

Applications often use Toolbars to provide shortcuts to commonly-used menu items, such as File|Open or File|Save. They contain a row of buttons, usually with an icon. Each toolbar item can have an icon, a label, and a tooltip. You will often be able to reuse standard gtkmm stock items such as Gtk::Stock::SAVE.

Elements are inserted by using classes from the Gtk::Toolbar_Helpers namespace. The various helper objects are:

  • Element - used for inserting arbitrary widgets

  • Space - a blank spot, used to separate groups of elements

  • ButtonElem - a regular button element

  • ToggleElem - a toggle-button element

  • RadioElem - a radio-button element

Here's the constructor for Element:

Element(Widget& w,
        const Glib::ustring& tooltip_text=0,
        const Glib::ustring& tooltip_private_text=0);

w is the widget to insert, and tooltip_text is the text for the element's tooltip. You can ignore tooltip_private_text.

The constructors for ButtonElem and ToggleElem are exactly alike; each has three forms. Here are the ButtonElem constructors:

// text + icon
ButtonElem(const Glib::ustring& text,
           Widget        & content,
           SigC::Slot0<void>        callback,
           const Glib::ustring& tooltip_text=0,
           const Glib::ustring& tooltip_private_text=0);

// icon only
ButtonElem(Widget        & content,
           SigC::Slot0<void>        callback,
           const Glib::ustring& tooltip_text=0,
           const Glib::ustring& tooltip_private_text=0);

// text only
ButtonElem(const Glib::ustring& text,
           SigC::Slot0<void>        callback,
           const Glib::ustring& tooltip_text=0,
           const Glib::ustring& tooltip_private_text=0);

The only difference between these is whether they take an icon, text, or both as arguments. text is the text to display below the icon. content is the icon; note that any widget can be inserted here, but generally this will be a pixmap or other display widget. callback is the signal handler to use for the button. tooltip_text will be displayed in the button's tooltip, and you can safely ignore tooltip_private_text.

The RadioElem constructors are the same as those for ButtonElem and RadioElem, but they take an additional argument specifying the group for the radio button. Here they are:

// text + icon
RadioElem(Gtk::RadioButton_Helpers::Group& group,
          const Glib::ustring&      text,
          Widget&             content,
          SigC::Slot0<void>   callback=0,
          const Glib::ustring&      tooltip_text=0,
          const Glib::ustring&      tooltip_private_text=0);

// icon only
RadioElem(Gtk::RadioButton_Helpers::Group& group,
          Widget&             content,
          SigC::Slot0<void>   callback=0,
          const Glib::ustring&      tooltip_text=0,
          const Glib::ustring&      tooltip_private_text=0);

// text only
RadioElem(Gtk::RadioButton_Helpers::Group& group,
          const Glib::ustring&      text,
          SigC::Slot0<void>   callback=0,
          const Glib::ustring&      tooltip_text=0,
          const Glib::ustring&      tooltip_private_text=0);

The group argument is the only addition here; it works exactly like the group argument for normal radio buttons. See the Radio Buttons section for details.

The toolbar's contents are manipulated through an STL-like list, which you can obtain using the tools() method:

ToolList& tools();

For example, to add a text-only button tool to the toolbar, we could write
        "Crash",slot(&crash_cb),"Causes the program to dump core");

Since it's inconvenient to have to type Gtk::Toolbar_Helpers all the time, you might want to add a using declaration. However, don't add a global using namespace Gtk::Toolbar_Helpers declaration; place this only in some localised scope, to avoid clashes with other Helpers namespaces.


Figure 10.5. Toolbar

Source Code

File: examplewindow.h


#include <gtkmm.h>

class ExampleWindow : public Gtk::Window
  virtual ~ExampleWindow();

  //Signal handlers:
  virtual void on_button_close();
  virtual void on_toolbar_item();

  //Child widgets:
  Gtk::VBox m_VBox;
  Gtk::HButtonBox m_ButtonBox;
  Gtk::Toolbar m_Toolbar;
  Gtk::Button m_Button_Close;



#include "examplewindow.h"
#include <iostream>

: m_Button_Close("Close")
  set_title("Gtk::Toolbar example");


  //Put a toolbar at the top, and a button underneath:
  m_VBox.pack_start(m_Toolbar, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);

  m_ButtonBox.pack_start(m_Button_Close, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);

  m_Button_Close.signal_clicked().connect( SigC::slot(*this, &ExampleWindow::on_button_close) );

  //Add the toolbar items:
    using namespace Gtk::Toolbar_Helpers; ButtonElem("Click me", SigC::slot(*this, &ExampleWindow::on_toolbar_item), "Toolbar item") ); Space() ); StockElem(Gtk::Stock::SAVE, SigC::slot(*this, &ExampleWindow::on_toolbar_item)) ); ToggleElem("Toggle me", SigC::slot(*this, &ExampleWindow::on_toolbar_item), "toggle duh") );

    Gtk::RadioButton::Group group; RadioElem(group, "Radio 1") ); RadioElem(group, "Radio 2") ); RadioElem(group, "Radio 3") );



void ExampleWindow::on_button_close()

void ExampleWindow::on_toolbar_item()
  std::cout << "Toolbar item clicked." << std::endl;


#include <gtkmm/main.h>
#include "examplewindow.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);

  ExampleWindow window;
  Gtk::Main::run(window); //Shows the window and returns when it is closed.

  return 0;