


The xdl_view routines will normally be supplied (for a Unix system) via anonymous 'ftp'. The user should create a directory to contain the xdl_view routines. The files should be read into this directory using the 'tar' utility. Normally the routines will be supplied as part of the Daresbury Laboratory Laue Software suite and/or the CCP4 suite and the directory structure for these cases should be followed. Any files such as 'Changes.txt', Changes or 'README' files in the top level directory for the xdl_view routines should be examined.

If the routines are to be installed on a new Unix system, the file xdl_systyp.h will need to be edited as to set the values of a few parameters parameters as appropriate for the system on which the software is to be used.

The C source code files (subdirectory 'src') should be compiled using the -D switch on the C compiler to define the machine type unless the required symbols are already known to the compiler. The supplied Makefile may be used after appropriate editing of items as indicated in the file. The Makefile puts the object modules in a library in a user defined directory. Programs linked with this library or any xdl_view routines will also need to be linked with the 'X-Intrinsics' (Xt) and 'Xlib' (X11) libraries. If supplied with the Laue Software suite, then there is a make file 'lmake' in $CCP4_MASTER/laue/make which may be used (after modification if needed) to make a library of the xdl_view routines.

In addition to the XDL_VIEW source code files, there is a subdirectory 'doc' containing the documentation files. The documentation files are in a form which can be printed using the TIDYTEXT program supplied with the CCP4 or LAUE software suites. Hard copies of the documentation will usually be available from Daresbury if requested.

The subdirectory 'templates' contains skeleton C source code files which may be used by the user as the basis for coding new view-objects.

The routines should be considered as belonging to the CCP4 suite or the Daresbury Laboratory Laue Software suite and the conditions of distribution pertaining to these apply.

John W. Campbell
CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory
Last update 4 Feb 1998