XBlockOut manual (xbl 1.0k)
X Window block dropping game in 3 Dimension
is a game involving dropping blocks like
but in 3 dimensions.
As they drop you can move them with numeric key pad (if you have), cursor key
or rotate other 3 axis in 2 directions (6 other keys).
Space key for dropping quickly and 'p' key for pause.
All the possible keys are displayed in menu window.
Points are scored for each block that comes to rest on the gradually
building up pile of blocks.
When the pile reaches the top of the
screen and no further blocks can be dropped the game ends. When a
stage of blocks across the 3D matrix is completely filled, that
stage is removed and all the blocks above are dropped down.
As more stages are deleted the blocks fall faster.
There is one high score table by size of matrix and pieces types.
Command line options
-display host:0
Gives the display name.
Displays the options, possible values
and current values.
Displays various things for debugging.
Creates its own colormap even if unnecessary.
On screen with multiple visual,
it search the best one to use.
In this case it doesn't use the default visual.
Displays in black & white even on color display.
-buffer 0...5
Chooses the buffering method for animation.
Each method uses different resources.
Speed of buffering method is hardware dependent.
Perfect methods are: 2,1,3, choose the fast one.
-font font_name
Chooses font for menus, score window...
-bigfont font_name
Chooses a big font for menu:the score & high score
-buttonheight -1...16
The height of 3D buttons.
If your display is slow use small button.
The -1 choice is half the height of the font.
-color 0...6
Background color for menu window.
0:Black 1:Red 2:Green 3:Yellow
4:Blue 5:Magenta 6:Cyan
Uses X Synchronise. Only for debugging.
-clearline 0...1
0: clears line with rectangle filling.
1: clears line with a black line.
It's useful with some X servers that don't draw
the same segment with the same pixels.
Another method to avoid this problem is to
use a linewidth equal to 1,
though in this case drawing is slower.
-linewidth 0...16
Thickness of the moving block lines.
-time_to_demo 1...999
Number of seconds between
automatic demonstration (show).
This option helps you to
find the fastest buffering mode.
Statistics on launched blocks,
they are displayed at the end of the game.
-keytable keys_list
A 18 characters list, game keys.
8 translations keys (D=Down L=Left R=Right U=Up):
Rotations: RX+,RX-,RY+,RY-,RZ+,RZ-
Others: LaunchBloc CancelGame SuspendGame QuitGame
Don't forgot ' if there are special characters.
-fps 1...100
Number of frames by second
Setting interactivly between games
-x 3...8 -y 3...8 -z 6...18
World size: width, height, depth.
-land 0...2
Some predefined world size
0: Small land (3x3x15)
1: Big land (5x5x10)
2: User land (as defined by options)
-level 0...10
Level 0 is slow, 10 is unplayable.
This option chooses the starting game level.
Level game increases during game.
-bloctype 0...2
The possible piece set
0: Only flat pieces.
1: Some 3D pieces.
2: All possible pieces with less or equal than 5 cubes.
Setting while playing
The following options can be modified even in the middle of a game.
-keyboard 0...4
This switch chooses keyboard type:
0: Use key table, given by -keytable
5: SPATIAL is the set of keys of the spatial Tetris
Displays the zoo (all possible pieces) when game starts.
Displays the score table when game starts.
-draw 0 or 2
Draw mode.
0: for wire frame piece
2: for transparent piece.
On slow host, 0 is necessary.
Starts game with smooth drawing.
In this mode, pieces don't fall.
By the way scores are not saved.
Next piece is shown.
By the way score are multiplied by 0.7
Distance between the eyes. Use 0 to disable stereo vision
Related file
Directory which contains the score tables, HTML documentation and
Defaults for Xbl, this file only contains
the option line for Xbl.
xbl*args: -x 5 -y 5 -z 10 -level 0 -bloctype 2 -land 0 -draw 0 -clearline 0 \
-buttonheight -1 -buffer 2 -keyboard 4 -keytable "14789632azqswx ^]p^C"
The binary
Environment variables
Xbl will search its options in this variable, you can put:
XBLOPTIONS='-smooth -draw 0' export XBLOPTIONS
in your .profile or .login file.
