ABSIMP - (SHARE1;) supplements the built-in simplification rules for ABS andSIGNUM. ANTID - (SHARE2;) Integrates (antidifferentiates) expressions involving an unspecified function and its derivatives. APLOT2 - belongs to PLOT2 AIRY - (SHARE1;) Contains the AIRY functions and their derivatives, both numerically and a bit symbolically; has the GRADEFS that TAYLOR uses. Written by LPH. ARRAY - various functions for handling arrays (e.g. changing array dimensions, filling arrays from a list). ASYMP - (SHARE1;) A package for the evaluation of bounds on Feynman Diagrams. ASYMPA - (SHARE1;) does asymptotic analysis, including big-Oh and little-oh simplification. ATRIG1 - (SHARE1;) contains some additional automatic simplifications for ACOS and ASIN. BESSEL - obtains Bessel functions J and I for real arg and integer order. Bessel function J for complex arg and nonneg real order. Airy function Ai of real arg. Plasma Dispersion function (Complex Error function), and a generator of random numbers with a normal distribution. BINIO - (SHARE2;) belongs to PLOT2 BOXERY - additional BOX manipulation commands, including transparent boxes. For info, :SEND to JLK. BRMBRG - (SHARE2;) BIGFLOAT version of ROMBRG numerical integration BROM - (SHARE2;) BIGFLOAT version of Romberg numerical integration. CFORTR (SHARE1;) - A new function for generating FORTRAN. CGAMMA - Gamma function for complex arguments. COMPAC - (SHARE1;) This package has been withdrawn. See DESCRIBE(COLLAPSE). CTENSR - for a user-specified metric, enables explicit computation of Christoffel symbols, Ricci tensor, Riemann tensor, and other tensor quantities of interest in diff- erential geometry and gravitation theory. DBLINT - (SHARE1;) A numerical double integral routine which uses Simpson's rule on translated/compiled functions. Written by LPH. DECLIN - (SHARE1;) Functions for declaring linear operators with several arguments. DELTA - (SHARE1;) integrals with Dirac deltas DESOLN - solves differential equations or systems of them using Laplace transforms. DETERM - (SHARE1;) the Bareiss two-step determinant algorithm. DIFSOL - (SHARE2;) solves differential equations or systems of them using Laplace transforms. DIFFER - (SHARE2;) Linear difference equation package. DIMEN - (SHARE1;) dimensional analysis. DISOL - (SHARE2;) does ISOLATE's job for multiple variables. DSKUSE - (SHARE2;) Functions for finding out about disk usage on this machine. DUMP - saves and loads number arrays efficiently DUMPAR - NEWIO version of DUMP/LOADARRAYS compatible with OLDIO format Soon to be installed as standard version, in which case replace DUMPAR FASL by a link to COMMON; (CFFK - 16 July 1977) EIGEN - computes right eigenvectors, right unit eigenvectors, eigenvalues, and similarity transforms. ELIM - (SHARE1;) eliminates variables from equations by taking resultants. ELLIPT - Some complete elliptic integrals and Jacobian elliptic functions. FACEXP - (SHARE1;) Several functions for controlled expansion of rational expressions. FACEX1 - belongs to FACEXP FACT - Taylor series of the gamma function. FFT - routines form Fast Fourier Transform and inverse FFTs FIDO - (SHARE2;) a program named FIDO that acts like DDT's fido program without wasting a whole job slot in a crowded system. FOPTIM - (SHARE1;) a program which accepts function-names as arguments, and calls OPTIMIZE on their definitions. Subject to same restrictions as OPTIMIZE but saves some of the clumsiness of accessing and restoring definition. FORMAT - for pretty printing floating point numbers according to a specified precision, total width, or fractional width. FORMA1 - same as above, but still nicer to the eye. FORTRA - produces FORTRAN-compatible code from MACSYMA using TECO. FOURIE - (SHARE1;) calculate Fourier series and Fourier integral coefficients. Also, there are various utility functions to do such things as replace all occurrences of F(arg) by arg in an expression. FUNCTS - assorted useful functions. Their names are CONJUGATE, REMPART, WRONSKIAN, ADJOINT, TRACEMATRIX, RATIONAL, ODD, UPROBE, KRONECKER, NONZEROANDFREEOF, LINEAR, LCM, and QUADRATIC. GAMALG - Part of a package for Feynman diagram calculations in high-energy physics. Takes traces (in n dimensions), squares amplitudes, manipulates untraced strings of gamma matrices, and much more. (Manual is in GAM USAGE) GAMMA - (SHARE1;) computes a truncated asymptotic expansion for the gamma function. GRIND - a TECO program which "grinds" (formats) BATCH files. GROB - (SHARE1;) Implementation of the "Grobner basis" algorithm for ideal membership and other basic computations in polynomial rings over fields. HYPGEO - (SHARE1;) definite integration of special functions (Bessel, Whittaker, Legendre, Orthogonal Polys, Incomplete Gamma, etc.) by conversion to hypergeometric functions. Currently handles only Laplace type integrals; i.e., INTEGRAL(F(Z)*EXP(-P*Z),Z,0,inf). IFFUN - belongs to PLOT2. INTEQN - (SHARE1;) an integral equation solver. INTEXS - (SHARE1;) Integral equations used by INTEQN. INTPOL - roots of transcendental equations by interpolation. INTSCE - (SHARE1;) smartly integrates expressions of the form EXP(a*X+b)*COS(c*X)^n*SIN(c*X)^m . INVERT - (SHARE1;) finds the inverse of a matrix using the adjoint method. ITENSR - MACSYMA's indicial tensor manipulation package. Unlike ETENSR, which carries out tensor operations explicitly, this package works on the tensor indices and is truly symbolic. KN - (SHARE2;) recursion relation for modified bessel function k . LINDE1 - (SHARE2;) solves first order linear ordinary differential equations. LEXPR - implementation of functions of unknown knumbers of actual parameters, by the use of a new ":==" function defining operation. subject to an initial condition. LRATS - two functions related to RATSUBST: one is a recursive form of RATSUBST, and the other is an enhancement of RATSUBST which allows multiple serial substitution in the manner of SUBST. MMACRO - an implementation of user definable macsyma macros. which is something equivalent to making the evaluator user extendable. NDIFFQ - (SHARE2;) runge-kutta, uses fast macsyma declared arrays and translated functions, self documenting, coded in lisp by GJC. NUMRCL - (NUMER;) Various numerical hacks including Gaussian quadratures, simpson's rule, bessel functions, mappings over declared arrays, smoothings and quadratures of functions defined by arrays. coded by GJC. See the NUMER directory for other stuff. ODE - solves ordinary differential equations of 1st, 2nd and a few higher orders by a very large number of methods (including ODE2). ODE2 - solves ordinary differential equations of 1st and 2nd order. OPTIMU - (NUMER;) Functions for generating programming constructs from macsyma mathematical expressions. Automatic optimizing, MODE declaration, and function defining. -GJC. OPTMIZ - (SHARE2;) does analytic optimization. Finds the stationary points of a multivariate objective function. OPTVAR - (SHARE2;) does variational optimization: the calculus of variations, the maximum principle, and optimal control. PFAFF - (SHARE2;) contains a function which evaluates Pfaffians. PINVRS - (SHARE2;) computes matrix inverse by partitioning. PLOT2 - plotting for Tektronix 4013, Imlacs the XGP and the Gould lineprinter capabilities include all those provided by the MACSYMA plotting package and much more. PLOT3D - belongs to PLOT2 PRINT - belongs to PLOT2 QUAL - does qualitative analysis, determining bounds, monotonicity, convexity, structure, periods, symmetries, poles, zeros, stationary points, and asymptotics of general expressions. QQ- (SHARE1;) Adaptive quadrature for fast numerical integrations. Has 3 and 4 arg versions of QUANC8. Written by LPH. RDUCON (SHARE1;) - A function which replaces constant subexpressions with new generated constants. RECUR - recurrence relation program. Written by John Ivie of UCB REVERT(expr,var) - (SHARE2;) for reversion of series. Programmed by Wilson. RNCOMB - Similar to COMBINE, but unlike COMBINE it combines terms whose denominators may differ by numerical factors. The "RN" in RNCOMBINE stands for RationalNumber. Written by ASB. OROMBR - (SHARE2;) does Romberg numerical integration. ROMBRG - an alternate version of ROMBER. SCIFAC (SHARE1;) - A new scientific factoring function. SEQOPT (SHARE1;) - A code sequence optimization function. SERIES - solution of second (and some first) order differential equations by substitution of infinite series(method of Frobenius). Attempts to find a complete solution in closed form. SETS (SHARE1;) - provides a fast SETS package. TEKPLT - belongs to PLOT2 TRGSMP - an alternative trigonometric-hyperbolic simplifier. UNITS - does automatic conversion of units to metric, and provides a check on the dimensional homogeniety of expressions. VECT - vector algebra and calculus, including simplification, expansion into curvilinear coordinates, scalar potentials, and vector potentials. VECTOR - various vector operations are included, e.g. DIV, GRAD, DOTDEL, CROSS, LAPLACIAN, and CURL. WORLD - belongs to PLOT2