


The parameter table view-object provides an area containing an editable table of parameter values. The parameter table has an optional title. The table itself consists of one or more columns, each with a number of rows containing a parameter name and a parameter value. The parameter table has an 'active strip' at the top to indicate when the entries may be edited. When the program is prepared to service parameter value edits, then the message 'Edits allowed' is displayed in the active strip. In some cases, parameter values may be displayed as 'toggle' values. These are either a 'Yes/No' toggle or an 'On/Off' toggle. The toggle value is displayed enclosed in a box. Label items with no values are also allowed; these may be useful to group parameters under different headings. A parameter table item may have a popup values menu associated with it to enable the selection of a value from a predefined list of values. The presence of a menu associated with a parameter value is indicated by a rectangle containing a downward pointing arrow positioned at the right hand side of the value field. As an alternative, a step-button may be displayed; this has two parts the upper right portion and the lower left portion which may be selected to enable stepping forward or backward through a series of items (e.g. incrementing or decrementing a count); the actual action taken is under the control of the calling program. (For a given parameter item, toggle values and a popup menu (or step-button) are mutually exclusive) Sometimes, the application may choose to emphasise certain items by displaying them in bold print, perhaps to bring particularly important items to the attention of the user. Also, sometimes the application may choose to make some items 'silent'. These are effectively removed from the display and cannot be seen or modified until restored by the program. If parameter values are too long to be displayed, then scrolling may take place. When a value is being input, text may be 'pasted in' from another window by pressing the middle mouse button.

The following sets of routines are available:

Creating and Handling a Parameter Table View-Object


The following routines are available:

Create a parameter table view-object - xdl_param_table
Get an input value string - xdl_param_table_getvalue
Parameter table error handling - xdl_param_table_error
Set a parameter table item - xdl_param_table_setitem
Set a parameter value string - xdl_param_table_setvalue
Set a parameter values menu - xdl_param_table_setmenu
Set a parameter values button - xdl_param_table_setbutton
Clear a parameter values menu - xdl_param_table_clrmenu
Set item(s) to 'silent' - xdl_param_table_silent
Set item(s) to 'normal' - xdl_param_table_normal
Set item(s) to 'bold' - xdl_param_table_bold
Reset all items to 'normal' - xdl_param_table_all_normal
Delete a parameter table item - xdl_param_table_delitem
Clear the parameter table - xdl_param_table_clearitems
Output a new title - xdl_param_table_newtitle
Calculate size requirements - xdl_param_table_getsize Create a parameter table view-object - xdl_param_table