Buffering methods
Some xbl ``bugs''
If you have display problems, use -buffer 2 option,
it works on any screen.
SOUND isn't correct on some X server, no possible correction.
On Sun, DECstation, Tektro, ... sound tonality doesn't change.
On xfree386, sound duration isn't taken into account.
FLICKING DISPLAY on some X server that doesn't handle
XSync correctly. You can turn around using:
-buffer 2 option.
This is for DECstation, RISC6000, Tektronix and many others.
DIRTY POINT on screen because some X servers don't draw the same pixels
for the same segment. You can turn around using:
-clearline 0 or -linewidth 1 options.
FOCUS WINDOW doesn't work with OpenWin, so put the cursor in the game window
to play. To pause the game you must use key `p'.
DEMO mode seems to cheat (blocs going through other blocs) but
it is because the visualization show a direct way (it sums
all the transformations up).
In fact, the real way could use very complex and tortuous indirect path.
The program doesn't read XENVIRONMENT file.
Bugs on old systems:
- On HP9000/835/CHX problems with Tile.
- On HPUX7.0 a /bin/sh bug kills configure script if you create it
with autoconf command.
To turn around : Delete comments (in configure) line 2 to 6 after the last
"cat <<EOF >config.status"
- On Tektronix XP terminal, some pixel from void are drawn before some
text of menu button.... It's a Tektronix BUG!!!!! (they corrected it)
Speed depends on your display's hardware!
The fastest buffer mode is not the same on every display.
Some buffer modes are unusable (0) or ugly (4,5).
The buffer modes 1 and 2 are perfect on any screen.
The buffer mode 3 is display dependent.
Results are obtained by: make speedtest
Empty case if NA buffering mode.
Speeds are in frames by second.
Speeds >100 are very approximate.
Speed table
| | drawmode=0 (wireframe) | drawmode=2 (faces) |
| +-----------------------+-------------------+-----------------------+
| | clearline=0 | clearline=1 | |
|CPU |DISPL| 0 1 2 3 4 5 | 1 2 3 4 5 | 0 1 2 3 4 5 |
|486 |486 | 6| | 18| | | 17| | 13| | | 13| 5| | 14| | | 13|
|586 |586 | 76| 30|166| 55| 76|250| 31|111|125|250|125| 43| 26| 90| 37| 43| 62|
|715a|715a |333|333|250|500|100|500|250|100|333|100|100|142| 52| 52|166|200|166|
|710a|710a |166|125|125|166|500|200|125| 50|166|333| 62|100| 6| 4|100|142|100|
|715a|T330 |166|100|111| 43|250|166|142| 43| 43|250| 83| 14| 12| 13| 15| 15| 15|
|Indy|Indy |166|100| 52|250|250|142|111| 66|250|250| 90|111| 62| 40|125|125| 90|
|sun4|sun4 | 43| |142| | |200| | 55| | | 62| 28| | 55| | | 55|
|Sun4|Sun4 |125| 90| 76|100|250|142|111| 62| 83|333| 83| 90| 38| 34| 66|200|100|
|SUn4|SUn4 |142|100| 83| 62|333|142|125| 66|111|333| 83|111| 37| 34| 66|250|111|
|R600|R600 |142| 43| 43|166|333| 52| 45| 27|142|250| 23| 76| 12| 12| 90|125| 43|
|Digo|Digo |142|142|111|333|333|250|200|100|500|500| 66|125|100| 76|250|250|142|
|Dec5|Dec5 | 50| 62| 90| 37| 58|125| 55| 55| 76|250| 76| 33| 40| 38| 22| 37| 58|
List of tested workstation
486: CPU HARDWARE = 486SX25 w/o FPA
SYSTEM = LINUX 0.99pl9 (SLS 1.02)
X SERVER = XFree386 1.2, VGA2 generic, non-banked
COMPILER = GCC 2.3.3 with -O2 option
NOTES = Needs ``-clearline 0'' option
