To efficiently save and load number arrays do: LOAD(DUMP); DUMPARRAYS([],); to save them and LOADARRAYS(); to load them back in. the arrays must be number arrays. i.e. as produced by ARRAY(,INTEGER, .. ); or ARRAY(,FLOAT, .. ); the defaulting of is identical to the SAVE and LOADFILE commands. e.g. DUMPARRAYS(); dumps them in the default file. example: LOAD(DUMP); ARRAY(FOO,FLOAT,2,3,4); FOO[1,2,3]:EV(%PI,NUMER); ARRAY(BAR,INTEGER,20); FOR I FROM 1 THRU 20 DO BAR[I]:I; DUMPARRAYS([ARRAYS],FOO,BAR); saves FOO and BAR into the file ARRAYS. In a fresh MACSYMA, LOAD(DUMP); LOADARRAYS(ARRAYS); BAR[5]; ==> 5 FOO[1,2,3]; ==> 3.14159.. The amount of room occupied by these files is roughly 1/2 of what is needed when saving the arrays using the SAVE command. More importantly it doesn't require chunks of FLONUM or FIXNUM space as the SAVE command sometimes does.