# HTML AFT 5.0 Elements # # An element file can use definitions from another element file. It is best # to load those elements first, so you will have a chance to override their # definitions. # use somebasefile.dat # Should perl interpolate the text in this file? The default is "yes". This # means that backslashes and other substitutions are performed. This may not # be the behavior you want if you want to write out backslashes and other # sepecial characters (for example: aft-tex.dat does not interpolate...TeX # needs to see backslashes!). # interpolate yes # Identification of element file. This is used to keep track of what produced # the output. # ID HTML # Set variables (symbols ala %name%) that will be substituted after # postFiltering. These may be overridden in the documents. # SET stylesheet=none # Everything between Preamble{ and }Preamble is printed before any other # element markup. You have, at your disposal, a few 'symbols' # (pseudo-variables) that are substituted during AFT processing. # These symbols are: # %title% - The *Title of the document (if any). # %author% - The *Author of the document (if any). # %version% - The current version (and copyright info) of AFT. # Preamble{ %title% }Preamble # Everything between Postamble{ and }Postamble is printed last after all other # element markup. If present, the following symbol is expanded: # %aft% - An 'advertisement' banner for AFT (This document was generated...). # This will include a reference to the AFT home page. # Postamble{


}Postamble # preFilters are regular expression pairs (pattern replacement) for raw # substitutions. They are processed (in order of appearance) before any # formal AFT element processing. You can use preFilters to escape characters # you want AFT to ignore. If a preFilter has no replacement text, the pattern # is deleted from the document. # # Escape characters that HTML doesn't like to see. # preFilter \& \& preFilter \" \" preFilter \> \> preFilter \< \< # A hack to force a line break (\\). This should probably be put in the core # code or just removed. # preFilter \\\\
# Just like preFilters, we have postFilters too. PostFilters are often used # to undo temporary substitutions performed by preFilters (a trick used to # protect characters you want to hide from AFT). # #postFilter pattern subtext # Filtered Verbatim mode kicks out 8 consecutive spaces. # Block Verbatim retains tabs. # We want to truncate them down to two non breaking spaces.. # postFilter \s{8} \ \  postFilter \t \ \  # A PostProcessor is a line of perl code that is run on the file produced by # AFT. The name of that output file is stored in $outputfile. Most likely, # you will call another script on the output file. For example: # #PostProcessor exec "$^X postprocess.pl $outputfile" # AFT has its own notion about what constitutes mark up for intra-document # references and URLs. Here we just need to provide some mechanism for # rendering that notion. # # To help you out, you are given two symbols: # %target% - The name of the reference (destination). # %text% - Text representing the 'source' of the link. # # Standard Web URLs: # URL %text% # Intra-document references. # Target %text% InternalReference %text% # The Title element: You are supplied with one symbol for substitution: # %title% - The parsed title of the document. # Title


# The Author element: You are supplied with one symbol for substitution: # %author% - The parsed author of the document. # Author


# If you have the capability for automatically generating a table of contents, # then supply the markup command here. Otherwise, leave it blank and AFT will # generate a table of contents for you. TOC # Sections are supplied two symbols: # %number% - The level numbering of the section. # %section% - The section name (sans number) of the section. # %text% - The text title of the section (number + section) # *






EndSect1 EndSect2 EndSect3 EndSect4 # Some markup engines can't just be presented with arbitrary sections. If # you need to indicate when a section 'level' is being entered and left, # do so here. # BeginSectLevel1 EndSectLevel1 BeginSectLevel2 EndSectLevel2 BeginSectLevel3 EndSectLevel3 BeginSectLevel4 EndSectLevel4 # This is a historical hack. But, is it still useful? # If you want to create sections that automatically link to the top of the # document, define them here. # ^*






# AFT has very simple image markup capabilities. You are given just one # symbol: # %image% - the full pathname to an image file (with extension provided). # # Place an image within the text flow. # Image # Center an image. # Image-center

# Place an image justified left. # Image-left
# Place an image justified right. # Image-right
# Center takes one symbol: # %center% - text to be centered. # Center
# Start a paragraph. # StartParagraph

# End a paragraph. # EndParagraph

# Draw a simple separator line. # HorizontalLine
# Bullet lists and items. # StartBulletList # Named lists and items. A Named list is preceded by a %name% instead of a # bullet.. # StartNamedList
# The NamedListElement uses the %name% symbol. # NamedListElement
# Numbered lists. The markup engine is expected to automatically increment # the numbers (not AFT). # StartNumberedList
  1. EndNumberedListElement
  2. EndNumberedList
# Quotes. # StartQuote
# Plain Verbatim. This is the 'line by line' verbatim mode that is preceded # by tabs/spaces. # StartVerbatim
# Block Verbatim. This is the verbatim "mode" that is usually multi-lined. # Most likely this is the same as plain verbatim. # StartBlockedVerbatim
# Do we run the preFilter patterns on verbatim (Verbatim and FilteredVerbatim) # text? # PreFilterVerbatim? Yes # Filtered Verbatim. Allows font/link-reference tricks. # StartFilteredVerbatim
# Do we do font style (Strong, Small, Teletype, Emphasis) and link references # on FilteredVerbatim text? # FullFilterFilteredVerbatim? Yes # Font style tricks. # StartTeletype EndTeletype StartSmall EndSmall StartEmphasis EndEmphasis StartStrong EndStrong # Comments and strikes can be kept in the output (if you wish). # They are available through the %line% symbol. # CommentLine StrikeLine # A non breakable space. # NBSPACE   # Tables support is not very pretty, nor sophisticated.... # # Here is your chance to tell your markup engine that we are starting a table. # You get one symbol: # %columns% - The number of columns in the table. # StartTable # Table captions are rendered here. You get one symbol: # %caption% - The caption text. # TableCaption # The header text for the table is supplied in the symbol %stuff%. # TableHeader # Each table element is supplied in the symbol %stuff%. # TableElement # Start a table row. # TableRowStart # End a table row. # TableRowEnd # End the table. # EndTable
# The following markup are not implemented yet: # NoteRef %ref% Superscript %stuff% Subscript %stuff%