You can specify a Gtk::TreeModel when constructing the Gtk::TreeView,
or you can use the set_model() method, like so:
You can use the append_column() method to tell the View that it should display certain Model columns,
in a certain order, with a certain column title.
m_TreeView.append_column("Messages", m_Columns.m_col_text);
When using this simple append_column() override, the TreeView will
display the model data with an appropriate CellRenderer. For instance,
strings and
numbers are shown in a simple Gtk::Entry widget, and booleans are
shown in a Gtk::CheckButton. This is usually what you need.
More than one Model Column per View Column
To render more than one model column in a view column, you need to
create the TreeView::Column widget manually, and use pack_start() to
add the model columns to it. Then use append_column() to add the view Column to the
View. Notice that Gtk::View::append_column() is overridden to accept
either a prebuilt Gtk::View::Column widget, or just the
TreeModelColumn from which it generates an appropriate
Gtk::View::Column widget.
Here is some example code from
demos/gtk-demo/example_stockbrowser.cc, which has a pixbuf icon and a
text name in the same column:
Gtk::TreeView::Column* pColumn = Gtk::manage( new Gtk::TreeView::Column("Symbol") );
// m_columns.icon and m_columns.symbol are columns in the model.
// pColumn is the column in the TreeView:
pColumn->pack_start(m_columns.icon, false); //false = don't expand.
Specifying CellRenderer details
The default CellRenderers and their default behaviour will normally
suffice, but you might occasionally need finer control. For instance,
this example code from demos/gtk-demo/example_treestore.cc, manually
constructs a Gtk::CellRenderer widget and instructs it to render the
data from various model columns through various aspects of it's
Gtk::CellRendererToggle* pRenderer = Gtk::manage( new Gtk::CellRendererToggle() );
int cols_count = m_TreeView.append_column("Alex", *pRenderer);
Gtk::TreeViewColumn* pColumn = m_TreeView.get_column(cols_count-1);
pColumn->add_attribute(pRenderer->property_active(), m_columns.alex);
pColumn->add_attribute(pRenderer->property_visible(), m_columns.visible);
pColumn->add_attribute(pRenderer->property_activatable(), m_columns.world);
You can also connect to CellRenderer signals to detect user
actions. For instance:
Gtk::CellRendererToggle* pRenderer = Gtk::manage( new Gtk::CellRendererToggle() );
SigC::bind( SigC::slot(*this, &Example_TreeView_TreeStore::on_cell_toggled), m_columns.dave)
Automatically-stored editable cells.
Cells in a TreeView can be edited in-place by the user. To allow this,
use the Gtk::TreeView insert_column_editable() and
append_column_editable() methods instead of
insert_column() and append_column(). When these cells are edited the
new values will be stored immediately in the Model. Note that these
methods are templates which can only be instantiated for simple column
types such as Glib::ustring, int, and long.
Implementing custom logic for editable cells.
However, you might not want the new values to be stored
immediately. For instance, maybe you want to restrict the input to
certain characters or ranges of values.
To achieve this, you should use the normal Gtk::TreeView
insert_column() and
append_column() methods, then use
get_column_cell_renderer() to get the
Gtk::CellRenderer used by that column. You should cast that Gtk::CellRenderer* to the specific
CellRenderer that you expect, and then connect to the appropriate
"edited" signal. For instance, connect to
Gtk::CellRendererText::signal_edited(), or
Gtk::CellRendererToggle::signal_toggled(). If the
column contains more than one CellRenderer then you will need to use
Gtk::TreeView::get_column() and then call
get_cell_renderers() on that view Column.
In your signal handler, you should examine the new value and then
store it in the Model if that is appropriate for your application.