#!/usr/bin/env perl ## Use this shebang on cs.tu-berlin.de: #!/usr/perl5/5.00503/bin/perl #!/usr/local/bin/perl # -*- perl -*- # # $Id: bbbike.cgi,v 7.41 2005/12/10 23:46:45 eserte Exp $ # Author: Slaven Rezic # # Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Slaven Rezic. All rights reserved. # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License, see the file COPYING. # # Mail: slaven@rezic.de # WWW: http://bbbike.sourceforge.net # =head1 NAME bbbike.cgi - CGI interface to bbbike =cut BEGIN { $ENV{SERVER_NAME} ||= ""; open(STDERR, ">/home/groups/b/bb/bbbike/bbbike.log") if $ENV{SERVER_NAME} =~ /sourceforge/ && -w "/home/groups/b/bb/bbbike"; $^W = 1 if $ENV{SERVER_NAME} =~ /herceg\.de/i; } use vars qw(@extra_libs); BEGIN { delete $INC{"FindBin.pm"} } use FindBin; BEGIN { # if ($ENV{SERVER_NAME} =~ /(radzeit\.de|radzeit.herceg.de)$/) { # # Make it easy to switch between versions: # if ($FindBin::Script =~ /bbbike2/) { # @extra_libs = # ("$FindBin::RealBin/../BBBike2", # "$FindBin::RealBin/../BBBike2/lib", # ); # } else { # @extra_libs = # ("$FindBin::RealBin/../BBBike", # "$FindBin::RealBin/../BBBike/lib", # ); # } # } else { # Achtung: evtl. ist auch ~/lib/ für GD.pm notwendig (z.B. CS) @extra_libs = (#"/home/e/eserte/src/bbbike", "$FindBin::RealBin/..", # falls normal installiert "$FindBin::RealBin/../lib", "$FindBin::RealBin/../BBBike", # falls in .../cgi-bin/... installiert "$FindBin::RealBin/../BBBike/lib", "$FindBin::RealBin/BBBike", # weitere Alternative "$FindBin::RealBin/BBBike/lib", "$FindBin::RealBin", ); } } use lib (@extra_libs); use Strassen; # XXX => Core etc.? use Strassen::Dataset; #use Strassen::Lazy; # XXX mal sehen... use BBBikeCalc; use BBBikeVar; use BBBikeUtil qw(is_in_path min max); use File::Basename qw(dirname); use CGI; use CGI::Carp; # Nur zum Debuggen verwenden --- manche Web-Server machen bei den kleinsten Kleinigkeiten Probleme damit: qw(fatalsToBrowser); use BrowserInfo 1.31; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION $VERBOSE $WAP_URL $debug $tmp_dir $mapdir_fs $mapdir_url $local_route_dir $bbbike_root $bbbike_images $bbbike_url $bbbike2_url $is_beta $bbbike_html $modperl_lowmem $use_imagemap $create_imagemap $detailmap_module $q %persistent %c $got_cookie $g_str $orte $orte2 $multiorte $ampeln $qualitaet_net $handicap_net $strcat_net $radwege_strcat_net $radwege_net $routen_net $comments_net $comments_points $green_net $crossings $kr $plz $net $multi_bez_str $overview_map $city $use_umland $use_umland_jwd $use_special_destinations $use_fragezeichen $use_fragezeichen_routelist $check_map_time $use_cgi_bin_layout $show_weather $show_start_ziel_url @weather_cmdline $bp_obj $bi $use_select $graphic_format $use_mysql_db $use_exact_streetchooser $use_module $cannot_gif_png $cannot_jpeg $cannot_pdf $cannot_svg $can_gif $can_wbmp $can_palmdoc $can_gpx $can_berliner_stadtplan_post $can_google_maps $can_mapserver $mapserver_address_url $mapserver_init_url $no_berlinmap $max_plz_streets $with_comments $with_cat_display $use_coord_link @weak_cache @no_cache %proc $bbbike_script $cgi $port $search_algorithm $use_background_image $use_apache_session $apache_session_module $cookiename $bbbike_temp_blockings_file $bbbike_temp_blockings_optimized_file @temp_blocking $use_cgi_compress_gzip $max_matches $use_winter_optimization ); # XXX This may be removed one day use vars qw($use_cooked_street_data); #XXX in mod_perl/Apache::Registry operation there are a lot of "shared # variable" warnings. They seem to be not harmful, but I should get # rid of them. #open(STDERR, ">>/tmp/bbbike.log"); # versucht, die C/XS-Version von make_net zu laden eval q{local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; # XXX warum gibt das hier Fehler auf stderr aus? # (nur bei 5.6.0?) use BBBikeXS; }; =head1 Configuration section Please change the configuration variables in the file bbbike.cgi.config (replace bbbike.cgi with the basename of the CGI script). =head2 Filesystem and URLs =over =item $mapdir_url URL for directory where the imagemaps are created. The directory should be writable for the owner of the httpd process. =cut $mapdir_url = '/~eserte/bbbike-tmp'; =item $mapdir_fs The C<$mapdir_url> path in filesystem space. =cut $mapdir_fs = '/home/e/eserte/www/bbbike-tmp'; =item $tmp_dir Temporary directory for cache files, weather data files etc. Default: the environment variables TMPDIR or TEMP or the C directory. A good platform-independent default is do { require File::Spec; File::Spec->tmpdir } =cut $tmp_dir = $ENV{TMPDIR} || $ENV{TEMP} || "/tmp"; =item $use_cgi_bin_layout Set to true, if you are using a cgi-bin styled layout, that is, cgi-bin and htdocs are in seperate directories. Default: false. =cut $use_cgi_bin_layout = 0; =item $local_route_dir A directory where local route files are stored. These may be drawn with the C parameter. =cut undef $local_route_dir; =back =head2 External programs =over =item $ENV{PATH} Some WWW servers set the PATH environment variable empty. Set this to a sane value (e.g. /bin:/usr/bin) for some required external programs. =cut $ENV{PATH} = '' if !defined $ENV{PATH}; $ENV{PATH} = "/usr/bin:$ENV{PATH}" if $ENV{PATH} !~ m{/usr/bin}; # for Sys::Hostname =item $Strassen::OLD_AGREP, $PLZ::OLD_AGREP Set the C<$Strassen::OLD_AGREP> and C<$PLZ::OLD_AGREP> to a true value to not use C (instead C will be used for approximate matches). Please note that C in versions less than 3.0 does not handle umlauts correctly. =cut $Strassen::OLD_AGREP = 1; $PLZ::OLD_AGREP = 1; $PLZ::OLD_AGREP = $PLZ::OLD_AGREP; # peacify -w =back =head2 Web Server =over =item $modperl_lowmem In the case of using the script in a modperl environment: set this to true, if global variables should be deleted after the end of a request. This may help if there are memory leaks. Default: true if MOD_PERL. =cut $modperl_lowmem = $ENV{MOD_PERL}; =item $use_apache_session Use an L class for storing the route coordinates. This is useful for large routes which would overflow the URL capacity of most browsers and web servers. Default: false. =cut $use_apache_session = 0; =item $apache_session_module The class of the L family to be used. Default is L. =cut $apache_session_module = "Apache::Session::DB_File"; =back =head2 Imagemaps, graphic creation =over =item $use_imagemap Set to true, if the detail maps should use an imagemap. This feature seems to be supported only on Netscape running on FreeBSD or Linux. On other systems there may be fatal errors if this is set to true. Default: false. =cut $use_imagemap = 0; =item $create_imagemap If set to true, then imagemaps for C<$use_imagemap> will be created. Default: true. =cut $create_imagemap = 1; =item $detailmap_module The L module to use for detailmap creation. By default C is used. =cut $detailmap_module = undef; =item $check_map_time Control the checking of the up-to-dateness of imagemaps. =over =item 0: no check =item 1: check against the "strassen" datafile =item 2: check against the "strassen" datafile and the CGI script itself =back =cut $check_map_time = 0; =item $graphic_format Set the preferred graphic format: C or C. If using C or newer, this *must* be set to png, otherwise the creation of graphics will not work! If neither gif nor png can be produced, set the the variable to an empty string. Default: png. =cut $graphic_format = 'png'; =item $use_module Use another drawing module instead of the default GD. Possible values are ImageMagick or Imager. =cut undef $use_module; =item $cannot_jpeg If for some reasons JPEG cannot be produced (because GD is not able to), set this variable to a true value. Default: true. =cut $cannot_jpeg = 1; =item $cannot_pdf If PDF::Create is not installed, set this variable to a true value. Default: false. =cut $cannot_pdf = 0; =item $cannot_svg If C is not installed, set this variable to a true value. Default: true. =cut $cannot_svg = 1; =item $can_gif Set this to a true value if you can produce gif images. Default: false. =cut $can_gif = 0; =item $can_wbmp Set this to a true value if you can produce wbmp images. Default: false. =cut $can_wbmp = 0; =item $can_palmdoc Set this to a true value if you can produce palmdoc documents with the L module (possible viewer: CSpotRun). Default: false. =cut $can_palmdoc = 0; =item $can_gpx Set this to a true value if you can produce GPX documents (needs L. Default: false. =cut $can_gpx = 0; =item $can_mapserver Set this to a true value if mapserver can be used. Default: false. See below for special mapserver variables. =cut $can_mapserver = 0; =back =head2 Mapserver =over =item $mapserver_dir Directory containing map and template html files. =item $mapserver_prog_relurl Relative URL to the mapserver cgi program. =item $mapserver_prog_url Absolute URL to the mapserver cgi program. =item $mapserver_init_url Absolute URL to the page which starts the mapserver program. =cut $mapserver_init_url = $BBBike::BBBIKE_MAPSERVER_DIRECT; =item $mapserver_address_url Absolute URL to the mapserver address cgi program. =cut $mapserver_address_url = $BBBike::BBBIKE_MAPSERVER_ADDRESS_URL; =item $bbd2esri_prog Path to the bbd2esri program. =back =head2 Appearance =over =item $show_start_ziel_url Create links for start/goal URLs. Default: true. =cut $show_start_ziel_url = 1; =item $show_weather Show and fetch the current weather information. Default: true. =cut $show_weather = 1; =item @weather_cmdline The command line for the weather information fetching program. =cut @weather_cmdline = ("$FindBin::RealBin/" . ($use_cgi_bin_layout ? "BBBike" : "..") . "/lib/wettermeldung2", qw(-dahlem1)); =item $use_select Use ESELECTE instead of EINPUT TYPE=RADIOE, if possible. Default: true. =cut $use_select = 1; =item $no_berlinmap If no detailmap links should be shown (because GD is not installed at all), then set this to true. Default: false. =cut $no_berlinmap = 0; =item $use_background_image Show the nice background image. Default: true. =cut $use_background_image = 1; =item $with_comments Include column for comments in route list. Only activated if browser is able to display tables. =cut $with_comments = 1; =item $with_cat_display Include column for graphical category display. Only activated if browser is able to display tables. Default is false. =cut $with_cat_display = 0; =item $use_coord_link Use an own exact coordinate link (i.e. to Mapserver) instead of a "Stadtplan" link. Default: true: =cut $use_coord_link = 1; =back =head2 Data =over =item $city The city/country key. Default is Berlin_DE. A same named module as Geography::I<$city> should exist. =cut $city = "Berlin_DE"; =item $use_umland NYI: search in the region. Default: false. =cut $use_umland = 0; =item $use_umland_jwd NYI: search in the wide region. Default: false. =cut $use_umland_jwd = 0; =item $use_special_destinations Set to a true value if special destinations like bikeshops, bankomats etc. may be used. =cut $use_special_destinations = 0; =item $use_fragezeichen Set to true to allow the user to search unknown streets. =cut $use_fragezeichen = 0; =item $use_fragezeichen_routelist Set to true to show unknown streets in the route list. =cut $use_fragezeichen_routelist = 1; =back =head2 Misc =over =item $search_algorithm Default search algorithm is (pure perl) A*, but may be set to C or other. =cut $search_algorithm = undef; =item $use_mysql_db Should the MySQL database (TelbuchDBApprox) be used if a house number is given? Default: false. =cut $use_mysql_db = 0; =item $use_exact_streetchooser Exact chooser for near coordinates ... somewhat slower, but more exact. Default: true. =cut $use_exact_streetchooser = 1; =item $VERBOSE Set this to true for debugging purposes. =cut $VERBOSE = 0; =item $bbbike_temp_blockings_file Full path to a bbbike-temp-blockings.pl file. See @temp_blocking for more information on the file format. =item @temp_blocking Array with temporary blocking elements. Each element is a hash with the following keys set: =over =item from unix time of start of temporary blocking or undef. =item until unix time of end of temporary blocking or undef. =item file bbd file for temporary blocking data or undef. =item text Explanation text for temporary blockings. =back =back =cut # XXX document: # show max n matches in start form $max_matches = 20; #################################################################### unshift(@Strassen::datadirs, "$FindBin::RealBin/../data", "$FindBin::RealBin/../BBBike/data", ); # XXX hier require verwenden??? eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; #warn "$0.config"; do "$0.config" }; # if (defined $bbbike_temp_blockings_file) { # @temp_blocking = (); # if (defined $bbbike_temp_blockings_optimized_file && # -e $bbbike_temp_blockings_optimized_file && # -M $bbbike_temp_blockings_optimized_file < -M $bbbike_temp_blockings_file) { # do $bbbike_temp_blockings_optimized_file; # } else { # do $bbbike_temp_blockings_file; # } # if (!@temp_blocking) { # warn "Could not load $bbbike_temp_blockings_file/$bbbike_temp_blockings_optimized_file or file is empty: $@"; # } # } if ($VERBOSE) { $StrassenNetz::VERBOSE = $VERBOSE; $Strassen::VERBOSE = $VERBOSE; $StrassenNetz::CNetFile::VERBOSE = $VERBOSE; $Kreuzungen::VERBOSE = $VERBOSE; } use vars qw($cgic); # Can't use my here! sub my_exit { # Seems to be necessary for CGI::Compress::Gzip to flush the # output buffer. undef $cgic; exit @_; } $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 7.41 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/); use vars qw($font $delim); $font = 'sans-serif,helvetica,verdana,arial'; # also set in bbbike.css $delim = '!'; # wegen Mac nicht ¦ verwenden! @weak_cache = ('-expires' => '+1d', # XXX ein bißchen soll Netscape3 auch cachen können: #'-pragma' => 'no-cache', '-cache-control' => 'private', ); @no_cache = ('-expires' => 'now', '-pragma' => 'no-cache', '-cache-control' => 'no-cache', ); #XXX shared variable ! my $header_written; use vars qw($header_written); if (defined %Apache::) { # workaround for "use lib" problem with Apache::Registry 'lib'->import(@extra_libs); } use vars qw($xgridwidth $ygridwidth $xgridnr $ygridnr $xm $ym $x0 $y0 $detailwidth $detailheight $nice_berlinmap $nice_abcmap $start_bgcolor $via_bgcolor $ziel_bgcolor @pref_keys); # Konstanten für die Imagemaps # Die nächsten beiden Variablen müssen auch in bbbike_start.js geändert werden. $xgridwidth = 20; # 20 * 10 = 200: Breite und Höhe von berlin_small.gif $ygridwidth = 20; $xgridnr = 10; $ygridnr = 10; # Diese Werte (bis auf $ym) werden mit small_berlinmap.pl ausgegeben. $xm = 228.58; $ym = $xm; $x0 = -10849; $y0 = 34867; ## schön groß, aber passt nicht auf Seite #$detailwidth = 600; # muß quadratisch sein! #$detailheight = 600; $detailwidth = 500; # muß quadratisch sein! $detailheight = 500; $nice_berlinmap = 0; $nice_abcmap = 0; $start_bgcolor = ''; $via_bgcolor = ''; $ziel_bgcolor = ''; if (!$use_background_image) { $start_bgcolor = '#f0f8ff'; $via_bgcolor = '#ecf4ff'; $ziel_bgcolor = '#e8f0ff'; } use vars qw($speed_default); $speed_default = 20; @pref_keys = qw/speed cat quality ampel green winter fragezeichen/; CGI->import('-no_xhtml'); $q = new CGI; undef $g_str; # XXX because it may already contain landstrassen etc. undef $net; # dito #$str = new Strassen "strassen" unless defined $str; #$str = new Strassen::Lazy "strassen" unless defined $str; $cookiename = "bbbike"; #get_streets($use_umland_jwd ? "wideregion" : $use_umland ? "region" : "city"); # Maximale Anzahl der angezeigten Straßen, wenn eine Auswahl im PLZ-Gebiet # gezeigt wird. $max_plz_streets = 25; # die originale URL (für den Kaltstart) $bbbike_url = $q->url; # $mapdir_url absolut machen $mapdir_url = "http://" . $q->server_name . ($q->server_port != 80 ? ":" . $q->server_port : "") . $mapdir_url; # Root-Verzeichnis und Bilder-Verzeichnis von bbbike ($bbbike_root = $bbbike_url) =~ s|[^/]*/[^/]*$|| if !defined $bbbike_root; $bbbike_root =~ s|/$||; # letzten Slash abschneiden if (!defined $bbbike_images) { $bbbike_images = "$bbbike_root/" . ($use_cgi_bin_layout ? "BBBike/" : "") . "images"; } if (!defined $bbbike_html) { $bbbike_html = "$bbbike_root/" . ($use_cgi_bin_layout ? "BBBike/" : "") . "html"; } $is_beta = $q->url =~ m{bbbike\d\.cgi}; # bbbike2.cgi ... $bbbike2_url = $q->url; if (!$is_beta) { $bbbike2_url =~ s{bbbike\.cgi}{bbbike2.cgi}; } #XXX ! stay shared: my($fontstr, $fontend); #XXX ! stay shared: my $smallform = 0; use vars qw($smallform $fontstr $fontend); $smallform = 0; if (!