The routine xdl_param_table (xdlf_param_table) is used to create a new parameter table view-object. The requirements for the table such as the numbers of rows and columns of items and the maximum lengths of item name and value strings are given together with a title if required. The actual items are set individually at a later stage using for example xdl_param_table_setitem (xdlf_param_table_setitem).
Fortran call:
        +                       NROWS, LENNAM, LENVAL, MAXVAL,
        +                       XDLSTR(TITLE), 
        +                       ITLEN, IFONT, IMENU, IERR)
IVH       (R)   View-object handle (see vh)
IVHPARENT (R)   View-object handle for parent 0=none 
                (see vh_parent)
IX        (R)   X position (may be -1 if no parent) (see x)
IY        (R)   Y position (may be -1 if no parent) (see y)
ICSET     (R)   Colorset number (see cset)
NCOLS     (R)   Max. no. of cols of items (see num_cols)
NROWS     (R)   Max. no. rows of items (see num_rows)
LENNAM    (R)   Maximum parameter name length in characters (see
LENVAL    (R)   Maximum length in characters of a parameter value
                string (displayed) (see max_value_disp)
MAXVAL    (R)   Maximum length of value which may be saved
                (if > lenval, then scrolling allowed) (see
TITLE     (R)   Title string for the parameter table (see title)
                ** Pass address using the XDLSTR function **
ITLEN     (R)   The title length > 0 or -1 if no title required 
                (see nt)
IFONT     (R)   Font type (1->5 verysmall->extralarge) 
                (see font_type)
IMENU     (R)   = 1 Allow popup values menus and/or step-button, 
                = 0 do not.
IERR      (W)   Returns status from xdl_param_table call
'C' call:
int xdl_param_table (vh, vh_parent, x, y, cset, num_cols, num_rows, 
                     max_name_chars, max_value_disp, max_value_chars, 
                     title, nt, font_type, menus_allowed)
int       vh;             /* User selected view-object handle (R)*/
int       vh_parent;      /* View-object handle for the parent base frame,
                             if 0 then a base  level frame is created to
                             enclose the i/o window view-object (R)*/
int       x;              /* x coordinate for the view-object.
                             If no parent may be -1 to give default x (R)*/
int       y;              /* y coordinate for the view-object.
                             If no parent may be -1 to give default y (R)*/
int       cset;           /* Number of the colorset to be used - 
                             normally 0 (R)*/
int       num_cols;       /* Maximum number of columns of items in the 
                             parameter table (R)*/
int       num_rows;       /* Maximum number of rows of items in the 
                             parameter table (R)*/
int       max_name_chars; /* Maximum number of characters in a parameter 
                             name string (R)*/
int       max_value_disp; /* Maximum number of characters in a parameter
                             value string which may be displayed (R)*/
int       max_value_chars;/* Maximum number of characters in a parameter 
                             value string which may be stored (R)*/
char      *title;         /* Title string (R)*/
int       nt;             /* Length of title string; if 0 then length 
                             found assuming that 'title' is null 
                             terminated; if -1 then assume that no title 
                             is required (R)*/
int       font_type;      /* Font type (1-5) for very-small, small, medium,
                             large or extra-large font (R)*/
int       menus_allowed;  /* =1 if popup values menus and/or a step-buttons 
                                may be required,
                             =0 if no popup menus or step-buttons are to be 
                                used (R)*/
Return:  Status flag =0 OK, >0 error
                bit 0 set: Requested parent not found in view-objects list
                bit 1 set: Unable to get memory for global data structure
                bit 2 set; Unable to get memory for 'text' array
                bit 3 set; Unable to get memory for parameter details array
                bit 4 set; Unable to get memory for copy of title Get an input value string - xdl_param_table_getvalue

The routine xdl_param_table_getvalue (xdlf_param_table_getvalue) is used to return the new value string after a parameter value has been edited. It will normally be called after the return from a call to xdl_get_events (xdlf_get_events) indicates that a parameter table view-object has returned input. (If a step-button was selected, then the step-button string will be returned)
Fortran call:
        +                                MAXLEN, IERR)
IVH     (R)   View-object handle (see vh)
ITEM    (W)   Returned item number (see item)
STRING  (W)   Returned value character string (see string)
              ** Pass address using the XDLSTR function **
MAXLEN  (R)   Maximum allowed length for returned string ( > 0)
              (cf max_len)
IERR    (W)   Returned status from xdl_param_table_getvalue call
'C' call:
int xdl_param_table_getvalue (vh, item, string, max_len)
int vh;          /* View-object handle (R)*/
int *item;       /* Returns the parameter item number associated with
                    the input value string, 0 if none (W)*/
char string[];   /* Returned string (W)*/
int max_len;     /* If >0 Maximum length of returned string allowed 
                          (excluding terminating null - string must be 
                          at least max_len + 1 characters in length).
                    if <0 abs(max_len) characters will be returned padded
                          with blanks if needed (for 'fortran' use) (R)*/

Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object Parameter table error handling - xdl_param_table_error

