
This package defines the generic APIs for processing transformation instructions, and performing a transformation from source to result. 
This package implements SAX2-specific transformation APIs. 


          Process the Source into a Transformer object.

          Create a new Transformer object that performs a copy of the source to the result.

          Process the Source into a Templates object, which is a a compiled representation of the source.
java.lang.String media, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String charset)
          Get the stylesheet specification(s) associated document specified in the source parameter, and that match the given criteria.

          Create a new transformation context for this Templates object.


          Get a TransformerHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events into a Result, based on the transformation instructions specified by the argument.

          Get a TransformerHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events into a Result, based on the Templates argument.

          Get a TransformerHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events into a Result.

          Get a TemplatesHandler object that can process SAX ContentHandler events into a Templates object.

          Create an XMLFilter that uses the given Source as the transformation instructions.

          Create an XMLFilter, based on the Templates argument..