-d $mapdir_fs) { # unter der Voraussetzung, dass das Parent-Verzeichnis schon existiert mkdir $mapdir_fs, 0755; } $bbbike_script = $q->url; $header_written = 0; if ($q->path_info ne "") { my $q2 = CGI->new(substr($q->path_info, 1)); foreach my $k ($q2->param) { $q->param($k, $q2->param($k)); } } # Bei Verwendung von Apache muß die User-Info immer neu # festgestellt werden user_agent_info(); # XXX Do not do it automatically ... if (0 && $bi->{'wap_browser'}) { exec("./wapbbbike.cgi", @ARGV); warn "exec failed, try redirect..."; print $q->redirect($WAP_URL || $BBBike::BBBIKE_WAP); my_exit(0); } undef $bp_obj; init_bikepower($q); # Wettermeldungen so früh wie möglich versuchen zu holen if ($show_weather || $bp_obj) { start_weather_proc(); } $q->delete('Dummy'); $smallform = $q->param('smallform') || $bi->{'mobile_device'}; $got_cookie = 0; %c = (); foreach my $type (qw(start via ziel)) { if (defined $q->param($type . "charimg.x") and $q->param($type . "charimg.x") ne "" and defined $q->param($type . "charimg.y") and $q->param($type . "charimg.y") ne "") { my($x, $y) = (int(($q->param($type . "charimg.x")-2)/30), int(($q->param($type . "charimg.y")-2)/30)); my $ch = $x + $y*9 + ord("A"); $ch = ($ch > ord("Z") ? 'Z' : ($ch < ord("A") ? 'A' : chr($ch))); $q->param($type . "char", $ch); $q->delete($type . "charimg.x"); $q->delete($type . "charimg.y"); } } if (defined $q->param('movemap')) { my $move = $q->param('movemap'); my($x, $y) = ($q->param('detailmapx'), $q->param('detailmapy')); if ($move =~ /^nord/i) { $y-- } elsif ($move =~ /^süd/i) { $y++ } if ($move =~ /west$/i) { $x-- } elsif ($move =~ /ost$/i) { $x++ } $q->delete('detailmapx'); $q->delete('detailmapy'); $q->delete('movemap'); draw_map('-x' => $x, '-y' => $y); goto REQUEST_DONE; } foreach my $type (qw(start via ziel)) { if (defined $q->param($type . "mapimg.x") and $q->param($type . "mapimg.x") ne "" and defined $q->param($type . "mapimg.y") and $q->param($type . "mapimg.y") ne "") { my($x, $y) = (int($q->param($type . 'mapimg.x')/$xgridwidth), int($q->param($type . 'mapimg.y')/$ygridwidth)); $q->param('type', $type); $q->delete($type . "mapimg.x"); $q->delete($type . "mapimg.y"); draw_map('-x' => $x, '-y' => $y); goto REQUEST_DONE; } } if (defined $q->param('detailmapx') and defined $q->param('detailmapy') and defined $q->param('detailmap.x') and defined $q->param('detailmap.y') ) { my $c = detailmap_to_coord($q->param('detailmapx'), $q->param('detailmapy'), $q->param('detailmap.x'), $q->param('detailmap.y')); if (defined $c) { $q->param($q->param('type') . 'c', $c); } $q->delete('detailmapx'); $q->delete('detailmapy'); $q->delete('detailmap.x'); $q->delete('detailmap.y'); $q->delete('type'); } # Ziel für stadtplandienst-kompatible Koordinaten setzen my $set_anyc = sub { my($ll, $what) = @_; require Karte; Karte::preload("Standard", "Polar"); # Ob die alte ...x...-Syntax noch unterstützt wird, ist fraglich... my($long,$lat) = ($ll =~ /^[\+\ ]/ ? $ll =~ /^[\+\-\ ]([0-9.]+)[\+\-\ ]([0-9.]+)/ : split(/x/, $ll) ); if (defined $long && defined $lat) { local $^W; my($x, $y) = $Karte::Polar::obj->map2standard($long, $lat); new_kreuzungen(); # XXX needed in munich, here too? $q->param($what . "c", get_nearest_crossing_coords($x,$y)); } }; # schwache stadtplandienst-Kompatibilität # Note: ";" und "&" werden von CGI.pm gleichberechtigt behandelt if (defined $q->param('STR')) { $q->param('ziel', $q->param('STR')); } if (defined $q->param('PLZ')) { $q->param('zielplz', $q->param('PLZ')); } if (defined $q->param('LL')) { $set_anyc->($q->param('LL'), "ziel"); } if (defined $q->param('startpolar')) { $set_anyc->($q->param('startpolar'), "start"); } if (defined $q->param('zielpolar')) { $set_anyc->($q->param('zielpolar'), "ziel"); } if (defined $q->param('begin')) { $q->delete('begin'); choose_form(); } elsif (defined $q->param('info') || $q->path_info eq '/_info') { $q->delete('info'); show_info(); } elsif (defined $q->param('uploadpage') || defined $q->param('gps')) { $q->delete('uploadpage'); $q->delete('gps'); upload_button(); } elsif (defined $q->param('all')) { $q->delete('all'); choose_all_form(); } elsif (defined $q->param('bikepower')) { $q->delete('bikepower'); call_bikepower(); } elsif (defined $q->param('nahbereich')) { nahbereich(); } elsif (defined $q->param('mapserver')) { start_mapserver(); } elsif (defined $q->param('routefile') and $q->param('routefile') ne "") { draw_route_from_fh($q->param('routefile')); } elsif (defined $q->param('localroutefile') && defined $local_route_dir) { (my $local_route_file = $q->param('localroutefile')) =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9._-]//g; $local_route_file = "$local_route_dir/$local_route_file"; open(FH, $local_route_file) or die "Can't open $local_route_file: $!"; draw_route_from_fh(\*FH); } elsif (defined $q->param('coords') || defined $q->param('coordssession')) { draw_route(-cache => []); } elsif (defined $q->param('create_all_maps')) { # XXX Der Apache 1.3.9/FreeBSD 3.3 lässt den Prozess nach # ungefähr fünf Karten mit "Profiling timer expired" sterben. # Mit thttpd gibt es zwar auch mysteriöse kills, aber es geht im # Großen und Ganzen. http_header(-type => 'text/plain', @no_cache, ); $| = 1; $check_map_time = 1; for my $x (0 .. 9) { for my $y (0 .. 9) { print "x=$x y=$y ...\n"; draw_map('-x' => $x, '-y' => $y, '-quiet' => 1, '-logging' => 1, '-strlabel' => 1, '-force' => 0, ); } } my_exit(0); } elsif (defined $q->param('startchar')) { choose_ch_form($q->param('startchar'), 'start'); } elsif (defined $q->param('viachar')) { choose_ch_form($q->param('viachar'), 'via'); } elsif (defined $q->param('zielchar')) { choose_ch_form($q->param('zielchar'), 'ziel'); } elsif (defined $q->param('startc') and defined $q->param('zielc')) { if (!$q->param('pref_seen')) { # zuerst die Einstellungen für die Suche eingeben lassen get_kreuzung(); } else { # und erst dann suchen search_coord(); } } elsif (((defined $q->param('startname') and $q->param('startname') ne '') or (defined $q->param('startc') and $q->param('startc') ne '')) and ((defined $q->param('zielname') and $q->param('zielname') ne '') or (defined $q->param('zielc') and $q->param('zielc') ne '')) and via_not_needed() ) { get_kreuzung(); } elsif (defined $q->param('browser')) { show_user_agent_info(); } else { choose_form(); } undef $cgic; REQUEST_DONE: if ($modperl_lowmem) { undef $q; undef $g_str; undef $orte; undef $orte2; undef $multiorte; undef $plz; undef $net; undef $multi_bez_str; } my_exit 0; sub abc_link { my($type, %args) = @_; if ($bi->{'mobile_device'}) { # we don't need any extras } elsif ($bi->{'text_browser'}) { # This is disabled for now --- it is too cumbersome to navigate # to the via and goal entry fields with this link list. Maybe just # provide a separate link to this link list. if (0) { for my $ch ('A' .. 'Z') { print ""; } print "
\n"; } } elsif ($nice_abcmap) { print ""; print ""; print "
"; print "\"\""; print "
"; print "
"; print "\"\""; print "
"; print < EOF } else { print ""; } } sub _potsdam_hack { my $street = shift; my $potsdam_file = "$tmp_dir/" . $Strassen::Util::cacheprefix . "_" . $< . "_potsdam_strassen"; my $potsdam_str = eval { Strassen->new($potsdam_file) }; if (!$potsdam_str) { $potsdam_str = Strassen->new; my $landstr = Strassen->new("landstrassen"); $landstr->init; while(1) { my $r = $landstr->next; last if !@{ $r->[Strassen::COORDS] }; if ($r->[Strassen::NAME] =~ /\s+\(Potsdam\)/) { $potsdam_str->push($r); } } $potsdam_str->write($potsdam_file); } my $pos = $potsdam_str->choose_street($street, "Potsdam"); my $name; if (defined $pos) { $name = $potsdam_str->get($pos)->[Strassen::NAME]; my $scope = $q->param("scope"); if (!$scope || $scope eq "city") { $q->param("scope", "region"); # XXX increment_scope? } } $name; } sub choose_form { my $startname = $q->param('startname') || ''; my $start2 = $q->param('start2') || ''; my $start = $q->param('start') || ''; my $startplz = $q->param('startplz') || ''; my $starthnr = $q->param('starthnr') || ''; my $startc = $q->param('startc') || ''; my $vianame = $q->param('vianame') || ''; my $via2 = $q->param('via2') || ''; my $via = $q->param('via') || ''; my $viaplz = $q->param('viaplz') || ''; my $viahnr = $q->param('viahnr') || ''; my $viac = $q->param('viac') || ''; my $zielname = $q->param('zielname') || ''; my $ziel2 = $q->param('ziel2') || ''; my $ziel = $q->param('ziel') || ''; my $zielplz = $q->param('zielplz') || ''; my $zielhnr = $q->param('zielhnr') || ''; my $zielc = $q->param('zielc') || ''; my $nl = sub { if ($bi->{'can_table'}) { print " \n"; } else { print "

