Share;Fileop -- some file primitives for Macsyma users. Macsyma now provides some useful simple file primitives which were formerly only available in other system programs. To print the contents of a file on your terminal, say Printfile(file,name,dsk,me); To list your directory, say Listfiles(dsk,me). If you use a shared directory such as Users or Plasma, only your files--the ones with your login name as first file name--will be shown. The length and date of creation of each file is also shown. The function Filelength returns the length of the file argument in blocks. In order to list just the names of your files without the length and date information, use Qlistfiles (Quick LIST Files) with the same arguments as Listfiles. The function Renamefile(oldname,newname) renames a file from oldname to newname. - (kmp, 6/7/79) Details. The Printfile command takes the same argument syntax as Loadfile; the other two take the syntax of Writefile. Listfiles indicates whether each file is stored on secondary disk and whether it has been backed up to tape (an exclamation point appears if it has not). The Filelength command returns the length in blocks: there are five characters in a word and 1024 words in a disk block. Files may not be renamed across directories or devices. Both oldname and newname must be on the same directory. Renaming a file to a filename that already exists gives an error. You must explicitly Delfile the existing file first if that's what you want. Both oldname and newname must be list-type filespecs. example: Renamefile([myold,file,dsk,foo],[mynew,file]); - (kmp, 6/7/79)