Public Methods |
virtual | ~Object () |
AtkObject* | gobj () |
const AtkObject* | gobj () const |
AtkObject* | gobj_copy () |
Glib::ustring | get_name () const |
| Gets the accessible name of the accessible.
Glib::ustring | get_description () const |
| Gets the accessible description of the accessible.
Glib::RefPtr<Atk::Object> | get_parent () |
| Gets the accessible parent of the accessible.
int | get_n_accessible_children () const |
| Gets the number of accessible children of the accessible.
Glib::RefPtr<Atk::Object> | get_accessible_child (int i) |
| Gets a reference to the specified accessible child of the object.
Glib::RefPtr<RelationSet> | get_relation_set () |
| Gets the Atk::RelationSet associated with the object.
Role | get_role () const |
| Gets the role of the accessible.
Glib::RefPtr<StateSet> | get_state_set () |
| Gets a reference to the state set of the accessible; the caller must unreference it when it is no longer needed.
int | get_index_in_parent () |
| Gets the 0-based index of this accessible in its parent; returns -1 if the accessible does not have an accessible parent.
void | set_name (const Glib::ustring& name) |
| Sets the accessible name of the accessible.
void | set_description (const Glib::ustring& description) |
| Sets the accessible description of the accessible.
void | set_parent (const Glib::RefPtr<Atk::Object>& parent) |
| Sets the accessible parent of the accessible.
void | set_role (Role role) |
| Sets the role of the accessible.
void | notify_state_change (State state, bool value) |
| Emits a state-change signal for the specified state.
bool | add_relationship (RelationType relationship, const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& target) |
| Adds a relationship of the specified type with the specified target.
bool | remove_relationship (RelationType relationship, const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& target) |
| Removes a relationship of the specified type with the specified target.
Glib::SignalProxy2< void,
guint, gpointer > | signal_children_changed () |
Glib::SignalProxy1< void,
bool > | signal_focus_event () |
Glib::SignalProxy1< void,
AtkPropertyValues* > | signal_property_change () |
Glib::SignalProxy2< void,
const Glib::ustring&, bool > | signal_state_change () |
Glib::SignalProxy0<void> | signal_visible_data_changed () |
Glib::SignalProxy1< void,
void** > | signal_active_descendant_changed () |
Glib::PropertyProxy<Glib::ustring> | property_accessible_name () |
Glib::PropertyProxy<Glib::ustring> | property_accessible_description () |
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::RefPtr<
Atk::Object > > | property_accessible_parent () |
Glib::PropertyProxy<double> | property_accessible_value () |
Glib::PropertyProxy<int> | property_accessible_role () |
int > | property_accessible_component_layer () |
int > | property_accessible_component_mdi_zorder () |
Glib::PropertyProxy<Glib::ustring> | property_accessible_table_caption () |
Glib::PropertyProxy<Glib::ustring> | property_accessible_table_column_description () |
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::RefPtr<
Atk::Object > > | property_accessible_table_column_header () |
Glib::PropertyProxy<Glib::ustring> | property_accessible_table_row_description () |
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::RefPtr<
Atk::Object > > | property_accessible_table_row_header () |
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::RefPtr<
Atk::Object > > | property_accessible_table_summary () |
Protected Methods |
virtual void | on_children_changed (guint change_index, gpointer changed_child) |
virtual void | on_focus_event (bool focus_in) |
virtual void | on_property_change (AtkPropertyValues* values) |
virtual void | on_state_change (const Glib::ustring& name, bool state_set) |
virtual void | on_visible_data_changed () |
virtual void | on_active_descendant_changed (void** child) |
Related Functions |
(Note that these are not member functions.)
Glib::RefPtr<Atk::Object> | wrap (AtkObject* object, bool take_copy=false) |