\n"; } }; my $tbl_center = sub { my $text = shift; my $align = shift || "center"; if ($bi->{'can_table'}) { print "$text\n"; } else { print "

\n"; } }; # This is needed if the user first types a street name and then # chooses the detailmap: undef $start if $startc; undef $via if $viac; undef $ziel if $zielc; # Namen und Koordinaten der Start...orte my($startort, $viaort, $zielort, $startortc, $viaortc, $zielortc); # Leerzeichen am Anfang und Ende löschen # überflüssige Leerzeichen in der Mitte löschen if (defined $start) { $start =~ s/^\s+//; $start =~ s/\s+$//; $start =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g; } if (defined $via) { $via =~ s/^\s+//; $via =~ s/\s+$//; $via =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g; } if (defined $ziel) { $ziel =~ s/^\s+//; $ziel =~ s/\s+$//; $ziel =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g; } foreach ([\$startname, \$start2, \$startort, \$startortc, 'start'], [\$vianame, \$via2, \$viaort, \$viaortc, 'via'], [\$zielname, \$ziel2, \$zielort, \$zielortc, 'ziel'], ) { my ( $nameref, $tworef, $ortref, $ortcref, $type) = @$_; # Überprüfen, ob eine in PLZ vorhandene Straße auch in # Strassen vorhanden ist und ggfs. $....name setzen if ($$nameref eq '' && $$tworef ne '') { my(@s) = split(/$delim/o, $$tworef); if ($s[1] eq '#ort') { my($ortname, $xy) = ($s[0], $s[2]); $$ortref = $ortname; $$ortcref = $xy; } else { my($strasse, $bezirk, $plz) = @s; warn "Wähle $type-Straße für $strasse/$bezirk (1st)\n" if $debug; if ($bezirk eq "Potsdam") { my $name = _potsdam_hack($strasse); if ($name) { $$nameref = $name; $q->param($type . 'plz', $plz); } } else { my $str = get_streets(); my $pos = $str->choose_street($strasse, $bezirk); if (!defined $pos) { if ($str->{Scope} eq 'city') { warn "Enlarge streets for umland\n" if $debug; $q->param("scope", "region"); # XXX increment_scope? $str = get_streets_rebuild_dependents(); # XXX maybe wideregion too? } $pos = $str->choose_street($strasse, $bezirk); } if (defined $pos) { $$nameref = $str->get($pos)->[0]; $q->param($type . 'plz', $plz); } } } } } # Es ist alles vorhanden, keine Notwendigkeit für ein Formular. TRY: { if (((defined $startname && $startname ne '') || (defined $startort && $startort ne '')) && ((defined $zielname && $zielname ne '') || (defined $zielort && $zielort ne ''))) { last TRY if (((defined $via2 && $via2 ne '') || (defined $via && $via ne '' && $via ne 'NO')) && ((!defined $vianame || $vianame eq '') && (!defined $viaort || $viaort eq ''))); foreach ([\$startort, \$startortc, \$startname, 'start'], [\$viaort, \$viaortc, \$vianame, 'via'], [\$zielort, \$zielortc, \$zielname, 'ziel']) { my $ortref = $_->[0]; my $ortcref = $_->[1]; my $nameref = $_->[2]; my $type = $_->[3]; if ((!defined $$ortref || $$ortref ne '') and defined $$ortcref) { new_kreuzungen(); # XXX needed in munich, here too? my($best) = get_nearest_crossing_coords(split(/,/, $$ortcref)); $q->param($type . 'isort', 1); $q->param($type . 'c', $best); $q->param($type . 'name', $$ortref); $$nameref = $$ortref; } } if (0 && # XXX preferences-seite! $q->param("startc") and $q->param("zielc") and ((!defined $vianame || $vianame eq '') || ($q->param("viac")))) { search_coord(); } else { warn "Wähle Kreuzung für $startname und $zielname\n" if $debug; get_kreuzung($startname, $vianame, $zielname); } return; } } # Activate only for tested platforms # XXX what about Opera? if ($bi->{'can_dhtml'} && !$bi->{'dhtml_buggy'} && $bi->{'can_javascript'} && !$bi->{'text_browser'}) { if (($bi->is_browser_version("Mozilla", 4.5, 4.9999) && $bi->{'user_agent_os'} =~ /(freebsd|linux|windows|winnt)/i) || (defined $bi->{'gecko_version'} && ($bi->{'gecko_version'} >= 20020000 || $bi->{'gecko_version'} == 0)) ) { $nice_berlinmap = $nice_abcmap = 1; } if ($bi->is_browser_version("MSIE", 5.0, 5.4999)) { $nice_berlinmap = $nice_abcmap = 1; } } my(@start_matches, @via_matches, @ziel_matches); MATCH_STREET: foreach ([\$startname,\$start,\$start2,\@start_matches,'start',\$startplz], [\$vianame, \$via, \$via2, \@via_matches, 'via', \$viaplz], [\$zielname, \$ziel, \$ziel2, \@ziel_matches, 'ziel', \$zielplz], ) { my ( $nameref, $oneref,$tworef, $matchref, $type, $zipref)=@$_; local $^W = 0; # too many defined checks missing... # Darstellung eines Vias nicht erwünscht next if ($type eq 'via' and $$oneref eq 'NO'); # Überprüfen, ob eine Straße in PLZ vorhanden ist. if ($$nameref eq '' && $$oneref ne '') { if (!$plz) { $plz = init_plz(); } if (!$plz) { # Notbehelf. PLZ sollte möglichst installiert sein. my $str = get_streets(); my @res = $str->agrep($$oneref); if (@res) { $$nameref = $res[0]; } next; } warn "Suche $$oneref in der PLZ-DB.\n" if $debug; # check for given crossings my $crossing_street; if ($$oneref =~ m|/|) { # XXX is it OK to change the referred value? ($$oneref, $crossing_street) = split /\s*\/\s*/, $$oneref, 2; } my @extra; if ($$zipref ne '') { push @extra, Citypart => $$zipref; } next if $$oneref =~ /^\s*$/; $$oneref = PLZ::norm_street($$oneref); my($retref, $matcherr) = $plz->look_loop(PLZ::split_street($$oneref), @extra, Max => $max_plz_streets, MultiZIP => 1, # introduced because of Hauptstr./Friedenau vs. Hauptstr./Schöneberg problem MultiCitypart => 1, # works good with the new combine method Agrep => 'default'); @$matchref = grep { defined $_->[PLZ::LOOK_COORD()] && $_->[PLZ::LOOK_COORD()] ne "" } @$retref; # XXX needs more checks, but seems to work good # except in the cases, where the same street has different coordinates # see Ackerstr. Mitte/Wedding # solution: use multi_bez_str! @$matchref = map { $plz->combined_elem_to_string_form($_) } $plz->combine(@$matchref); if (@$matchref == 0) { # Nichts gefunden. In der Plätze-Datei nachschauen. if (my $platz = new Strassen "plaetze") { warn "Suche $$oneref in der Plätze-Datei.\n" if $debug; my @res = $platz->agrep($$oneref); if (@res) { my $ret = $platz->get_by_name($res[0]); if ($ret) { $$nameref = $res[0]; $q->param($type . 'c', $ret->[1][0]); } } } if (@$matchref == 0 && !defined $$nameref) { # Noch immer ohne Erfolg. In der Strassen-Datei # nachschauen, weil einige Straßen nicht in der PLZ-Datei # stehen. warn "Suche $$oneref in der Straßen-Datei.\n" if $debug; my $str = get_streets(); my @res = $str->agrep($$oneref); if (@res) { my $ret = $str->get_by_name($res[0]); if ($ret) { $$nameref = $res[0]; $q->param($type . 'c', $ret->[1][0]); } } } next; } # If this is a crossing, then get the exact point, but don't fail if (defined $crossing_street) { # first: get all matching Strasse objects (first part) my $rx = "^" . join("|", map { quotemeta($_->[&PLZ::LOOK_NAME]) } @$matchref); my $str = get_streets(); my @matches = grep { $_->[Strassen::NAME] =~ /$rx/i } $str->get_all; if (@matches) { all_crossings(); # now search for crossings foreach my $r (@matches) { foreach my $c (@{$r->[Strassen::COORDS]}) { if (exists $crossings->{$c}) { # is this the right crossing? foreach my $test_crossing_street (@{$crossings->{$c}}) { if ($test_crossing_street =~ /^\Q$crossing_street\E/i) { $$nameref = join("/", @{$crossings->{$c}}); $q->param($type . 'c', $c); next MATCH_STREET; } } } } } } } # Überprüfen, ob es sich bei den gefundenen Straßen um die # gleiche Straße, die durch mehrere Bezirke verläuft, handelt, # oder ob es mehrere Straßen in mehreren Bezirken sind, die nur # den gleichen Namen haben. if (@$matchref > 1) { TRY: { my $first = $matchref->[0][0]; for(my $i = 1; $i <= $#$matchref; $i++) { if ($first ne $matchref->[$i][0]) { last TRY; } } # alle Straßennamen sind gleich if (!$multi_bez_str) { $multi_bez_str = new MultiBezStr; } if ($multi_bez_str) { my %bezirk; foreach ($multi_bez_str->bezirke($first)) { $bezirk{$_}++; } foreach my $match (@$matchref) { my(@bezirke) = split /\s*,\s*/, $match->[1]; # may be "Britz, Buckow, Rudow" for my $bezirk (@bezirke) { last TRY if !exists $bezirk{$bezirk}; } } splice @$matchref, 1; } } } if ($multiorte) { my @orte = $multiorte->agrep($$oneref, Agrep => $matcherr); if (@orte) { use constant MATCHREF_ISORT_INDEX => 4; push @$matchref, map { [$_, undef, undef, undef, 1] } @orte; } } if (@$matchref == 1) { my($strasse, $bezirk) = ($matchref->[0][0], $matchref->[0][1]); warn "Wähle $type-Straße für $strasse/$bezirk (2nd)\n" if $debug; if ($bezirk eq "Potsdam") { my $name = _potsdam_hack($strasse); if ($name) { $$nameref = $name; $q->param($type . 'plz', $matchref->[0][2]); } else { $$tworef = join($delim, @{ $matchref->[0] }); } } else { my $str = get_streets(); my $pos = $str->choose_street($strasse, $bezirk); if (!defined $pos) { if ($str->{Scope} eq 'city') { warn "Enlarge streets for umland\n" if $debug; $q->param("scope", "region"); # XXX increment_scope? $str = get_streets_rebuild_dependents(); # XXX maybe wideregion too? } $pos = $str->choose_street($strasse, $bezirk); } if (defined $pos) { $$nameref = $str->get($pos)->[0]; $q->param($type . 'plz', $matchref->[0][2]); } else { $$tworef = join($delim, @{ $matchref->[0] }); } } } } } # Es ist alles vorhanden, keine Notwendigkeit für ein Formular. TRY: { if ($startname ne '' && $zielname ne '') { last TRY if (((defined $via2 && $via2 ne '') || (defined $via && $via ne '')) && (!defined $vianame || $vianame eq '')); warn "Wähle Kreuzung für $startname und $zielname\n" if $debug; get_kreuzung($startname, $vianame, $zielname); return; } } my %header_args = @weak_cache; $header_args{-expires} = '+1d'; http_header(%header_args); my @extra_headers; if ($bi->{'text_browser'} && !$bi->{'mobile_device'}) { push @extra_headers, -up => $BBBike::HOMEPAGE; } if ($nice_berlinmap || $nice_abcmap) { push @extra_headers, -onLoad => "init_hi(); window.onResize = init_hi;", -script => {-src => $bbbike_html . "/bbbike_start.js", }, } header(@extra_headers, -from => "chooseform"); print <{'can_table'}); EOF my $show_introduction; { local $^W = 0; $show_introduction = ($start eq '' && $ziel eq '' && $start2 eq '' && $ziel2 eq '' && $startname eq '' && $zielname eq '' && $startc eq '' && $zielc eq '' && !$smallform); } if ($show_introduction) { load_teaser(); # use "make count-streets" in ../data print <{'can_table'});

