Public Methods |
virtual | ~SpinButton () |
GtkSpinButton* | gobj () |
const GtkSpinButton* | gobj () const |
| SpinButton (double climb_rate=0.0, guint digits=0) |
| SpinButton (Adjustment& adjustment, double climb_rate=0.0, guint digits=0) |
void | configure (Adjustment& adjustment, double climb_rate, guint digits) |
void | set_adjustment (Adjustment& adjustment) |
| Replaces the Gtk::Adjustment associated with spin_button .
void | unset_adjustment () |
Gtk::Adjustment* | get_adjustment () |
| Get the adjustment associated with a Gtk::SpinButton.
const Gtk::Adjustment* | get_adjustment () const |
| Get the adjustment associated with a Gtk::SpinButton.
void | set_digits (guint digits) |
| Set the precision to be displayed by spin_button .
guint | get_digits () const |
| Fetches the precision of spin_button .
void | set_increments (double step, double page) |
| Sets the step and page increments for spin_button.
void | get_increments (double& step, double& page) const |
| Gets the current step and page the increments used by spin_button .
void | set_range (double min, double max) |
| Sets the minimum and maximum allowable values for spin_button.
void | get_range (double& min, double& max) const |
| Gets the range allowed for spin_button .
double | get_value () const |
| Get the value in the spin_button .
int | get_value_as_int () const |
| Get the value spin_button represented as an integer.
void | set_value (double value) |
| Set the value of spin_button .
void | set_update_policy (SpinButtonUpdatePolicy policy) |
| Sets the update behavior of a spin button.
SpinButtonUpdatePolicy | get_update_policy () const |
| Gets the update behavior of a spin button.
void | set_numeric (bool numeric=true) |
| Sets the flag that determines if non-numeric text can be typed into the spin button.
bool | get_numeric () const |
| Returns whether non-numeric text can be typed into the spin button.
void | spin (SpinType direction, double increment) |
| Increment or decrement a spin button's value in a specified direction by a specified amount.
void | set_wrap (bool wrap=true) |
| Sets the flag that determines if a spin button value wraps around to the opposite limit when the upper or lower limit of the range is exceeded.
bool | get_wrap () const |
| Returns whether the spin button's value wraps around to the opposite limit when the upper or lower limit of the range is exceeded.
void | set_snap_to_ticks (bool snap_to_ticks=true) |
| Sets the policy as to whether values are corrected to the nearest step increment when a spin button is activated after providing an invalid value.
bool | get_snap_to_ticks () const |
| Returns whether the values are corrected to the nearest step.
void | update () |
| Manually force an update of the spin button.
Glib::SignalProxy1<int, double*> | signal_input () |
Glib::SignalProxy0<bool> | signal_output () |
Glib::SignalProxy0<void> | signal_value_changed () |
Glib::PropertyProxy<Gtk::Adjustment*> | property_adjustment () |
Glib::PropertyProxy<double> | property_climb_rate () |
Glib::PropertyProxy<guint> | property_digits () |
Glib::PropertyProxy<bool> | property_snap_to_ticks () |
Glib::PropertyProxy<bool> | property_numeric () |
Glib::PropertyProxy<bool> | property_wrap () |
Glib::PropertyProxy<SpinButtonUpdatePolicy> | property_update_policy () |
Glib::PropertyProxy<double> | property_value () |
Protected Methods |
virtual int | on_input (double* new_value) |
virtual bool | on_output () |
virtual void | on_value_changed () |
Related Functions |
(Note that these are not member functions.)
Gtk::SpinButton* | wrap (GtkSpinButton* object, bool take_copy=false) |