
CCP4 web logo CCP4i: Graphical User Interface
Model Building Module

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FFFear - Fragment Searching
FFFear - Task Window Layout
FFJoin - Merge fragments
FFJoin - Task Window Layout
XtalView/xfit - Task Window Layout
The Model Building module contains the following tasks:
FFFear - Fragment Searching
FFJoin - Merge fragments
warpNtrace - only available direct from the author(s)

The layout of each task window, i.e. the number of folders present, and whether these folders are open or closed by default, depends on the choices made in the Protocol folder of the task (see Introduction). Although certain folders are closed by default, there are specific reasons why you should or may want to look at them. These reasons are described in the Task Window Layout sections below.

FFFear - Fragment Searching

FFFear - Task Window Layout

See program documentation: FFFEAR.

FFJoin - Merge fragments

FFJoin - Task Window Layout

See program documentation: FFJOIN.


This is a launcher for the XtalView package which is NOT distributed by CCP4. The interface will extract the crystal data from any PDB or map file selected (and use that from the last file selected) to create an xfit crystal file (project_dir/n_xfit_xfit.xtal) where project_dir is the project directory and n is the job number. The script will convert the CCP4 map files to xfit .fs files and create a xfit macro file (project_dir/n_xfit.script) which contains the commands to load the .fs files and PDB files. CCP4i will then start XtalView.

XtalView/xfit - Task Window Layout

See program documentation: XtalView.

See also:
WWW O - The official WWW server for users of the O protein crystallographic package.
XtalView - A complete package for solving a macromolecular crystal structure by isomorphous replacement, including building the molecular model.

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