EOF print "

" if ($bi->{'can_table'}); } print "
@{[ blind_image(420,1) ]}
EOF print <
EOF print <{'can_table'});
@{[ defined &teaser && !$bi->{'css_buggy'} ? teaser() : "" ]}
" if ($bi->{'can_table'}); if ($bi->{'text_browser'}) { print q{Start-}; unless ($via eq 'NO') { print q{, Via- (optional) }; } print <Zielstraße der Route auswählen und dann weiter:

EOF } else { if ($nice_berlinmap) { print "

\n"; } print " Start- und Zielstraße der Route auswählen"; unless ($via eq 'NO') { print " (Via ist optional)" } print ":

\n"; } print "

" if ($bi->{'can_table'}); print "
\n"; # Hack for browsers which use the first button, regardless whether it's # image or button, for firing in a event # XXX Does not work for Opera, Safari and MSIE are untested... if ($bi->{user_agent_name} =~ /^(konqueror|safari|opera|msie)/i) { print < EOF } print "\n" if ($bi->{'can_table'}); foreach ([\$startname, \$start, \$start2, \$startort, \@start_matches, 'start', $start_bgcolor], [\$vianame, \$via, \$via2, \$viaort, \@via_matches, 'via', $via_bgcolor], [\$zielname, \$ziel, \$ziel2, \$zielort, \@ziel_matches, 'ziel', $ziel_bgcolor]) { my($nameref, $oneref, $tworef, $ortref, $matchref, $type, $bgcolor) = @$_; my $bgcolor_s = $bgcolor ne '' ? "bgcolor=$bgcolor" : ''; my $coord = $q->param($type . "c"); my $has_init_map_js; # Darstellung eines Vias nicht erwünscht if ($type eq 'via' and $$oneref eq 'NO') { print ""; next; } my $printtype = ucfirst($type); my $imagetype = "$bbbike_images/" . $type . ".gif"; my $tryempty = 0; my $no_td = 0; if ($bi->{'can_table'}) { print qq{}; my $color = {'start' => '#e0e0e0', 'via' => '#c0c0c0', 'ziel' => '#a0a0a0', }->{$type}; #XXX not yet: print ""; } else { print "$printtype: "; } if ((defined $$nameref and $$nameref ne '') || (defined $coord and $coord ne '')) { print "\n" if $bi->{'can_table'}; if ($nice_berlinmap && $bi->{'can_table'}) { print ""; } } elsif (defined $$ortref and $$ortref ne '') { print "" if $bi->{'can_table'}; print "\n"; } elsif ($$oneref ne '' && @$matchref == 0) { print "" if $bi->{'can_table'}; # show point in the overview map, too if ($nice_berlinmap && $bi->{'can_table'}) { print ""; } } elsif (@$matchref == 1) { # XXX wann kommt man hierher? print "" if $bi->{'can_table'}; } elsif (@$matchref > 1) { print ""; } } else { $tryempty = 1; } if ($tryempty) { if (!$no_td) { # align=center was a mistake print "" if $bi->{'can_table'}; } } elsif ($nice_berlinmap) { if (!$has_init_map_js) { print "\n"; } print "\n"; } if ($bi->{'can_table'}) { print "\n"; } else { print "

\n"; } } $nl->(); hidden_smallform(); { my $button_str = ""; if (($start2 ne "" || $startname ne "" || $via2 ne "" || $vianame ne "" || $ziel2 ne "" || $zielname ne "") && $bi->{'can_javascript'}) { $button_str .= "  "; } $button_str .= ""; $tbl_center->($button_str); } print "

{'css_buggy'} ? qq{style="padding-bottom:8px;" } : "") . qq{src="$imagetype" border=0 alt="$printtype">" . blind_image(1,1) . "$fontstr" if $bi->{'can_table'}; if (defined $coord) { print "\n"; } if ($q->param($type . "isort")) { print "\n"; } if (defined $coord and (!defined $$nameref or $$nameref eq '')) { print crossing_text($coord); } else { print "$$nameref\n"; } print "\n"; if (defined $q->param($type . "plz")) { print "param($type . "plz") . "\">\n"; } if (defined $q->param($type . "hnr")) { print "param($type."hnr") . "\">\n"; } print "$fontend"; if (!@$matchref) { # XXX why? $matchref = [[$$nameref, undef, undef, $coord]]; } require PLZ; # XXX why? berlinmap_with_choices($type, $matchref); $has_init_map_js++; print "$fontstr" if $bi->{'can_table'}; print "$$ortref\n"; print "\n"; print "$fontstr" if $bi->{'can_table'}; print "$$oneref ist nicht bekannt.
\n"; my $qs = CGI->new({strname => $$oneref})->query_string; print qq{Diese Straße eintragen
\n}; $no_td = 1; $tryempty = 1; } elsif ($$tworef ne '') { my($strasse, $bezirk, $plz, $xy) = split(/$delim/o, $$tworef); print "
$fontstr" if $bi->{'can_table'}; if (defined $xy) { new_kreuzungen(); my($best) = get_nearest_crossing_coords(split(/,/, $xy)); my $cr = crossing_text(defined $best ? $best : $xy); my $qs = CGI->new({strname => $strasse, bezirk => $bezirk, plz => $plz, coord => $xy, })->query_string; my $report_nearest = $strasse !~ /^[su]-bhf/i; if ($report_nearest) { print qq{$strasse ist nicht bekannt (diese Straße eintragen).
\n}; } else { print qq{$strasse
\n}; } print qq{Die nächste } . ($report_nearest ? "bekannte " : "") . qq{Kreuzung ist:
\n}; print "$cr"; if ($report_nearest) { print qq{
\nund wird für die Suche verwendet.}; } print qq{
\n}; print ""; print ""; } else { choose_street_html($strasse, $plz, $type); } print "$fontend
"; if (!@$matchref) { # XXX why? $matchref = [[$strasse, $bezirk, $plz, $xy]]; } require PLZ; # XXX why? berlinmap_with_choices($type, $matchref); $has_init_map_js++; print "$fontstr" if $bi->{'can_table'}; choose_street_html($matchref->[0][0], $matchref->[0][2], $type); print "$fontend${fontstr}" if $bi->{'can_table'}; print "Genaue " . $printtype . "straße auswählen:
\n"; # Sort Potsdam streets to the end: @$matchref = sort { if ($a->[1] eq 'Potsdam' && $b->[1] ne 'Potsdam') { return +1; } elsif ($a->[1] ne 'Potsdam' && $b->[1] eq 'Potsdam') { return -1; } else { return 0; } } @$matchref; my $s; my $checked = 0; my $out_i = 0; foreach $s (@$matchref) { last if ++$out_i > $max_matches; my $strasse2val; my $is_ort = $s->[MATCHREF_ISORT_INDEX]; print ""; print "
\n"; } if (defined $q->param($type . "hnr")) { print "param($type."hnr") . "\">\n"; } if ($bi->{'can_table'}) { print "$fontend
"; # show choices in the overview map, too if ($nice_berlinmap) { berlinmap_with_choices($type, $matchref); $has_init_map_js++; } else { print " "; } print "" if $bi->{'can_table'}; } print ""; if ($use_mysql_db) { print " "; } print "
"; if (!$smallform) { abc_link($type, -nice => 1); if ($use_special_destinations) { if ($type eq 'via') { print "
"; print qq{ }; } elsif ($type eq 'ziel') { print "
"; print qq{ }; } } print "
" if $bi->{'can_table'}; if ($nice_berlinmap && !$no_berlinmap) { print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print < EOF } elsif (!$bi->{'text_browser'} && !$no_berlinmap) { print ""; } print " 
\n" if $bi->{'can_table'}; print ""; print "\n"; print "
\n" if $bi->{'can_table'}; print "
"; if (!$smallform) { print window_open("$bbbike_script?all=1", "BBBikeAll", "dependent,height=500,resizable," . "screenX=500,screenY=30,scrollbars,width=250") . "Liste aller bekannten Straßen (ca. 75 kB)"; print "
"; } print footer_as_string(); print $q->end_html; } sub berlinmap_with_choices { my($type, $matchref) = @_; print ""; my $js = ""; my $match_nr = 0; my $out_i = 0; foreach my $s (@$matchref) { last if ++$out_i > $max_matches; $match_nr++; next if $s->[MATCHREF_ISORT_INDEX]; my $xy = $s->[PLZ::LOOK_COORD()]; next if !defined $xy; my($tx,$ty) = map { int $_ } overview_map()->{Transpose}->(split /,/, $xy); $tx -= 4; $ty -= 4; # center reddot.gif my $divid = $type . "match" . $match_nr; my($a_start, $a_end) = ("", ""); if (@$matchref > 1) { $a_start = < EOF $a_end = ""; } print <$a_start$s->[0] ($s->[1])$a_end EOF $js .= "pos_rel(\"$divid\", \"${type}mapbelow\", $tx, $ty);\nvis(\"$divid\", \"show\");\n"; } print < EOF } sub choose_ch_form { my($search_char, $search_type) = @_; my $use_javascript = ($bi->{'can_javascript'} && !$bi->{'javascript_incomplete'}); #XXX Diese locale-Manipulation mit choose_all_form verbinden, und Sortierung # in eigene Subroutine auslagern. use locale; eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; require POSIX; foreach my $locale (qw(de de_DE de_DE.ISO8859-1 de_DE.ISO_8859-1)) { # Aha. Bei &POSIX::LC_ALL gibt es eine Warnung, ohne & und mit () # funktioniert es reibungslos. last if POSIX::setlocale( POSIX::LC_COLLATE(), $locale); } }; http_header(@weak_cache); header(); print "" . ucfirst($search_type) . ""; print " (Anfangsbuchstabe $search_char)
\n"; my $next_char = (ord($search_char) < ord('Z') ? chr(ord($search_char)+1) : undef); my $prev_char = (ord($search_char) > ord('A') ? chr(ord($search_char)-1) : undef); print "
\n"; if (!$use_javascript) { print "
"; } foreach ($q->param) { unless ($_ eq 'startchar' || $_ eq 'viachar' || $_ eq 'zielchar' || $_ eq $search_type) { # Lynx-Bug (oder Feature?): hidden-Variable werden nicht von # der nachfolgenden Radio-Liste überschrieben next if ($_ =~ /^$search_type/); print "param($_) . "\">\n"; } } my $regex_char = "^" . ($search_char eq 'A' ? '[AÄ]' : ($search_char eq 'O' ? '[OÖ]' : ($search_char eq 'U' ? '[UÜ]' : $search_char))); my @strlist; my $str = get_streets(); $str->init; eval q{ # eval wegen /o while(1) { my $ret = $str->next; last if !@{$ret->[1]}; my $name = $ret->[0]; push(@strlist, $name) if $name =~ /$regex_char/oi; } }; @strlist = sort @strlist; print "
\n"; my $last_name; for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#strlist; $i++) { my $name = $strlist[$i]; if (defined $last_name and $name eq $last_name) { next; } else { $last_name = $name; } print "
\n"; } print "
"; if (!$use_javascript) { print "

