new Gtk::VBox(false, 10); add(*Gtk::manage(vbox)); vbox->set_border_width(10); for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { ThreadProgress *const progress = new ThreadProgress(); vbox->pack_start(*Gtk::manage(progress), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); progress_bars_.push_back(progress); progress->signal_finished().connect( SigC::bind(SigC::slot(*this, &MainWindow::on_progress_finished), progress)); } Gtk::ButtonBox *const button_box = new Gtk::HButtonBox(); vbox->pack_end(*Gtk::manage(button_box), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); close_button_ = new Gtk::Button(Gtk::Stock::CLOSE); button_box->pack_start(*Gtk::manage(close_button_), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); close_button_->set_flags(Gtk::CAN_DEFAULT); close_button_->grab_default(); close_button_->set_sensitive(false); close_button_->signal_clicked().connect(SigC::slot(*this, &Gtk::Widget::hide)); show_all_children(); set_default_size(300, -1); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() {} void MainWindow::launch_threads() { std::for_each( progress_bars_.begin(), progress_bars_.end(), std::mem_fun(&ThreadProgress::launch)); } bool MainWindow::on_delete_event(GdkEventAny*) { // Don't allow closing the window before all threads finished. return !progress_bars_.empty(); } void MainWindow::on_progress_finished(ThreadProgress* progress) { progress_bars_.remove(progress); // Enable the close button when all threads finished. if(progress_bars_.empty()) close_button_->set_sensitive(true); } } // anonymous namespace int main(int argc, char** argv) { Glib::thread_init(); Gtk::Main main_instance (&argc, &argv); MainWindow window; // Install a one-shot idle handler to launch the threads // right after the main window has been displayed. Glib::signal_idle().connect( SigC::bind_return(SigC::slot(window, &MainWindow::launch_threads), false)); Gtk::Main::run(window); return 0; } Generated for gtkmm by Doxygen 1.3-rc1 © 1997-2001 |