


The Laue simulation view-object is used to display the simulation of a Laue pattern (the pattern prediction itself must be done externally to the routine). The view-object allows either for colour coded simulations or for black and white simulations where the soft limits can be modified via sliders to show the effects that they have on the patterns. The indices of selected spots may be displayed. Labels may be drawn on the black and white simulations. The view-object also provides a hard copy (Postscript file) option. As an alternative, the simulation may also be displayed as a gnomonic projection if desired.

The following sets of routines are available:

Creating and Handling a Laue Simulations View-Object


The following routines are available:

Create a Laue simulation view-object - xdl_laue_sim
Calculate size requirements - xdl_laue_sim_getsize
Display a new simulation - xdl_laue_sim_new Create a Laue simulation view-object - xdl_laue_sim

The routine xdl_laue_sim (xdlf_laue_sim) is used to create a new Laue simulation display view-object. The simulation itself is calculated externally to the routine and the details are passed to the routine for display. The simulation may also be displayed as a gnomonic projection if desired.
Fortran call:
        +                    NSPOT, IHKL, XF, YF, ALAM, DTHR, MULTI,FLAGS, 
        +                    NODHKLS, IDXLAM, IDXDMIN, IDXNOD, FILMR, 
        +                    GNOMR, ALMIN, ALMAX, DMIN, D_LMIN, D_LMAX, 
        +                    D_DMIN, CELL, PHIS, LATT, CTOF,
        +                    MINW, MINH, IERR)
IVH       (R)   View-object handle (see vh)
IVHPARENT (R)   View-object handle for parent 0=none 
                (see vh_parent)
IX        (R)   X position (may be -1 if no parent) (see x)
IY        (R)   Y position (may be -1 if no parent) (see y)
ICSET     (R)   Colorset number (see cset)
ITYPE     (R)   Simulation type =1 Colour, = 2 Monochrome with
                soft limits options etc. (see type)
ISIZE     (R)   Half width/height for displayed pattern in 
                pixels (see size)
NSPOT     (R)   Number of spots predicted (see nspot)
IHKL      (R)   Array of NSPOT packed indices (see hkl)
XF        (R)   Array of NSPOT 'xf' coordinates (see xf)
YF        (R)   Array of NSPOT 'yf' coordinates (see yf)
ALAM      (R)   Array of NSPOT lambda values (see lam)
DTHR      (R)   Array of NSPOT (1/dmin)**2 thresholds (see dthr)
MULTI     (R)   Array of NSPOT multiplicict data flags (see multi)
FLAGS     (R)   Array of NSPOT reflection flags (see flags)
NODHKLS   (R)   Array of NSPOT packed nodal indices (see nodhkls)
IDXLAM    (R)   Index array for lambda sorted data;
                NSPOT values from 1 to NSPOT (see idxlam)
IDXDMIN   (R)   Index array for dmin sorted data;
                NSPOT values from 1 to NSPOT (see idxdmin)
IDXNOD    (R)   Index array for packed nodal index values 
                (see idxnod)
FILMR     (R)   Pattern radius in mm (see filmr)
GNOMR     (R)   Minimum radius in mm (>0.1) from image centre for 
                conversion of plot to a gnomonic projection. For
                a normal Laue simulation, give a value of 0.0
ALMIN     (R)   Lambda minimum of prediction (see lmin)
ALMAX     (R)   Lambda maximum of prediction (see lmax)
DMIN      (R)   Dmin value of prediction (see dmin)
D_LMIN    (R)   Interval for lambda-min slider (see d_lmin)
D_LMAX    (R)   Interval for lambda-max slider (see d_lmax)
D_DMIN    (R)   Interval for dmin slider (see d_dmin)
CELL      (R)   Array of the 6 real cell dimensions (see cell)
PHIS      (R)   Array of 4 setting angles, Phix, Phiy, Phiz and
                spindle (see phis)
LATT      (R)   4 integer array; crystal system, lattice type,
                rotation axis, beam axis (see latt)
CTOF      (R)   Crystal to film distance (mm) (see ctof)
MINW      (R)   Minimum width for view-object or 0 
                (see min_width)
MINH      (R)   Minimum height for view-object or 0 
                (see min_height)
IERR      (W)   Returns status from xdl_laue_sim call
'C' call:
int xdl_laue_sim (int vh, int vh_parent, int x, int y, int cset, int type, 
                  int size, int nspot, int * hkl, float * xf, float * yf, 
                  float * lam, float * dthr, int * multi, int * flags, 
                  int * nodhkls, int * idxlam, int * idxdmin, int * idxnod, 
