(Darren Moffat supplied the initial version of the Readline module.)
The Readline module is a straightforward interface to the GNU
Readline library. As such, you will need to look at the GNU
documentation (and have a libreadline.a file around somewhere…)
The main function you'll use is:
readline :: String{-the prompt-} -> IO (Maybe String) |
If you want to mess around with Full Readline G(l)ory, we also
type KeyCode = Char
type CallbackFunction =
(Int -> -- Numeric Argument
KeyCode -> -- KeyCode of pressed Key
IO Int) -- What's this?
initialize :: IO ()
addHistory :: String -> IO ()
bindKey :: KeyCode -> CallbackFunction -> IO ()
addDefun :: String -> CallbackFunction -> Maybe KeyCode -> IO ()
getReadlineName :: IO String
setReadlineName :: String -> IO ()
getLineBuffer :: IO String
setLineBuffer :: String -> IO ()
getPoint :: IO Int
setPoint :: Int -> IO ()
getEnd :: IO Int
setEnd :: Int -> IO ()
getMark :: IO Int
setMark :: Int -> IO ()
setDone :: Bool -> IO ()
setPendingInput :: KeyCode -> IO ()
getPrompt :: IO String
getTerminalName :: IO String
inStream :: Handle
outStream :: Handle |
(All those names are just Haskellised versions of what you
will see in the GNU readline documentation.)