The routine xdl_param_table_error (xdlf_param_table_error) is used to display an error notice (using a popup-notice) and replace the parameter value with the old value old value. It will normally be used after a call to xdl_param_table_getvalue (xdlf_param_table_getvalue) if the returned value was found to be invalid. (Note: that error checking is the responsibility of the application program; the parameter table merely returns the string as input.
Fortran call:
        +                             IERR)
IVH     (R)   View-object handle (see vh)
ITEM    (R)   Item number (see item)
ERRSTR  (R)   Error message character string (see errstr)
              ** Pass address using the XDLSTR function **
LEN     (R)   Length of the error string ( > 0 ) (see len)
IERR    (W)   Returned status from xdl_param_table_error call
'C' call:
int xdl_param_table_error (vh, item, errstr, len)
int vh;          /* View-object handle (R)*/
int item;        /* The item number (R) */
char errstr[];   /* The error message for the notice (R)*/
int len;         /* The length of the string; If 0 is given then the 
                    length will be determined assuming a null terminated 
                    string (R) */

Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object Set a parameter table item - xdl_param_table_setitem

The routine xdl_param_table_setitem (xdlf_param_table_setitem) is used to set a parameter name and value string in a parameter table. Items with toggle values may also be set using this routine. Label items (items without values) may also be set. Any value menus required are subsequently set using calls to xdlf_param_table_setmenu (xdl_param_table_setmnu) or any step-buttons using xdlf_param_table_setbutton (xdl_param_table_setbutton).
Fortran call:
        +                              XDLSTR(VALUE), LENVAL, ITOG, 
        +                              IEMPH, IERR)
IVH     (R)   View-object handle (see vh)
ITEM    (R)   Item number (see item)
NAME    (R)   Parameter name character string (see name)
              ** Pass address using the XDLSTR function **
LENNAM  (R)   Length of the name string ( > 0 ) (see len_name)
VALUE   (R)   Parameter value character string (see value)
              ** Pass address using the XDLSTR function **
LENVAL  (R)   Length of the value string ( > 0 ) (see len_value)
ITOG    (R)   Toggle type flag: 0 = normal value, 1,2 on/off 
              toggle, 3,4 yes/no toggle; =-1 Label item 
              (see toggle)
IEMPH   (R)   =0 normal print, =1 bold, =-1 silent (see emphasize)
IERR    (W)   Returned status from xdl_param_table_setitem call
'C' call:
int xdl_param_table_setitem (vh, item, name, len_name, value, 
                             len_value, toggle, emphasize)
int vh;          /* View-object handle (R)*/
int item;        /* Item number (R) */
char * name;     /* Parameter name string (R) */
int len_name;    /* Length of parameter name string; if 0 then
                    length will be found assuming a null terminated 
                    string (R) */
char * value;    /* Parameter value string (ignored for a toggle or label
                    item) (R) */
int len_value;   /* Length of parameter value string; if 0 then
                    length will be found assuming a null terminated 
                    string (ignored for a toggle item) (R) */
int toggle;      /* =0 normal item with a value, =1,2 on/off toggle 
                    (1=on by default, 2=off), =3,4 yes/no toggle 
                    (3=yes by default 4=no), =-1 label item. If toggle is
                     non-zero then the value string is ignored (R) */
int emphasize;   /* =0 normal print, =1 emphasized, =-1 'silent'. Silent
                    items will not appear in the table. They may be made
                    to appear by calling xdl_param_table_all_normal or
                    xdl_param_table_normal or xdl_param_table_bold (R) */

Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object Set a parameter value string - xdl_param_table_setvalue

The routine xdl_param_table_setvalue (xdlf_param_table_setvalue) is used to set or change the value string for a parameter item. A toggle value may be set if required or an item may be converted to a label item. If a toggle value is set, then any popup menu currently defined for the item will be removed.
Fortran call:
        +                                LENVAL, ITOG, IERR)
IVH     (R)   View-object handle (see vh)
ITEM    (R)   Item number (see item)
VALUE   (R)   Parameter value character string (see value)
              ** Pass address using the XDLSTR function **
LENVAL  (R)   Length of the value string ( > 0 ) (see len_value)
ITOG    (R)   Toggle type flag: 0 = normal value, 1,2 on/off 
              toggle, 3,4 yes/no toggle, =-1 change item to
              a label item. (if not 0, value is ignored)
              (see toggle)
IERR    (W)   Returned status from xdl_param_table_setvalue call
'C' call:
int xdl_param_table_setvalue (vh, item, value, len_value, toggle)
int vh;          /* View-object handle (R) */
int item;        /* Item number (R) */
char * value;    /* Parameter value string (ignored if a toggle value set)
                    (R) */
int len_value;   /* Length of parameter value string; if 0 then
                    length will be found assuming a null terminated 
                    string (R) */
int toggle;      /* =0 normal item with a value, =1,2 on/off toggle 
                    (1=on, 2=off), =3,4 yes/no toggle (3=yes, 4=no),
                    =-1 convert to a label item. If toggle is
                    non-zero, then the value string is ignored (R)*/

Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object Set a parameter values menu - xdl_param_table_setmenu

The routine xdl_param_table_setmenu (xdlf_param_table_setmenu) is used to set or change a popup values menu for a parameter item. No menu will be set if the parameter item has a toggle value though one is allowed for a label item.
Fortran call:
        +                               XDLSTR(VALUES), LENV, IERR)
IVH     (R)   View-object handle (see vh)
ITEM    (R)   Parameter table item number (see item)
NVALS   (R)   Number of menu items in the menu (see num_menu_vals)
VALUES  (R)   Fortran array of character strings containing the
              menu item value strings.
              ** Pass address using XDLSTR function **
              (see values)
LENV    (R)   Length of the menu item value character strings
              (must be >0 cf len_vals)
IERR    (W)   Returned status from xdl_param_table_setmenu call
'C' call:
int xdl_param_table_setmenu (vh, item, num_menu_vals, values, len_vals)
int vh;            /* View-object handle (R) */
int item;          /* Item number (R) */
int num_menu_vals; /* Number of value strings in the menu (R)*/
char * values;     /* Value strings - this may either be an array of
                      pointers to num_menu_vals null terminated character
                      strings (len_vals=0) or a character string 
                      num_menu_vals*len_vals in length with each value
                      string occupying len_vals characters (left 
                      justified and padded to the right with blanks if 
                      needed. The strings must remain in place during the 
                      lifetime of the menu in the parameter table (i.e. 
                      until the menu is cleared or the parameter table 
                      deleted) as no copies are made of the strings (R)*/
int len_vals;      /* Values strings length (0 = array of pointers to
                      null terminated character strings (e.g. for 'C'
                      programs) or the length of each value string 
                      (e.g. for Fortran programs). See also the previous
                      item. (R) */
Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object
                  bit 2 set;  Parameter table not set up to allow menus Set a parameter values button - xdl_param_table_setbutton

The routine xdl_param_table_setbutton (xdlf_param_table_setbutton) is used to set or change a step-button for a parameter item. The step-button allows one of two value flags to be returned to the calling program which will then adjust the parameter value. It is intended to enable forward or backward stepping through item values (e.g. incrementing or decrementing a count). No step-button will be set if the parameter item is a label or has a toggle value.
Fortran call:
        +                               XDLSTR(VALUES), LENV, IERR)
IVH     (R)   View-object handle (see vh)
ITEM    (R)   Parameter table item number (see item)
VALUES  (R)   Fortran array of character strings containing the
              two step button values which may be returned to
              indicate which part of the step-button has been 
              selected (first=top right, 2'nd=bottom left)
              ** Pass address using XDLSTR function **
              (see values)
LENV    (R)   Length of the step-button item value character 
              strings (must be >0 cf len_vals)
IERR    (W)   Returned status from xdl_param_table_setbutton call
'C' call:
int xdl_param_table_setbutton (vh, item, values, len_vals)
int vh;            /* View-object handle (R) */
int item;          /* Item number (R) */
char * values;     /* Value strings - this may either be an array of
                      pointers to two null terminated character
                      strings (len_vals=0) or a character string 
                      2*len_vals in length with each value
                      string occupying len_vals characters (left 
                      justified and padded to the right with blanks if 
                      needed. The strings must remain in place during the 
                      lifetime of the button in the parameter table (i.e. 
                      until the button is cleared or the parameter table 
                      deleted) as no copies are made of the strings (R)*/
int len_vals;      /* Values strings length (0 = array of pointers to
                      null terminated character strings (e.g. for 'C'
                      programs) or the length of each value string 
                      (e.g. for Fortran programs). See also the previous
                      item. (R) */
Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object
                  bit 2 set;  Parameter table not set up to allow menus Clear a parameter values menu - xdl_param_table_clrmenu

