ToC/LoT/Index Generation

Table of Contents

annotate.toc — Annotate the Table of Contents?
autotoc.label.separator — Separator between labels and titles in the ToC — Include lable in hyperlinked titles in TOC?
process.source.toc — Process a non-empty toc element if it occurs in a source document?
process.empty.source.toc — Generate automated TOC if toc element occurs in a source document? — Should bridgehead elements appear in the TOC? — Should simplesect elements appear in the TOC?
manual.toc — An explicit TOC to be used for the TOC
toc.list.type — Type of HTML list element to use for Tables of Contents
toc.section.depth — How deep should recursive sections appear in the TOC?
toc.max.depth — How maximaly deep should be each TOC?
generate.toc — Control generation of ToCs and LoTs
generate.section.toc.level — Control depth of TOC generation in sections
generate.index — Do you want an index?
index.method — Select method used to group index entries in an index
index.on.type — Select indexterms based on type attribute value
index.on.role — Select indexterms based on role value
index.prefer.titleabbrev — Should be abbreviated titles used as back references
index.term.separator — Override for punctuation separating an index term from its list of page references in an index
index.number.separator — Override for punctuation separating page numbers in index
index.range.separator — Override for punctuation separating the two numbers in a page range in index