\n"; } print "andere " . ucfirst($search_type) . "straße:
\n"; abc_link($search_type); footer(); print ""; print "
\n"; print $q->end_html; } sub get_kreuzung { my($start_str, $via_str, $ziel_str) = @_; if (!defined $start_str) { $start_str = $q->param('startname'); } if (!defined $via_str) { $via_str = $q->param('vianame'); } if (defined $via_str && $via_str =~ /^\s*$/) { undef $via_str; } if (!defined $ziel_str) { $ziel_str = $q->param('zielname'); } my $start_plz = $q->param('startplz'); my $via_plz = $q->param('viaplz'); my $ziel_plz = $q->param('zielplz'); my $start_c = $q->param('startc'); my $via_c = $q->param('viac'); my $ziel_c = $q->param('zielc'); my %is_ort; foreach (qw(start via ziel)) { $is_ort{$_} = $q->param($_ . 'isort'); } my($start, $via, $ziel); my(@start_coords, @via_coords, @ziel_coords); if ($use_mysql_db) { my $tdb; foreach my $type (qw(start via ziel)) { my($str_normed, $citypart); my $hnr = $q->param($type."hnr"); if (defined $q->param($type."2") && $q->param($type."2") !~ /^\s*$/) { ($str_normed, $citypart) = split $delim, $q->param($type."2"); } else { $str_normed = eval "\$".$type.'_str'; die $@ if $@; } next if (!defined $str_normed || $str_normed =~ /^\s*$/); if (defined $hnr && $hnr =~ /\d/) { if (!$tdb) { require TelbuchDBApprox; $tdb = TelbuchDBApprox->new or die; } if (defined $q->param($type."2")) { ($str_normed, $citypart) = split $delim, $q->param($type."2"); } else { $str_normed = eval "\$".$type.'_str'; die $@ if $@; } my(@res) = $tdb->search("$str_normed $hnr", undef, $citypart, -maxtry => TelbuchDBApprox::TRY_NO_CITYPART()); if (@res == 1) { eval "\$".$type."_c = \"$res[0]->{Coord}\""; die $@ if $@; } } } } my $str = get_streets(); $str->init; # Abbruch kann hier nicht früher erfolgen, da Straßen unterbrochen # sein können while(1) { my $ret = $str->next; last if !@{$ret->[1]}; my $name = $ret->[0]; if (defined $start_str && $start_str eq $name and !defined $start_c) { $start = $str->pos; push @start_coords, @{$ret->[1]}; } if (defined $via_str && $via_str eq $name and !defined $via_c) { $via = $str->pos; push @via_coords, @{$ret->[1]}; } if (defined $ziel_str && $ziel_str eq $name and !defined $ziel_c) { $ziel = $str->pos; push @ziel_coords, @{$ret->[1]}; } } if ((!defined $start and !defined $start_c) || (!defined $ziel and !defined $ziel_c)) { local $^W = 0; warn "Fehler: Start <$start_str/position $start> und/oder Ziel <$ziel_str/position $ziel> können nicht zugeordnet werden.
\n"; # Mostly this error comes from mistyped user input, so try to do # the best and redirect to the start page: $q->param('start', $start_str); $q->param('via', $via_str); $q->param('ziel', $ziel_str); $q->delete($_) for (qw(startname vianame zielname)); return choose_form(); } if (@start_coords == 1 and @ziel_coords == 1 and (@via_coords == 1 or !defined $via)) { # nur eine Kreuzung für alle Punkte vorhanden # => gleich zur Suche springen bzw. nur die Preferences anzeigen $q->param('startc', $start_coords[0]); $q->param('startname', $start_str); $q->param('zielc', $ziel_coords[0]); $q->param('zielname', $ziel_str); if (defined $via) { $q->param('viac', $via_coords[0]); $q->param('vianame', $via_str); } ## Das hier muss man wieder herein nehmen, wenn man nicht die ## Preferences braucht: # search_coord(); # my_exit(0); } http_header(@weak_cache); my %header_args; $header_args{-script} = {-src => $bbbike_html . "/bbbike_result.js", }; header(%header_args); if ((!$start_c && @start_coords != 1) || (!$ziel_c && @ziel_coords != 1) || (@via_coords && !$via_c)) { print "Genaue Kreuzung angeben:

\n"; } all_crossings(); print "

"; print "\n" if ($bi->{'can_table'}); foreach ([$start_str, \@start_coords, $start_plz, $start_c, 'start', $start_bgcolor], [$via_str, \@via_coords, $via_plz, $via_c, 'via', $via_bgcolor], [$ziel_str, \@ziel_coords, $ziel_plz, $ziel_c, 'ziel', $ziel_bgcolor], ) { my($strname, $coords_ref, $plz, $c, $type, $bgcolor) = @$_; my $bgcolor_s = $bgcolor ne '' ? "bgcolor=$bgcolor" : ''; my @coords = @$coords_ref; next if !@coords and !$c; # kann bei nicht definiertem Via vorkommen my $printtype = ucfirst($type); print "\n"; } else { print "" . ($type ne 'ziel' ? '
' : '

') . "\n"; } } print "
" if ($bi->{'can_table'}); print "$printtype: "; print "" if ($bi->{'can_table'}); if (@coords == 1) { $c = $coords[0]; } if (defined $c) { print ""; } if (defined $c and (not defined $strname or $strname eq '')) { print crossing_text($c) . "
\n"; } else { if (defined $plz and $plz eq '') { print $strname; } else { print coord_or_stadtplan_link($strname, $c || $coords[0], $plz, $is_ort{$type}); } } if (defined $q->param($type."hnr") && $q->param($type."hnr") ne "") { print " " . $q->param($type . "hnr"); } # Parameter durchschleifen... if (defined $strname) { print ""; } if (defined $q->param($type . "plz")) { print "param($type . "plz") . "\">\n"; } if (defined $q->param($type."hnr") && $q->param($type."hnr") ne "") { print "param($type . "hnr") . "\">\n"; } if ($is_ort{$type}) { print "\n"; } if (!defined $c) { my $i = 0; my %used; my $ecke_printed = 0; foreach (@coords) { unless ($ecke_printed) { if ($use_select) { print " Ecke "; if ($bi->{'can_table'}) { print "
"; } print " "; } my @kreuzung; foreach (@{$crossings->{$_}}) { if ($_ ne $strname) { push(@kreuzung, $_); } } if (@kreuzung == 0) { print "..."; # XXX bessere Loesung? } else { print join("/", map { Strasse::strip_bezirk($_) } @kreuzung); } print "
" unless $use_select; print "\n"; } } print "" if $use_select && $ecke_printed; #XXX # my $img_url = crossing_map($type, \@coords); # if ($img_url) { # print ""; # } } if ($bi->{'can_table'}) { print "
\n" if ($bi->{'can_table'}); hidden_smallform(); print <