The routine xdl_param_table_clrmenu (xdlf_param_table_clrmenu) is used to clear (i.e. remove) a popup values menu (or button) for a parameter item.
Fortran call:
IVH     (R)   View-object handle (see vh)
ITEM    (R)   Parameter table item number (see item)
IERR    (W)   Returned status from xdl_param_table_clrmenu call
'C' call:
int xdl_param_table_clrmenu (vh, item)
int vh;            /* View-object handle (R) */
int item;          /* Item number (R) */

Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object Set item(s) to 'silent' - xdl_param_table_silent

The routine xdl_param_table_silent (xdlf_param_table_silent) is used to reset the text_emphasis mode for one or more parameter table items to 'silent' mode. These items will no longer be displayed and cannot be edited whilst in this mode. However the parameter item name and value are still stored and the item may be reinstated using one of the routines: xdl_param_table_normal (xdlf_param_table_normal), xdl_param_table_bold (xdlf_param_table_bold) or xdl_param_table_all_normal (xdlf_param_table_all_normal).
Fortran call:
IVH      (R)  View-object handle (see vh)
NITEMS   (R)  Number of items to set (see num_items)
ITEMS    (R)  Integer array of NITEMS item numbers (see items)
IERR     (W)  Returns status from xdl_param_table_silent call
'C' call:
int xdl_param_table_silent (vh, num_items, items)
int vh;          /* View-object handle (R) */
int num_items;   /* Number of items to be set (R) */
int items[];     /* Array of the num_items item numbers to be set (R) */

Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object Set item(s) to 'normal' - xdl_param_table_normal

The routine xdl_param_table_normal (xdlf_param_table_normal) is used to reset the text_emphasis mode for one or more parameter table items to 'normal' mode.
Fortran call:
IVH      (R)  View-object handle (see vh)
NITEMS   (R)  Number of items to set (see num_items)
ITEMS    (R)  Integer array of NITEMS item numbers (see items)
IERR     (W)  Returns status from xdl_param_table_normal call
'C' call:
int xdl_param_table_normal (vh, num_items, items)
int vh;          /* View-object handle (R) */
int num_items;   /* Number of items to be set (R) */
int items[];     /* Array of the num_items item numbers to be set (R) */
Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object Set item(s) to 'bold' - xdl_param_table_bold

The routine xdl_param_table_bold (xdlf_param_table_bold) is used to reset the text_emphasis mode for one or more parameter table items to 'bold' mode. These items are the same as 'normal' items except that the text is in bold print.
Fortran call:
IVH      (R)  View-object handle (see vh)
NITEMS   (R)  Number of items to set (see num_items)
ITEMS    (R)  Integer array of NITEMS item numbers (see items)
IERR     (W)  Returns status from xdl_param_table_bold call
'C' call:
int xdl_param_table_bold (vh, num_items, items)
int vh;          /* View-object handle (R) */
int num_items;   /* Number of items to be set (R) */
int items[];     /* Array of the num_items item numbers to be set (R) */

Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object Reset all items to 'normal' - xdl_param_table_all_normal

The routine xdl_param_table_all_normal (xdlf_param_table_all_normal) is used to reset the text_emphasis mode for all the parameter table items to 'normal' mode.
Fortran call:
IVH      (R)  View-object handle (see vh)
IERR     (W)  Returns status from xdl_param_table_all_normal call
'C' call:
int xdl_param_table_all_normal (vh)
int vh;          /* View-object handle (R) */

Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object Delete a parameter table item - xdl_param_table_delitem