586: CPU HARDWARE = Pentium 90
X SERVER = XFree386 3.1, SVGA clgd5434, 8 planes
COMPILER = GCC 2.5.8 with -O2 option
NOTES = Bug in colormap switching, don't use buffer=3
715a: CPU HARDWARE = HP9000/715/75
X SERVER = 24planes (using 8)
710a: CPU HARDWARE = HP9000/710/50
X SERVER = 8planes
Indy: CPU_HARDWARE = INDY, IP22 mips
X SERVER = 8planes
NOTES = Needs ``-clearline 0'' option
X SERVER = 24planes (using 8)
NOTES = Needs ``-clearline 0'' option
sun4: CPU_HARDWARE = SPARC2 (sun4c)
X SERVER = 1plane
Sun4: as "sun4"
X SERVER = 8planes
SUn4: as "Sun4"
R600: CPU HARDWARE = RISC 6000 (uname -a gave: 000004153000)
X SERVER = 8planes
Dec5: CPU_HARDWARE = DEC station 5000/200
X SERVER = 8planes
NOTES = Needs ``-clearline 0'' option
List of tested X terminals
T330: X SERVER = 8 planes, Tektronix XP330 Version: 6.0.0
TODO list
Some generic question or goal:
- Why there is problems with XFREE VGA16 on LINUX for drawing polygon on pixmap?
- Why on 1 LINUX system XTranslateGeometry kill the twm and fvwm?
- With OpenWin: find how to receive the focus event.
- Find how to receive the destroy window event.
- A best Sound (with rplay or another standard).
- Add a key as `space' but pushing piece only one level.
For the future versions:
- For version 2.0: Obstacles.
- For version 3.0: Two players extension.
Changes history
0.0 --> 0.1
Uses only 4 planes for buffering=1 option.
Color Legend.
A little bit of sound.
Displays next piece.
0.1 --> 0.2
Best choice of the grey level.
Changing piece type doesn't change world size.
Possibility to change font.
Displays the zoo, and adds some missing pieces.
Options to see score and zoo.
Displays frame/second number.
Uses ``autoconf'' to create ``configure''
Accelerates line block moving, clearing the block by redrawing line.
Adds various buffering mode.
buffer=-1 mode for automatic choice.
Uses less plane for black and white option.
Adds a button to choose keyboard.
3D buttons and background color choice.
Uses Keypad on Sun.
0.2 --> 0.2a
Only bug correction:
Uses a STDLIB_H define to include <stdlib.h>
Doesn't core dump if copyright file isn't install.
Checks if fonts can be loaded.
0.2a --> 0.2b
For score table, tries to get name with:
Checks if default font can be loaded.
Error message if ``lockf'' fails.
Debug ``-display'' and ``-geometry'' options.
Adds ``shar'' goal in ``Makefile.in''
0.2b --> 0.2c
Doesn't use "lockf" if F_LOCK is not defined.
Uses "xmkmf" or "imake" informations if they exist.
0.2c --> 0.2d
Adds man pages.
Doesn't stop game after one play if score directory isn't installed
0.2d --> 0.2e
Now works on: Grayscale,StaticGray,StaticColor,TrueColor,
On DirectColor: displays in black and white.
Modified defaults options ("Xbl.ad") to increase portability and speed
Improved scoring method (Fibonacci function of level)
0.2e --> 0.2f
New menu window with real three D buttons
The zoo only shows possible piece (FLAT,COMPLEX,PIECE)
The iconify button is now taken into account.
0.2f --> 0.2g
The BELL is reset after each game sound.
Speed test for help choosing the good buffer mode added.
Only uses GCFunction=GXCopy: it's 10 times faster than other.....