Einstellungen: EOF reset_html(); print "

"; settings_html(); print "
\n"; suche_button(); ## Nahbereich ist nur verwirrend... # # probably tkweb - work around form submit bug # if ($q->user_agent !~ m|libwww-perl|) { # print " \n"; # } footer(); print ""; print ""; print $q->end_html; } #XXX hmmm... muss gründlicher überlegt werden. # sub crossing_map { # my($type, $coordsref) = @_; # return if !-d $mapdir_fs || !-w $mapdir_fs; # return if $^O eq 'MSWin32'; # no fork XXX # my $draw; # eval { # local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; # require BBBikeDraw; # BBBikeDraw->VERSION(2.26); # $draw = new BBBikeDraw # Geometry => "100x100", # Draw => ['title', 'wasser', 'flaechen', 'ubahn', 'sbahn', 'str'], # ; # die $@ if !$draw; # }; # return if ($@); # my $basefile = "_crossing_".$$."_".$type.".".$draw->suffix; # if (fork == 0) { # # XXX $$ is not enough for modperl!!! # $draw->{Coords} = $coordsref; # eval { $draw->pre_draw }; return if $@; # $draw->draw_map; # $draw->draw_route; # open(IMG, ">$mapdir_fs/$basefile") # or die "Can't write to $mapdir_fs/$basefile: $!"; # binmode IMG; # $draw->flush(Fh => \*IMG); # close IMG; # my_exit 0; # } else { # return "$mapdir_url/$basefile"; # } # } sub get_global_cookie { if (!$got_cookie) { %c = get_cookie(); $got_cookie = 1; } } sub get_cookie { $q->cookie(-name => $cookiename, # XXX cookie seems only to be set if doing some action from the search site, not a page before. Check it! # XXX dirname okay with backward compatibility? -path => dirname($q->url(-absolute => 1)), ); } sub set_cookie { my($href) = @_; # Create a dirname and a non-dirname cookie (both for backward compat): [$q->cookie (-name => "$cookiename-dir", -value => $href, -expires => '+1y', -path => dirname($q->url(-absolute => 1)), ), $q->cookie (-name => $cookiename, -value => $href, -expires => '+1y', -path => $q->url(-absolute => 1), ), ]; } use vars qw($default_speed $default_cat $default_quality $default_ampel $default_routen $default_green $default_winter $default_fragezeichen); sub get_settings_defaults { get_global_cookie(); $default_speed = (defined $c{"pref_speed"} && $c{"pref_speed"} != 0 ? $c{"pref_speed"}+0 : $speed_default); $default_cat = (defined $c{"pref_cat"} ? $c{"pref_cat"} : ""); $default_quality = (defined $c{"pref_quality"} ? $c{"pref_quality"} : ""); $default_ampel = (defined $c{"pref_ampel"} && $c{"pref_ampel"} eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0); $default_routen = (defined $c{"pref_routen"} ? $c{"pref_routen"} : ""); $default_green = (defined $c{"pref_green"} ? $c{"pref_green"} : ""); # Backward compatibility: if ($default_green eq 'yes') { $default_green = 2; } $default_winter = (defined $c{"pref_winter"} ? $c{"pref_winter"} : ""); $default_fragezeichen = (defined $c{"pref_fragezeichen"} ? $c{"pref_fragezeichen"} : ""); } sub reset_html { if ($bi->{'can_javascript'}) { my(%strcat) = ("" => 0, "N1" => 1, "N2" => 2, "H1" => 3, "H2" => 4); my(%strqual) = ("" => 0, "Q0" => 1, "Q2" => 2); my(%strrouten) = ("" => 0, "RR" => 1); my(%strgreen) = ("" => 0, "GR1" => 1, "GR2" => 2); my(%strwinter) = ("" => 0, "WI1" => 1, "WI2" => 2); get_settings_defaults(); print < EOF } } sub settings_html { get_global_cookie(); if ($q->param("pref_seen")) { foreach my $key (@pref_keys) { $c{"pref_$key"} = $q->param("pref_$key"); } } get_settings_defaults(); my $cat_checked = sub { my $val = shift; 'value="' . $val . '" ' . ($default_cat eq $val ? "selected" : "") }; my $qual_checked = sub { my $val = shift; 'value="' . $val . '" ' . ($default_quality eq $val ? "selected" : "") }; my $routen_checked = sub { my $val = shift; 'value="' . $val . '" ' . ($default_routen eq $val ? "selected" : "") }; my $green_checked = sub { my $val = shift; 'value="' . $val . '" ' . ($default_green eq $val ? "selected" : "") }; my $winter_checked = sub { my $val = shift; 'value="' . $val . '" ' . ($default_winter eq $val ? "selected" : "") }; print < EOF # # print < EOF if ($use_winter_optimization) { print < EOF } if ($use_fragezeichen) { print < EOF } print < EOF } sub suche_button { if ($bi->{'can_javascript'}) { print "  "; } print "\n"; } sub hidden_smallform { # Hier die Query-Variable statt der Perl-Variablen benutzen... if ($q->param('smallform')) { print "param('smallform') . "\">\n"; } } sub via_not_needed { my($via, $via2, $vianame) = @_; $via = $q->param('via') if !defined $via; $via2 = $q->param('via2') if !defined $via2; $vianame = $q->param('vianame') if !defined $vianame; !(((defined $via2 && $via2 ne '') || (defined $via && $via ne '' && $via ne 'NO')) && (!defined $vianame || $vianame eq '')); } sub make_netz { my $lite = shift; if (!$net) { my $str = get_streets(); $net = new StrassenNetz $str; # XXX This change should also go into radlstadtplan.cgi!!! if (defined $search_algorithm && $search_algorithm eq 'C-A*-2') { $net->use_data_format($StrassenNetz::FMT_MMAP); # make_net with initial -blocked is more performant $net->make_net(-blocked => "gesperrt", -blockedtype => [qw(einbahn sperre)], ); $net->make_sperre('gesperrt', Type => [qw(wegfuehrung)], ); } else { # XXX überprüfen, ob sich der Cache lohnt... # evtl. mit IPC::Shareable arbeiten (Server etc.) $net->make_net(UseCache => 1); if (!$lite) { $net->make_sperre('gesperrt', Type => [qw(einbahn sperre wegfuehrung)]); } } } $net; } sub search_coord { my $startcoord = $q->param('startc'); my $viacoord = $q->param('viac'); my $zielcoord = $q->param('zielc'); my $startname = name_from_cgi($q, 'start'); my $vianame = name_from_cgi($q, 'via'); my $zielname = name_from_cgi($q, 'ziel'); my $starthnr = $q->param('starthnr'); my $viahnr = $q->param('viahnr'); my $zielhnr = $q->param('zielhnr'); my(@custom) = $q->param('custom'); my %custom = map { ($_ => 1) } @custom; my $output_as = $q->param('output_as'); my $printmode = defined $output_as && $output_as eq 'print'; my $printwidth = 400; my $fontstr = ($printmode ? "" : $fontstr); make_netz(); ($startcoord, $viacoord, $zielcoord) = fix_coords($startcoord, $viacoord, $zielcoord); my $scope = $q->param("scope") || "city"; my $via_array = (defined $viacoord && $viacoord ne '' ? [$viacoord] : []); my %extra_args; if (@$via_array) { $extra_args{Via} = $via_array; # siehe Kommentar in search: Via und All beißen sich } else { $extra_args{All} = 1; } # Tragen vermeiden $extra_args{Tragen} = 1; my $velocity_kmh = $q->param("pref_speed") || $speed_default; $extra_args{Velocity} = $velocity_kmh/3.6; # convert to m/s # XXX Anzahl der Tragestellen zählen... my @penalty_subs; my $disable_other_optimizations = 0; # Winteroptimierung if (defined $q->param('pref_winter') && $q->param('pref_winter') ne '') { if ($use_winter_optimization) { require Storable; my $penalty; for my $try (1 .. 2) { for my $dir ("$FindBin::RealBin/../tmp", @Strassen::datadirs) { my $f = "$dir/winter_optimization.st"; if (-r $f && -s $f) { $penalty = Storable::retrieve($f); last; } } if (!$penalty) { if ($try == 2) { die "Can't find winter_optimization.st in @Strassen::datadirs and cannot build..."; } else { system("$FindBin::RealBin/../miscsrc/winter_optimization.pl", "-one-instance"); } } else { last; } } my $koeff = 1; if ($q->param('pref_winter') eq 'WI1') { $koeff = 0.5; } push @penalty_subs, sub { my($pen, $next_node, $last_node) = @_; if (exists $penalty->{$last_node.",".$next_node}) { my $this_penalty = $penalty->{$last_node.",".$next_node}; $this_penalty = $koeff * $this_penalty + (100-$koeff*100) if $koeff != 1; if ($this_penalty < 1) { $this_penalty = 1; } # avoid div by zero or negative values $pen *= (100 / $this_penalty); } $pen; }; $disable_other_optimizations = 1; } else { # ignore pref_winter } } # Ampeloptimierung if (!