A Gtk::AccelGroup represents a group of keyboard accelerators, typically attached to a toplevel Gtk::Window (with Gtk::Window::add_accel_group()).
A Gtk::AccelGroup represents a group of keyboard accelerators, typically attached to a toplevel Gtk::Window (with Gtk::Window::add_accel_group()).
Usually you won't need to create a Gtk::AccelGroup directly; instead, gtkmm automatically sets up the accelerators for your menus. Note that accelerators are different from mnemonics. Accelerators are shortcuts for activating a menu item; they appear alongside the menu item for which they're a shortcut. For example "Ctrl+Q" might appear alongside the "Quit" menu item. Mnemonics are shortcuts for GUI elements such as text entries or buttons; they appear as underlined characters. See the Gtk::Label constructor. Menu items can have both accelerators and mnemonics, of course.
Locking an acelerator group prevents the accelerators contained within it to be changed during runtime. Refer to gtk_accel_map_change_entry() about runtime accelerator changes.
If called more than once, accel_group remains locked until unlock() has been called an equivalent number of times.
Sets the modifiers that will be considered significant for keyboard accelerators.
The default mod mask is Gdk::CONTROL_MASK | Gdk::SHIFT_MASK | Gdk::MOD1_MASK, that is, Control, Shift, and Alt. Other modifiers will ignored by default. You must include at least the three default modifiers in any value you pass to this function.
The default mod mask should be changed on application startup, before using any accelerator groups.
Determines whether a given keyval and modifier mask constitute a valid keyboard accelerator.
For example, the 'a' keyval plus Gdk::CONTROL_MASK is valid - this is a "Ctrl+a" accelerator. But you can't, for instance, use the GDK_Control_L keyval as an accelerator.