
Chapter 8. The Key Bindings

The following table lists all the key bindings that are defined in Qt Designer.

Table 8-1. The Key Bindings in Qt Designer

Key Binding Function
Ctrl-A Selects all GUI elements in the currently active form.
Ctrl-B Breaks the currently selected layout so that you can add or delete GUI elements.
Ctrl-C Copies the selected GUI elements from the currently active form into the clipboard.
Alt-E Opens the Edit menu.
Alt-F Opens the File menu.
Ctrl-G Assigns a grid layout to the currently selected container, or creates a new container containing the currently selected GUI elements and assigns a grid layout to this container.
Ctrl-H Assigns a horizontal box layout to the currently selected container, or creates a new container containing the currently selected GUI elements and assigns a horizontal box layout to this container.
Alt-H Opens the Help menu.
Ctrl-J Adjusts the size of the selected GUI element (or elements) so that it has the minimal size needed for displaying itself properly.
Ctrl-L Assigns a vertical box layout to the currently selected container, or creates a new container containing the currently selected GUI elements and assigns a vertical box layout to this container.
Alt-L Opens the Lay Out menu.
Ctrl-M Opens an online version of this manual in the help browser.
Ctrl-N Creates a new form.
Ctrl-O Opens an existing form.
Alt-P Opens the Preview menu.
Ctrl-R Checks the accelerators in the currently active form for duplicates.
Ctrl-S Saves the currently active form.
Ctrl-T Previews the currently active form in the default GUI style of the platform.
Alt-T Opens the Tools menu.
Ctrl-V Pastes the GUI element (or elements) in the clipboard into the currently active form at the position it had in its original form plus a little offset. Does nothing if the clipboard does not contain a GUI element.
Alt-W Opens the Window menu.
Ctrl-X Cuts the selected GUI element (or elements) from the currently active form and puts it into the clipboard.
Ctrl-Y Redoes the last undone action.
Ctrl-Z Undoes the last action.
Del Deletes the selected GUI elements from the currently active form.
F1 Opens the introductory page of the Qt Designer help in the help browser.
Shift-F1 Turns on What's This mode, which lets you click on a GUI element in Qt Designer to get a small description window for this element.
F2 Turns on the pointer tool that lets you select GUI elements.
F3 Turns on the connection tool that lets you edit the connections between signals and slots in a form.
F4 Turns on the tab order tool that lets you change the tab order of the GUI elements on the currently active form.
Ctrl-F4 Closes the currently active window.
Ctrl-F6 Activates the next window in the order of window creation.
Ctrl-Shift-F6 Activates the previous window in the order of window creation.