Move & Rotate
31 March 98
by N.Guex
Distorted Residues
When you are modelling a protein, or solving
a structure, it is always helpful to identify bad regions.
Swiss-PdbViewer provides some tools for that purpose.
Identifying Backbone Problems:
The best way to have a quick glance at the global
problems is to color the protein by
"backbone problems". This will highlight disconnected
regions of the backbone, which is very useful during
homology modelling, to help you loacte and modify where the
insrtions/deletions should be placed. In addition, residues
with a bad phi/psi conformation are also readily identified;
which might be useful during refinement of your structure.
example of preliminary model analysis. Spots
where insertions and deletions will be needed appear in
cyan; whereas residues with bad phi/psi conformation appear
in yellow (red for Prolines).
Identifying Distorted Residues.
The best way to illustrate this is to give a practical
example. Load the protein 1CRN.pdb (which is included in the
tutorial package), and color it
by Force Field Energy (but do only compute bond and
angles energies; and do not show the energy report).
Overall, the protein topology is correct, the residue with
the highest energy (the more bond distortion) beeing Proline
Now Select the Arg17 only (which was blue, meaning that
its bond length and angles are quite good). Use the tool
menu to "Shake the Selected Groups". Apply a 0.2Å
random displacement of any atom of Arg17. This means that if
you measure the RMS deviation between the unshaked residue
and the shaked residue, you will obtain a RMSd of 0.2.
Indeed, by inspecting your protein, it is hard to say that
this Arg. is distorted.
Now color your protein by force field energy. The distorted
Arginie will shine in bright red, whereas the rest of the
protein is dark blue (except Pro 5, which is blue).