


The menu area view-object provides an area containing a menu from which items may be selected by the user by means of the mouse. Typically, an application will use the same menu area for a series of different menus. The menu area has an optional title. It also has an optional extra menu item situated below the other menu items and separated from them. This item is typically used either as a 'Quit' item or as an item which will instruct the program to return to the previously displayed menu. The menu area also has an 'active strip' at the top of the area.

The following sets of routines are available:

Creating and Handling a Menu Area View-Object


The following routines are available:

Create a menu area view-object - xdl_menu_area
Set up a new menu - xdl_menu_area_setmenu
Get the selected item number - xdl_menu_area_getitem
Get position of selected item - xdl_menu_area_getrootxy
Get menu area size requirements - xdl_menu_area_getsize Create a menu area view-object - xdl_menu_area

The routine xdl_menu_area (xdlf_menu_area) is used to create a new menu area view-object. The maximum lengths for text strings and the maximum number of items are give. The actual menu items are subsequently added using the xdl_menu_area_setmenu (xdlf_menu_area_setmenu) routine.
Fortran call:
        +                     MAXLEN, IFONT, IQUIT, MAXTITL, MINWIDTH, 
        +                     MINHEIGHT, IERR)
IVH       (R)   View-object handle (see vh)
IVHPARENT (R)   View-object handle for parent 0=none 
                (see vh_parent)
IX        (R)   X position (may be -1 if no parent) (see x)
IY        (R)   Y position (may be -1 if no parent) (see y)
ICSET     (R)   Colorset number (see cset)
MAXITEMS  (R)   Max. no. of menu items (see max_items)
MAXLEN    (R)   Max. no. chars in an item name 
                (see max_name_chars)
IFONT     (R)   Font type (1->5 verysmall->extralarge) 
                (see font_type)
IQUIT     (R)   =1 allow, =0 disallow quit box (see quit_box)
MAXTITL   (R)   Maximum title length (see max_title_len)
MINWIDTH  (R)   Minimum width or 0 (see min_width)
MINHEIGHT (R)   Minimum height or 0 (see min_height)
IERR      (W)   Returns status from xdl_menu_area call

'C' call:
int xdl_menu_area (vh, vh_parent, x, y, cset, max_items, max_name_chars, 
              font_type, quit_box, max_title_len, min_width, min_height)
int       vh;             /* User selected view-object handle (R)*/
int       vh_parent;      /* View-object handle for the parent view-object,
                             if 0 then a base frame is created to
                             enclose the menu area view-object (R)*/
int       x;              /* x coordinate for the view-object.
                             If no parent may be -1 to give default x (R)*/
int       y;              /* y coordinate for the view-object.
                             If no parent may be -1 to give default y (R)*/
int       cset;           /* Number of the colorset to be used - normally 0 
int       max_items;      /* Maximum number of possible items in the 
                             menu (R)*/
int       max_name_chars; /* Maximum number of characters in a menu item 
                             name string (R)*/
int       font_type;      /* Font type for menu items and title to be used 
                             in calculating the size requirements:
                             1 = very small 
                             1 = small
                             2 = medium
                             3 = large 
                             4 = extra-large (R)*/
int       quit_box;       /* = 1, Allow room for a menu 'quit/return' 
                             item box in addition to the max_items other 
                             menu items.
                             The string for the quit box must not exceed
                             max_name_chars in length; = 0, do not (R)*/
int       max_title_len;  /* Maximum length of the title string in 
                             characters; 0 if no title will be used (R)*/
int       min_width;      /* The minimum width for the Menu area 
                             view-object. This will be used only if it 
                             exceeds the width calculated from the details 
                             supplied above. If 0 then the calculated 
                             width will be used (R)*/
int       min_height;     /* The minimum height for the Menu area 
                             view-object. This will be used only if it 
                             exceeds the height calculated from the 
                             details supplied above. If 0 then the 
                             calculated height will be used (R)*/
Return:  Status flag =0 OK, >0 error
                bit 0 set: Requested parent not found in view-objects list
                bit 1 set: Unable to get memory for global data structure
                bit 2 set; Unable to get memory for 'text' array
                bit 3 set; Unable to get memory for menu item details array
                bit 4 set; Unable to get memory for copy of title
                bit 5 set; A required font not available Set up a new menu - xdl_menu_area_setmenu