                  float filmr, float gnomr, float lmin, float lmax,  
                  float dmin, float d_lmin, float d_lmax, float d_dmin, 
                  float * cell, float * phis, int * latt, float ctof,
                  int min_width, int min_height)
int       vh;              User selected view-object handle (R)
int       vh_parent;       View-object handle for the parent base frame, 
                           if 0 then a base  level frame is created to
                           enclose the view-object (R)
int       x;               x coordinate for the view-object.
                           If no parent may be -1 to give default x (R)
int       y;               y coordinate for the view-object.
                           If no parent may be -1 to give default y (R)
int       cset;            Number of the colorset to be used; must
                           have 53 or more colorcells allocated (R) 
int       type;            Simulation type =1 Colour, =2 Monochrome with
                           soft limit sliders etc.
int       size;            Pattern display area half width/height in
                           pixels (R)
int       nspot;           Number of spots predicted (R)
int       hkl[];           Array of 'nspot' 'hkl' packed indices 
                           (as LRL) (R)
float     xf[];            Array of 'nspot' 'xf' coordinates in mm from
                           the pattern centre (R) 
float     yf[];            Array of 'nspot' 'yf' coordinates in mm from
                           the pattern centre (R) 
float     lam[];           Array of 'nspot' lambda values (R)
float     dthr[];          Array of 'nspot' (1/dmin)**2 threshold values
int       multi[];         Array of 'nspot' multiplicity flags (format
                           as for 'LRL' data 
                               = 1 single
                               > 1 2**20*mult + 2**12*min-hrm 
                                   + 2**4*max-hrm + harm_inc 
int       flags[];         Array of 'nspot' reflection flags
                           Flags format as for 'LRL' data
                           Bit 0 set = spatial overlap; this is the only
                                       bit used by this routine.
int       nodhkls[];       Array of 'nspot' packed nodal indices; packed
                           as 2**20(h+512)+2**10(k+512)+l+512 (R)
int       idxlam[];        Index array for data sorted by lambda, 'nspot'
                           values from 1 to nspot (R)
int       idxdmin[];       Index array for data sorted by dmin 'nspot'
                           values from 1 to nspot (R)
int       idxnod[];        Index array for data sorted by packed nodal
                           index from 1 to nspot (R)
float     filmr;           Pattern radius in mm (R)
float     gnomr;           Minimum radius in mm (>0.1) from image 
                           centre for conversion of plot to a gnomonic 
                           projection. For a normal Laue simulation, 
                           give a value of 0.0 (R) 
float     lmin;            Lambda minimum of prediction (R)
float     lmax;            Lambda maximum of prediction (R)
float     dmin;            Dmin value of prediction (R)
float     d_lmin;          Lambda interval in Angstoms for lambda-min
                           slider (R)
float     d_lmax;          Lambda interval in Angstoms for lambda-max
                           slider (R)
float     d_dmin;          Dmin interval in Angstoms for dmin slider 
float     cell[6];         Real cell dimensions a, c, c, alpha, beta, 
                           gamma (R)
float     phis[4];         Setting angles phix, phiy, phiz, spindle (R)
int       latt[4];         Crystal system, lattice, rotation axis,
                           beam axis (R)
float     ctof;            Crystal to film distance (mm) 
int       min_width;       The program will calculate the width required
                           for the view-object based on the display area
                           width, control panel width etc. If this is
                           less than min_width then min_width will be
                           used instead and the layout altered to reflect
                           this (R)
int       min_height;      minimum height cf min_width (R)

