Numerical routines for Elliptic Functions and Complete Elliptic Integrals (Notation of Abramowitz and Stegun, Chs 16 & 17) Do: LOAD(ELLIPT); At present all arguments MUST be floating point. You'll get nonsense otherwise. Be warned. Jacobian elliptic functions AM(U,M) amplitude with modulus M AM1(U,M1) ampiltude with complementary modulus M1 AM(U,M):=AM1(U,1-M); so use AM1 if M ~ 1 SN(U,M):=SIN(AM(U,M)); CN(U,M):=COS(AM(U,M)); DN(U,M):=SQRT(1-M*SN(U,M)^2); These functions come defined like this. Others CD, NS etc. may be similarly defined. Complete Elliptic Integrals ELLIPTK(M) Complete elliptic integral of first kind ELLIPTK1(M1) Same but with complementary modulus. ELLIPTK(M):=ELLIPTK1(1-M); so use if M ~ 1 ELLIPTE(M) Complete elliptic integral of second kind ELLIPTE1(M1) Same but with complementary modulus. ELLIPTE(M):=ELLIPTE1(1-M); so use if M ~ 1