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Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord Class Reference
[TreeView Classes]

Typedefed as TreeModel::ColumnRecord. More...

List of all members.

Public Methods

 TreeModelColumnRecord ()
virtual ~TreeModelColumnRecord ()
void add (TreeModelColumnBase& column)
 Adds a TreeModelColumn to this record.

unsigned int size () const
const GType* types () const

Detailed Description

Typedefed as TreeModel::ColumnRecord.

Keeps a record of TreeModelColumns. ColumnRecord objects are used to setup a new TreeModel (or rather, an implementation of the model, like Gtk::ListStore or Gtk::TreeStore). It is convenient to do that by deriving from TreeModel::ColumnRecord:

 class MyModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord
   Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring>                filename;
   Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring>                description;
   Gtk::TreeModelColumn< Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> >  thumbnail;

   MyModelColumns() { add(filename); add(description); add(thumbnail); }
An instance of MyModelColumns should be passed to ListStore::create() or TreeStore::create(). The members filename, description and thumbnail can then be used with Gtk::TreeRow::operator[]() to specify the column you're interested in.

Neither TreeModel::ColumnRecord nor the TreeModelColumns contain any real data -- it's merely a description of what type is stored in which column of a TreeModel. Thus it's absolutely legal to use a statically allocated TreeModel::ColumnRecord (as long as you make sure it's instantiated after Gtk::Main), even when creating multiple models from it.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord::TreeModelColumnRecord (  

virtual Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord::~TreeModelColumnRecord (   [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord::add ( TreeModelColumnBase   column

Adds a TreeModelColumn to this record.

add() not only registers the column, but also assigns a column index to it. Once registered, the TreeModelColumn is final, and you're free to pass it around by value.

unsigned int Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord::size (   const

const GType* Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord::types (   const

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