0.2g --> 0.2h
Removes some LINT errors
Creates "Xbl.iafa"
Displays an "Xbl message" on X11 error (for the BadAlloc)
and explains how to use less X11 memory.
Computes minimum "select" time. But this was cancelled (bad idea)
The "cancel key" is ^] and not ^[, some keyboards have an ESC key
near the game key... it's terrible to cancel a good game...
0.2h --> 0.2i
Adds message on game window: "To start or resume game....."
Ports to LINUX(SLS, 486SX25 w/o FPA), removes GCC -Wall warnings
You can now use Cursor key to translate block.
Changes the rotation display, they are now much prettier.
Now takes resource "font".
Adds the -1 value for button height (font dependent)
Reduces DRASTICALLY the number of floating point operations.
Adds the "spatial" buttons.
Adds options -zoogeometry -menugeometry -scoregeometry
Gives the current command line to the Window Manager (with all options)
Able to display on non-default screen.
Displays score in the game window title.
Removes all keypress in the input queue when a new game start
Removes a nice bug! When you continuously stroke "space" key the block
floated over the floor!!!!!
Max size for menu and score window and fixed ratio for zoo window
0.2i --> 0.2j
New help with the picture of a cube
0.2j --> 0.2k
Adds linewidth option.
Adds demo mode.
Now works on a visual with a number of color cells not a power of 2
Correct the search of a best visual, it now work.... see BUGS
0.2k --> 1.0
TIME_TO_DEMO is now an option
Remove a bug in options scanning
Add iso8859 for the fonts
Add "sys/select.h" detection for AIX
1.0 --> 1.0a
Remove some warning.
Bug found by martin@oc2.oc.chemie.th-darmstadt.de (Martin Kroeker)
The "setargs" function crash the game & window manager
1.0a --> 1.0b
Look the value returned by "XrmGetResource" not the pointer value.
Turn around a bug in "menu.c" who need to be corrected (LINUX)
No more core-dump on Berkeley system if DISPLAY isn't set
Bug found by Ken-Ju Jung <kjung@decster.uta.edu>
1.0b --> 1.0c
The option abbreviation are no more valid (option.c)
Bug found by Harro Kremer <kremer@cs.utwente.nl>
1.0c --> 1.0d
Remove all lint warnings (Silicon's lint is the best)
Remove "gcc -Wall" warning except those for "printf" format
Now the -colormap option really works!!!
In the makefile, "\"" make an error on few "csh", remove it.
1.0d --> 1.0e
Only a complet documentation change: use HTML file.
1.0e --> 1.0f
Remove an INSTALLATION bug, due to coexisting release of X11.
reuben@rutcor.rutgers.edu (Reuben J. Settergren).
1.0f --> 1.0g
Small enhancement in documentation.
"configure" is now executed with "/bin/sh"
1.0g --> 1.0h
Keyboard decoding is rewrote to consider the case where
XK_KP_Left is named XK_Left (and the other cursor keys)
1.0h --> 1.0i
Problem with space in font name corrected. Thanks to Richard Skelton
1.0i --> 1.0j
Add the trademark on Blockout
1.0j --> 1.0k
Fix a missing block shape and a duplicate one. Thanks to Nerius Landys
Some installation process enhancement.
The default group install is the GID of "games".
Realtime: less bugs, nicer, use less CPU, choose FPS.
Stereovision (You cross the eyes to see in 3D)
Small delay before the start of a new game.
thank all the people who gave me ideas, help, bugs:
Thomas.Chaboud@eurocontrol.fr (Thomas Chaboud)
jwz@lucid.com (Jamie Zawinski)
mqh@mqh.cit.cornell.edu (Mike Hojnowski)
g1berand@cdf.toronto.edu (Leung Chung Shing Anderson)
lemke@lupine.uucp (Dave Lemke)
nlandys@nerius.com (Nerius Landys)
And many others.
Blockout is a registered trademark of Kadon Enterprises, Inc., used by permission.