FACILITY-EXT Facility + extensions
There are the following primitive words for input and output:
KEY waits for a character typed on the keyboard and returns
that character, but KEY does not return non-character
input events like function keys pressed - use EKEY for
a more complete keyboard query.
Furthermore, KEY? returns true if a key is available for
reading using KEY (function key presses are not detected
but discarded).
EMIT will display the character at the current cursor
position, control characters take effect depending on the
system. TYPE displays all the chars in the given string
To get the current cursor position, use AT-XY .
AT-XY ( col row -- )
- ansi
move the cursor position to the given row and column
of the screen. If the output device is not a terminal
this will have no effect but can still send an
escape sequence.
reference: p4_at_x_y in ../src/facility.c:0050, export CO AT-XY
KEY? ( -- flag )
- ansi
if a character is available from the keyboard, return true.
The KEY word will retrieve the actual character.
reference: p4_key_question in ../src/facility.c:0060, export CO KEY?
EKEY ( -- keycode )
- ansi
return a keyboard event, the encoding may differ, esp.
that it can contain special keys.
reference: p4_ekey in ../src/facility.c:0071, export CO EKEY
EKEY>CHAR ( keycode -- keycode false | char true )
- ansi
reference: p4_ekey_to_char in ../src/facility.c:0078, export CO EKEY>CHAR
EKEY? ( -- flag )
- ansi
check if a character is available from the keyboard
to be received - unlike KEY? it will not discard
non-visible codes.
reference: p4_ekey_question in ../src/facility.c:0089, export CO EKEY?
EMIT? ( -- flag )
- ansi
if EMIT can safely output characters without
blocking the forth by waiting for an indefinite time.
reference: p4_emit_question in ../src/facility.c:0098, export CO EMIT?
MS ( n -- )
- ansi
wait at least the specified milliseconds
reference: p4_ms in ../src/facility.c:0106, export CO MS
TIME&DATE ( -- sec min hrs day month year )
- ansi
return the broken down current time
reference: p4_time_and_date in ../src/facility.c:0114, export CO TIME&DATE