 Note: Data arrays hkl[],.....idxnod[] must remain in place during
         the lifetime of the view-object 

Return:  Status flag =0 OK, >0 error
         bit 0 set: Requested parent not found in the view-objects list
         bit 1 set: Unable to allocate memory for x, y pixel positions
                    arrays. Calculate size requirements - xdl_laue_sim_getsize

The routine xdl_laue_sim_getsize (xdlf_laue_sim_getsize) is used to get the required size for a Laue simulation display view-object.
Fortran call:
ITYPE     (R)   Simulation type =1 Colour, = 2 Monochrome with
                soft limits options etc. (see type)
ISIZE     (R)   Half width/height for displayed pattern in 
                pixels (see size)
IWIDTH    (W)   Returns the width required (see w)
IHEIGHT   (W)   Returns the height required (see h)
'C' call:
void xdl_laue_sim_getsize (type, size, w, h)
int       type;           /* Simulation type =1 Colour, =2 Monochrome with
                             soft limit sliders etc.*/
int       size;           /* Pattern display area half width/height in
                             pixels (R)*/
int *w;                   /* Returns the width required (W)*/
int *h;                   /* Returns the height required (W)*/

Return:  None Display a new simulation - xdl_laue_sim_new

The routine xdl_laue_sim_new (xdlf_laue_sim_new) is used to display a new Laue simulation in a Laue simulation view-object. The currently selected options for the view-object are unchanged. If, for type 2 plots, the lambda limits or dmin value are changed then new current values for lambda-min, lambda-max and dmin will be calculated based on the current slider positions. All current labels will be removed.
Fortran call:
        +                    ALAM, DTHR, MULTI, FLAGS,
        +                    NODHKLS, IDXLAM, IDXDMIN, IDXNOD, FILMR, 
        +                    GNOMR, ALMIN, ALMAX, DMIN, 
        +                    CELL, PHIS, LATT, CTOF, IERR)
IVH       (R)   View-object handle (see vh)
NSPOT     (R)   Number of spots predicted (see nspot)
IHKL      (R)   Array of NSPOT 'packed' indices (see hkl)
IK        (R)   Array of NSPOT 'k' indices (see k)
IL        (R)   Array of NSPOT 'l' indices (see l)
XF        (R)   Array of NSPOT 'xf' coordinates (see xf)
YF        (R)   Array of NSPOT 'yf' coordinates (see yf)
ALAM      (R)   Array of NSPOT lambda values (see lam)
DTHR      (R)   Array of NSPOT (1/dmin)**2 thresholds (see dthr)
MULTI     (R)   Array of NSPOT multiplicities flags (see multi)
FLAGS     (R)   Array of NSPOT reflection flags (see flags)
NODHKLS   (R)   Array of NSPOT packed nodal indices (see nodhkls)
IDXLAM    (R)   Index array for lambda sorted data;
                NSPOT values from 1 to NSPOT (see idxlam)
IDXDMIN   (R)   Index array for dmin sorted data;
                NSPOT values from 1 to NSPOT (see idxdmin)
IDXNOD    (R)   Index array for packed nodal index values 
                (see idxnod)
FILMR     (R)   Pattern radius in mm (see filmr)
GNOMR     (R)   Minimum radius in mm (>0.1) from image centre for 
                conversion of plot to a gnomonic projection. For
                a normal Laue simulation, give a value of 0.0
ALMIN     (R)   Lambda minimum of prediction (see lmin)
ALMAX     (R)   Lambda maximum of prediction (see lmax)
DMIN      (R)   Dmin value of prediction (see dmin)
CELL      (R)   Array of the 6 real cell dimensions (see cell)
PHIS      (R)   Array of 4 setting angles, Phix, Phiy, Phiz and
                spindle (see phis)
LATT      (R)   4 integer array; crystal system, lattice type,
                rotation axis, beam axis (see latt)
CTOF      (R)   Crystal to film distance (mm) (see ctof)
IERR      (W)   Returns status from xdl_laue_sim_new call
'C' call:
int xdl_laue_sim_new (int vh, int nspot, int * hkl, float * xf, float * yf, 
                      float * lam, float * dthr, int * multi, int * flags, 
                      int * nodhkls, int * idxlam, int * idxdmin, 
                      int * idxnod, float filmr, float gnomr,
                      float lmin, float lmax, float dmin, float * cell, 
                      float * phis, int * latt, float ctof)
int       vh;              User selected view-object handle (R)
int       nspot;           Number of spots predicted (R)
int       hkl[];           Array of 'nspot' 'hkl' packed indices (as LRL)
                           2**20(h+512)+2**10*(k+512)+l+512 (R)
float     xf[];            Array of 'nspot' 'xf' coordinates in mm from
                           the pattern centre (R) 
float     yf[];            Array of 'nspot' 'yf' coordinates in mm from
                           the pattern centre (R) 
float     lam[];           Array of 'nspot' lambda values (R)
float     dthr[];          Array of 'nspot' (1/dmin)**2 threshold values 
int       multi[];         Array of 'nspot' multiplicities flags as for
                           'LRL' data (see main routine) (R)
int       flags[];         Array of 'nspot' reflection flags
                           Flags format as for LRL' data
                           Bit 0 set = spatial overlap; this is the only
                                       bit used by this routine.
int       nodhkls[];       Array of 'nspot' packed nodal indices; packed
                           as 2**20(h+512)+2**10(k+512)+l+512 (R)
int       idxlam[];        Index array for data sorted by lambda, 'nspot'
                           values from 1 to nspot (R)
int       idxdmin[];       Index array for data sorted by dmin 'nspot'
                           values from 1 to nspot (R)
int       idxnod[];        Index array for data sorted by packed nodal
                           index from 1 to nspot (R)
float     filmr;           Pattern radius in mm (R)
float     gnomr;           Minimum radius in mm (>0.1) from image 
                           centre for conversion of plot to a gnomonic 
                           projection. For a normal Laue simulation, 
                           give a value of 0.0 (R) 
float     lmin;            Lambda minimum of prediction (R)
float     lmax;            Lambda maximum of prediction (R)
float     dmin;            Dmin value of prediction (R)
float     cell[6];         Real cell dimensions a, c, c, alpha, beta, 
                           gamma (R)
float     phis[4];         Setting angles phix, phiy, phiz, spindle (R)
int       latt[4];         Crystal system, lattice, rotation axis,
                           beam axis (R)
float     ctof;            Crystal to film distance (mm) 

Return:  Status flag =0 OK, >0 error
         bit 0 set: View-object handle not found
         bit 1 set: View handle does not match view object
         bit 2 set: Unable to allocate required memory

John W. Campbell
CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory
Last update 4 Feb 1998