The routine xdl_param_table_delitem (xdlf_param_table_delitem) is used to delete (remove) a parameter item from the parameter table. The position in the table may subsequently be used for another item if required.
Fortran call:
IVH     (R)   View-object handle (see vh)
ITEM    (R)   Item number (see item)
IERR    (W)   Returned status from xdl_param_table_delitem call
'C' call:
int xdl_param_table_delitem (vh, item)
int vh;          /* View-object handle (R)*/
int item;        /* Item number (R) */

Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object Clear the parameter table - xdl_param_table_clearitems

The routine xdl_param_table_clearitems (xdlf_param_table_clearitems) is used to clear all parameter items from the parameter table. New items may subsequently be set up if required.
Fortran call:
IVH      (R)  View-object handle (see vh)
IERR     (W)  Returns status from xdl_param_table_clearitems call
'C' call:
int xdl_param_table_clearitems (vh)
int vh;          /* View-object handle (R)*/

Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object Output a new title - xdl_param_table_newtitle

The routine xdl_param_table_newtitle (xdlf_param_table_newtitle) is used to output a new title for the parameter table. Note that a title string (possibly blank) must have been specified when the parameter table view-object was created and the size of the view-object may depend on this original title length. Thus if a longer title is to be output at a later stage, it would be wise to create the view-object with a title string of the maximum length required; this could be blank and then reset using this new title routine if desired. If the new title string is too long for the space available, it will be truncated.
Fortran call:
        +                                ITLEN, IERR)
IVH       (R)   View-object handle (see vh)
TITLE     (R)   Title string for the parameter table (see title)
                ** Pass address using the XDLSTR function **
ITLEN     (R)   The title length (> 0) 
IERR      (W)   Returned status from xdl_param_table_newtitle call
'C' call:
int xdl_param_table_newtitle (vh, title, nt)
int vh;          /* View-object handle (R)*/
char *title;     /* Title string (R)*/
int nt;          /* Length of title string; if 0 then length 
                    found assuming that 'title' is null 
                    terminated (R)*/
Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object
                  bit 2 set:  cannot allocate memory for title Calculate size requirements - xdl_param_table_getsize

The routine xdl_param_table_getsize (xdlf_param_table_getsize) is used to get the required size of a parameter table view-object given the required number of rows and columns of items and maximum lengths of item name and value strings.
Fortran call:
     +                               NT, IFONT, IMENU, IWIDTH, IHEIGHT)
NCOLS      (R)  No. of columns of parameters (see num_cols)
NROWS      (R)  No. of rows of parameters (see num_rows)
MAXNAM     (R)  Maximum parameter name length (chars) 
                (see max_name_chars)
MAXVDISP   (R)  Maximum value string length which may be displayed
                (chars) (see max_value_disp)
NT         (R)  >=0 title present; =-1 no title (see nt)
IFONT      (R)  Font type 1-4 (see font_type)
IMENU      (R)  =1 popup values menus allowed, =0 not 
                (see menus_allowed)
IWIDTH     (W)  Returns the width required (see w)
IHEIGHT    (W)  Returns the height required (see h)
'C' call:
void xdl_param_table_getsize (num_cols, num_rows, max_name_chars,
                              max_value_disp, nt, font_type, 
                              menus_allowed, w, h)
int       num_cols;       /* Maximum number of columns of items in the 
                             parameter table (R)*/
int       num_rows;       /* Maximum number of rows of items in the 
                             parameter table (R)*/
int       max_name_chars; /* Maximum number of characters in a parameter 
                             name string (R)*/
int       max_value_disp; /* Maximum number of characters in a parameter 
                             value string which may be displayed (R)*/
int       nt;             /* >=0 title present; =-1 no title (R)*/
int       font_type;      /* Font type (1-5) for very_small, small, medium,
                             large or extra-large font. (R)*/
int       menus_allowed;  /* =1 popup values menus allowed, =0 not (R)*/
int *w;                   /* Returns the width required (W)*/
int *h;                   /* Returns the height required (W)*/

Return:  None

John W. Campbell
CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory
Last update 4 Feb 1998