
NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.64 ">

7.8. POSIX Errors

getErrorCode :: IO ErrorCode

getErrorCode returns the current value of the external variable errno. It never fails.

setErrorCode :: ErrorCode -> IO ()

setErrorCode err sets the external variable errno to err. It never fails.

noError :: ErrorCode
noError = 0

argumentListTooLong, e2BIG              :: ErrorCode
badFd, eBADF                            :: ErrorCode
brokenPipe, ePIPE                       :: ErrorCode
directoryNotEmpty, eNOTEMPTY            :: ErrorCode
execFormatError, eNOEXEC                :: ErrorCode
fileAlreadyExists, eEXIST               :: ErrorCode
fileTooLarge, eFBIG                     :: ErrorCode
filenameTooLong, eNAMETOOLONG           :: ErrorCode
improperLink, eXDEV                     :: ErrorCode
inappropriateIOControlOperation, eNOTTY :: ErrorCode
inputOutputError, eIO                   :: ErrorCode
interruptedOperation, eINTR             :: ErrorCode
invalidArgument, eINVAL                 :: ErrorCode
invalidSeek, eSPIPE                     :: ErrorCode
isADirectory, eISDIR                    :: ErrorCode
noChildProcess, eCHILD                  :: ErrorCode
noLocksAvailable, eNOLCK                :: ErrorCode
noSpaceLeftOnDevice, eNOSPC             :: ErrorCode
noSuchOperationOnDevice, eNODEV         :: ErrorCode
noSuchDeviceOrAddress, eNXIO            :: ErrorCode
noSuchFileOrDirectory, eNOENT           :: ErrorCode
noSuchProcess, eSRCH                    :: ErrorCode
notADirectory, eNOTDIR                  :: ErrorCode
notEnoughMemory, eNOMEM                 :: ErrorCode
operationNotImplemented, eNOSYS         :: ErrorCode
operationNotPermitted, ePERM            :: ErrorCode
permissionDenied, eACCES                :: ErrorCode
readOnlyFileSystem, eROFS               :: ErrorCode
resourceBusy, eBUSY                     :: ErrorCode
resourceDeadlockAvoided, eDEADLK        :: ErrorCode
resourceTemporarilyUnavailable, eAGAIN  :: ErrorCode
tooManyLinks, eMLINK                    :: ErrorCode
tooManyOpenFiles, eMFILE                :: ErrorCode
tooManyOpenFilesInSystem, eNFILE        :: ErrorCode