The routine xdl_menu_area_setmenu (xdlf_menu_area_setmenu) is used to set an initial or new menu within a previously created menu area view-object. The length of the text strings and the number of items must be within the limits set for the menu area but the routine takes care of the layout of the items on the displayed menu.
Fortran call:
        +                          XDLSTR(TITLE), ITLEN, XDLSTR(QUITNAM),
        +                          IQLEN, IFONT, IERR)
IVH        (R)  View-object handle (see vh)
NITEMS     (R)  Number of menu items (see num_items)
NAMES      (R)  Fortran array of character strings containing
                the menu item names.
                ** Pass address using XDLSTR function **
                (see names) 
NAMLEN     (R)  Length of the menu item names character strings
                (Must be >0 cf name_len)
TITLE      (R)  Title character string (see title)
                ** Pass address using XDLSTR function **
ITLEN      (R)  Length of title string if > 0; -1 if no title 
                (cf title_len)
QUITNAM    (R)  Quit-box character string (see quit_name)
                ** Pass address using XDLSTR function **
IQLEN      (R)  Length of quit-box string if > 0; -1 if no 
                quit-box (cf quit_len)
IFONT      (R)  Font type (1 to 4 small to extralarge or 0 for 
                largest that there is room for) (see font_type)
IERR       (W)  Returns the status from xdl_menu_area_setmenu call
'C' call:
int xdl_menu_area_setmenu (vh, num_items, names, name_len, title, 
                           title_len, quit_name, quit_len, font_type)
int vh;          /* View-object handle (R)*/
int num_items;   /* No. of items in the menu (R)*/
char * names;    /* Item names - this may either an array of pointers to
                    num_items null terminated character strings 
                    (len_name=0) or a character string num_items*len_name
                    in length with each name occupying len_name characters 
                    (left justified and padded to the right with blanks 
                    if needed) (R)*/
int name_len;    /* Item name length (0 = array of pointers to 
                    null-terminated character strings (e.g. for 'C' 
                    programs) or the length of each name string 
                    (e.g. for Fortran programs). See also the previous 
                    item (R) */
char * title;    /* Title string (R)*/
int title_len;   /* If 0 then the length of the title string is 
                    determined assuming that 'title' is a null terminated
                    string; if > 0 it is the length of the title string; 
                    if = -1 then do not output a title ('title' ignored 
                    in this case) (R) */
char * quit_name;/* Quit box name string (R)*/
int quit_len;    /* If 0 then the length of the quit box string is 
                    determined assuming that 'quit_name' is a null 
                    terminated string; if > 0 it is the length of the 
                    title string; if = -1 then do not output a quit 
                    box ('quit_name' ignored in this case) (R) */
int font_type;   /* Font type: if 1-5, use very-small/small/medium/large/
                    extra-large font respectively if space permitting. 
                    (If not the the font size will be reduced till a
                    suitable one is found); if 0, use the largest
                    font which fits (R)*/

Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object Get the selected item number - xdl_menu_area_getitem

The routine xdl_menu_area_getitem (xdlf_menu_area_getitem) returns the item number of the last selected menu item. It will normally be called after the return from a call to xdl_get_events (xdlf_get_events) indicates that a menu_area view-object has returned input.
Fortran call:
IVH    (R)  The view-object handle (see vh)
ITEM   (W)  Returns the menu item number (see item)
IQUIT  (W)  Returns 0 for normal item, 1 for quit box (see quit)
'C' call:
int xdl_menu_area_getitem (vh, item, quit)
int vh;          /* View-object handle (R)*/
int *item;       /* Returns the selected item number (W) */
int *quit;       /* Returns 0 for a normal item, 1 if quit box (W) */

Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object Get position of selected item - xdl_menu_area_getrootxy

The routine xdl_menu_area_getrootxy (xdlf_menu_area_getrootxy) gets the root x, y position of the last selected menu item; this is taken as being half way up right hand side of the item box. It may be used for example as a focus for an error message if required. It will normally be called after a call to the routine xdl_menu_area_getitem (xdlf_menu_area_getitem).
Fortran call:
IVH    (R)  The view-object handle (see vh)
IXROOT (W)  Returns the root x position (see xroot)
IYROOT (W)  Returns the root y position (see yroot)
'C' call:
int xdl_menu_area_getrootxy (vh, xroot, yroot)
int vh;          /* View-object handle (R)*/
int *xroot;      /* Returns the x root position (half way up right hand
                    side of item box) of the last selected menu item) (W)*/
int *yroot;      /* Returns the y root position cf xroot (W)*/

Return:  Status = 0 OK, >0 error
                  bit 0 set:  View-object handle not found
                  bit 1 set:  View handle does not match view object Get menu area size requirements - xdl_menu_area_getsize

The routine xdl_menu_area_getsize (xdlf_menu_area_getsize) is used to calculate the size requirements for a menu area based on the maximum lengths of text strings required and the maximum number of menu items required.
Fortran call:
        +                             MAXTITL, IWIDTH, IHEIGHT)
MAXITEMS   (R)  Max. no. of menu items (see max_items)
MAXNAM     (R)  Max. item name length (chars) 
                (see max_name_chars)
IFONT      (R)  Font type (1-4) (see font_type)
IQUIT      (R)  =1 allow quit box , =0 do not (see quit_box)
MAXTITL    (R)  Max. title length, 0 if no title 
                (see max_title_len)
IWIDTH     (W)  Returns the width required (see w)
IHEIGHT    (W)  Returns the height required (see h)
'C' call:
void xdl_menu_area_getsize (max_items, max_name_chars, font_type, 
                            quit_box, max_title_len, w, h)
int       max_items;      /* Maximum number of possible items in the 
                             menu (R)*/
int       max_name_chars; /* Maximum number of characters in a menu item 
                             name string (R)*/
int       quit_box;       /* = 1, Allow room for a menu 'quit/return' 
                             item box in addition to the max_items other 
                             menu items.
                             The string for the quit box must not exceed
                             max_name_chars in length; = 0, do not (R)*/
int       font_type;      /* Font type for menu items and title to be 
                             used in calculating the size requirements:
                             1 = very small font,
                             2 = small font,
                             3 = medium font,
                             4 = large font,
                             5 = extra-large font (R)*/
int       max_title_len;  /* Maximum length of the title string in 
                             characters; 0 if no title will be used (R)*/
int *w;                   /* Returns the width required (0 if font not 
                             found) (W)*/
int *h;                   /* Returns the height required (0 if font not 
                             found) (W)*/

Return:  None

John W. Campbell
CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory
Last update 4 Feb 1998