# linux-lib.pl # Functions for reading linux format last output # passfiles_type() # Returns 0 for old-style passwords (/etc/passwd only), 1 for FreeBSD-style # (/etc/master.passwd) and 2 for SysV (/etc/passwd & /etc/shadow) sub passfiles_type { return &password_file($config{'shadow_file'}) ? 2 : 0; } # groupfiles_type() # Returns 0 for normal group file (/etc/group only) and 2 for shadowed # (/etc/group and /etc/gshadow) sub groupfiles_type { return &password_file($config{'gshadow_file'}) ? 2 : 0; } # open_last_command(handle, user) sub open_last_command { local ($fh, $user) = @_; open($fh, "last $user |"); } # read_last_line(handle) # Parses a line of output from last into an array of # user, tty, host, login, logout, period sub read_last_line { $fh = $_[0]; while(1) { chop($line = <$fh>); if (!$line) { return (); } if ($line =~ /system boot/) { next; } if ($line =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)?\s+(\S+\s+\S+\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+)\s+\-\s+(\S+)\s+\((\d+:\d+)\)/) { return ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 eq "down" ? "Shutdown" : $5, $6); } elsif ($line =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)?\s+(\S+\s+\S+\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+)\s+still/) { return ($1, $2, $3, $4); } } } # logged_in_users() # Returns a list of hashes containing details of logged-in users sub logged_in_users { local @rv; open(WHO, "who |"); while() { if (/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+)\s+(\((\S+)\))?/) { push(@rv, { 'user' => $1, 'tty' => $2, 'when' => $3, 'from' => $5 }); } } close(WHO); return @rv; } # encrypt_password(password) sub encrypt_password { local $md5 = 0; if (&foreign_check("pam")) { # Use the PAM module if we can &foreign_require("pam", "pam-lib.pl"); local @conf = &foreign_call("pam", "get_pam_config"); local ($svc) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq 'passwd' } @conf; LOOP: foreach $m (@{$svc->{'mods'}}) { if ($m->{'type'} eq 'password') { if ($m->{'args'} =~ /md5/) { $md5++; } elsif ($m->{'module'} =~ /pam_stack\.so/ && $m->{'args'} =~ /service=(\S+)/) { # Referred to another service! ($svc) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $1 } @conf; if ($svc) { goto LOOP } else { last; } } } } } elsif (open(PAM, "/etc/pam.d/passwd")) { # Otherwise try to check the PAM file directly while() { s/#.*$//g; $md5++ if (/^password.*md5/); } close(PAM); } if (open(DEFS, "/etc/login.defs")) { # The login.defs file is used on debian sometimes while() { s/#.*$//g; $md5++ if (/MD5_CRYPT_ENAB\s+yes/i); } close(DEFS); } if ($md5 && !$config{'skip_md5'}) { # MD5 encrypt the password, using the same algorithm as PAM local $mode = 1; eval "use MD5"; if ($@) { $mode = 2; eval "use Digest::MD5"; if ($@) { &header($text{'error'}, ""); print "

\n"; print &text('usave_edigestmd5', "/config.cgi?$module_name", "/cpan/download.cgi?source=3&cpan=Digest::MD5"), "

\n"; print "

\n"; &footer("", $text{'index_return'}); exit; } } local $passwd = $_[0]; local $magic = '$1$'; local $salt = substr(time(), -8); # Add the password, magic and salt local $ctx = ($mode == 1 ? new MD5 : new Digest::MD5); $ctx->add($passwd); $ctx->add($magic); $ctx->add($salt); # Add some more stuff from the hash of the password and salt local $ctx1 = ($mode == 1 ? new MD5 : new Digest::MD5); $ctx1->add($passwd); $ctx1->add($salt); $ctx1->add($passwd); local $final = $ctx1->digest(); for($pl=length($passwd); $pl>0; $pl-=16) { $ctx->add($pl > 16 ? $final : substr($final, 0, $pl)); } # This piece of code seems rather pointless, but it's in the C code that # does MD5 in PAM so it has to go in! local $j = 0; local ($i, $l); for($i=length($passwd); $i; $i >>= 1) { if ($i & 1) { $ctx->add("\0"); } else { $ctx->add(substr($passwd, $j, 1)); } } $final = $ctx->digest(); # This loop exists only to waste time for($i=0; $i<1000; $i++) { $ctx1 = ($mode == 1 ? new MD5 : new Digest::MD5); $ctx1->add($i & 1 ? $passwd : $final); $ctx1->add($salt) if ($i % 3); $ctx1->add($passwd) if ($i % 7); $ctx1->add($i & 1 ? $final : $passwd); $final = $ctx1->digest(); } # Convert the 16-byte final string into a readable form local $rv = $magic.$salt.'$'; local @final = map { ord($_) } split(//, $final); $l = ($final[ 0]<<16) + ($final[ 6]<<8) + $final[12]; $rv .= &to64($l, 4); $l = ($final[ 1]<<16) + ($final[ 7]<<8) + $final[13]; $rv .= &to64($l, 4); $l = ($final[ 2]<<16) + ($final[ 8]<<8) + $final[14]; $rv .= &to64($l, 4); $l = ($final[ 3]<<16) + ($final[ 9]<<8) + $final[15]; $rv .= &to64($l, 4); $l = ($final[ 4]<<16) + ($final[10]<<8) + $final[ 5]; $rv .= &to64($l, 4); $l = $final[11]; $rv .= &to64($l, 2); return $rv; } else { local $salt = chr(int(rand(26))+65) . chr(int(rand(26))+65); return crypt($_[0], $salt); } } @itoa64 = split(//, "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); sub to64 { local ($v, $n) = @_; local $r; while(--$n >= 0) { $r .= $itoa64[$v & 0x3f]; $v >>= 6; } return $r; } 1;