
Table of Contents

compact.list.item.spacing — What space do you want between list items (when spacing=compact)? — Properties that apply to each list-block generated by itemizedlist. — Properties that apply to each label inside itemized list.
itemizedlist.label.width — The default width of the label (bullet) in an itemized list. — Properties that apply to each list-block generated by list.
list.block.spacing — What spacing do you want before and after lists?
list.item.spacing — What space do you want between list items? — Properties that apply to each list-block generated by orderedlist. — Properties that apply to each label inside ordered list.
orderedlist.label.width — The default width of the label (number) in an ordered list.
variablelist.max.termlength — Specifies the longest term in variablelists
variablelist.term.separator — Text to separate terms within a multi-term varlistentry
variablelist.term.break.after — Generate line break after each term within a multi-term varlistentry?