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Gtk::Toolbar_Helpers::ToggleElem Struct Reference
[Toolbar classes]
Inheritance diagram for Gtk::Toolbar_Helpers::ToggleElem:
[legend]List of all members.
Public Methods |
| ToggleElem (const Glib::ustring& text, Widget& content, const Callback0& callback, const Glib::ustring& tooltip_text=Glib::ustring(), const Glib::ustring& tooltip_private_text=Glib::ustring()) |
| ToggleElem (Widget& content, const Callback0& callback, const Glib::ustring& tooltip_text=Glib::ustring(), const Glib::ustring& tooltip_private_text=Glib::ustring()) |
| ToggleElem (const Glib::ustring& text, const Callback0& callback, const Glib::ustring& tooltip_text=Glib::ustring(), const Glib::ustring& tooltip_private_text=Glib::ustring()) |
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
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