$disable_other_optimizations && defined $q->param('pref_ampel') && $q->param('pref_ampel') eq 'yes') { if (new_trafficlights()) { $extra_args{Ampeln} = {Net => $ampeln, Penalty => 100}; } } # Haupt/Freizeitrouten-Optimierung if (!$disable_other_optimizations && defined $q->param('pref_routen') && $q->param('pref_routen') ne '') { # 'RR' if (!$routen_net) { $routen_net = new StrassenNetz(Strassen->new("radrouten")); $routen_net->make_net; } push @penalty_subs, sub { my($p, $next_node, $last_node) = @_; if (!$routen_net->{Net}{$last_node}{$next_node}) { $p *= 2; # XXX differenzieren? } $p; }; } # UserDefPenaltySubs if (@penalty_subs) { # Note: the @penalty_subs should only multiply $p, not add to # if there are more than one penalty sub! $extra_args{UserDefPenaltySub} = sub { my($p, $next_node, $last_node) = @_; for my $sub (@penalty_subs) { $p = $sub->($p, $next_node, $last_node); } $p; }; } # Optimierung der grünen Wege if (!$disable_other_optimizations && defined $q->param('pref_green') && $q->param('pref_green') ne '') { if (!$green_net) { $green_net = new StrassenNetz(Strassen->new("green")); $green_net->make_net_cat; } my $penalty = ($q->param('pref_green') eq 'GR1' ? { "green0" => 2, "green1" => 1.5, "green2" => 1, } : { "green0" => 3, "green1" => 2, "green2" => 1, }); $extra_args{Green} = {Net => $green_net, Penalty => $penalty, }; } # Handicap-Optimierung ... # Zurzeit nur Fußgängerzonenoptimierung automatisch. # sowie Daten aus temp_blockings (wird unten ge-merge-t). # Diese Optimierung ist immer eingeschaltet, auch wenn die # Winteroptimierung aktiv ist (hauptsächlich wegen temp_blockings) if (1) { if (!$handicap_net) { if ($scope eq 'region' || $scope eq 'wideregion') { $handicap_net = new StrassenNetz(MultiStrassen->new("handicap_s", "handicap_l")); } else { $handicap_net = new StrassenNetz(Strassen->new("handicap_s")); } $handicap_net->make_net_cat; } my $penalty; # XXX also other categories? $penalty = { "q4" => $velocity_kmh/5, # hardcoded für Fußgängerzonen }; for my $q (0 .. 3) { $penalty->{"q$q"} = 1; } $extra_args{Handicap} = {Net => $handicap_net, Penalty => $penalty, }; } # Qualitätsoptimierung if (!$disable_other_optimizations && defined $q->param('pref_quality') && $q->param('pref_quality') ne '') { # XXX landstraßen? if (!$qualitaet_net) { if ($scope eq 'region' || $scope eq 'wideregion') { $qualitaet_net = new StrassenNetz(MultiStrassen->new("qualitaet_s", "qualitaet_l")); } else { $qualitaet_net = new StrassenNetz(Strassen->new("qualitaet_s")); } $qualitaet_net->make_net_cat; } my $penalty; if ($q->param('pref_quality') eq 'Q2') { $penalty = { "Q0" => 1, "Q1" => 1.2, "Q2" => 1.6, "Q3" => 2 }; } else { $penalty = { "Q0" => 1, "Q1" => 1, "Q2" => 1.5, "Q3" => 1.8 }; } $extra_args{Qualitaet} = {Net => $qualitaet_net, Penalty => $penalty, }; } # Kategorieoptimierung if (!$disable_other_optimizations && defined $q->param('pref_cat') && $q->param('pref_cat') ne '') { my $penalty; if ($q->param('pref_cat') eq 'N_RW') { if (!$radwege_strcat_net) { my $str = get_streets(); $radwege_strcat_net = new StrassenNetz $str; $radwege_strcat_net->make_net_cyclepath (get_cyclepath_streets(), 'N_RW', UseCache => 0, # UseCache => 1 for munich ); } $penalty = { "H" => 4, "H_RW" => 1, "N" => 1, "N_RW" => 1 }; $extra_args{RadwegeStrcat} = {Net => $radwege_strcat_net, Penalty => $penalty, }; } else { if (!$strcat_net) { my $str = get_streets(); $strcat_net = new StrassenNetz $str; $strcat_net->make_net_cat(-usecache => 0); # 1 for munich } if ($q->param('pref_cat') eq 'N2') { $penalty = { "B" => 4, "HH" => 4, "H" => 4, "N" => 1, "NN" => 1 }; } elsif ($q->param('pref_cat') eq 'N1') { $penalty = { "B" => 1.5, "HH" => 1.5, "H" => 1.5, "N" => 1, "NN" => 1 }; } elsif ($q->param('pref_cat') eq 'H1') { $penalty = { "B" => 1, "HH" => 1, "H" => 1, "N" => 1.5, "NN" => 1.5 }; } elsif ($q->param('pref_cat') eq 'H2') { $penalty = { "B" => 1, "HH" => 1, "H" => 1, "N" => 4, "NN" => 4 }; } if ($penalty) { $extra_args{Strcat} = {Net => $strcat_net, Penalty => $penalty, }; } } } if (defined $search_algorithm) { $extra_args{Algorithm} = $search_algorithm; } load_temp_blockings(); my(%custom_s, @current_temp_blocking); { my $t = time; my $index = -1; for my $tb (@temp_blocking) { $index++; next if !$tb; # undefined entry if (((!defined $tb->{from} || $t >= $tb->{from}) && (!defined $tb->{until} || $t <= $tb->{until})) || (defined $q->param("test") && grep { /^(?:custom|temp)[-_]blocking/ } $q->param("test"))) { my $type = $tb->{type} || 'gesperrt'; push @current_temp_blocking, $tb; $tb->{'index'} = $index; } } if (@current_temp_blocking) { push @Strassen::datadirs, "$FindBin::RealBin/../BBBike/data/temp_blockings", "$FindBin::RealBin/../data/temp_blockings", # XXX obsolete locations "$FindBin::RealBin/../BBBike/misc/temp_blockings", "$FindBin::RealBin/../misc/temp_blockings", ; for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#current_temp_blocking; $i++) { my $tb = $current_temp_blocking[$i]; my $strobj; if (!eval { if ($tb->{file}) { $strobj = Strassen->new($tb->{file}); } elsif ($tb->{data}) { $strobj = Strassen->new_from_data_string($tb->{data}); ## XXX Funktioniert nicht so gut: # if ($bbbike_temp_blockings_file) { # $strobj->{DependentFiles} = [ $bbbike_temp_blockings_file ]; # } } else { die "Neither file nor data found in entry"; } }) { warn $@ if $@; splice @current_temp_blocking, $i, 1; $i--; next; } $tb->{strobj} = $strobj; if (@custom) { if (exists $custom{'temp-blocking-' . $tb->{'index'}}) { my $type = $tb->{type} || 'gesperrt'; push @{ $custom_s{$type} }, $strobj; } } else { $tb->{net} = StrassenNetz->new($strobj); $tb->{net}->make_net_cat; } } if (@custom) { while(my($type, $list) = each %custom_s) { $custom_s{$type} = MultiStrassen->new(@$list); if ($type eq 'gesperrt' && $custom_s{$type}) { $net->make_sperre($custom_s{$type}, Type => 'all'); } elsif ($type eq 'handicap' && $custom_s{$type}) { if (!$handicap_net) { warn "No net for handicap defined, ignoring temp_blocking=handicap"; } else { $handicap_net->merge_net_cat($custom_s{$type}); } } else { warn "Unhandled temp blocking type `$type'"; } } } } } my($r) = $net->search($startcoord, $zielcoord, AsObj => 1, %extra_args); if (defined $output_as && $output_as eq 'palmdoc') { require BBBikePalm; http_header (-type => "application/x-palm-database", -Content_Disposition => "attachment; filename=route.pdb", ); print BBBikePalm::route2palm(-net => $net, -route => $r, -startname => $startname, -zielname => $zielname); return; } if (defined $output_as && $output_as eq 'gpx-track') { require Strassen::GPX; http_header (-type => "application/xml", -Content_Disposition => "attachment; filename=track.gpx", ); my $s = Strassen->new_from_data("$startname - $zielname\tX " . join(" ", map { "$_->[0],$_->[1]" } @{ $r->path }) . "\n"); print $s->Strassen::GPX::bbd2gpx(-as => "track"); return; } if (defined $output_as && $output_as eq 'mapserver') { if ($r->path) { $q->param('coords', join("!", map { "$_->[0],$_->[1]" } @{ $r->path })); } $q->param("imagetype", "mapserver"); draw_route(); return; } my(@weather_res); if ($show_weather || $bp_obj) { @weather_res = gather_weather_proc(); } my $sess = tie_session(undef); my $has_fragezeichen_routelist; my $fragezeichen_net; if ($use_fragezeichen_routelist) { eval { my $s = Strassen->new("fragezeichen"); $fragezeichen_net = StrassenNetz->new($s); $fragezeichen_net->make_net; }; warn $@ if $@; $has_fragezeichen_routelist = 1 if $fragezeichen_net; } my(@power) = (50, 100, 200); my @speeds = qw(10 15 20 25); if ($q->param('pref_speed')) { if (!grep { $_ == $q->param('pref_speed') } @speeds) { push @speeds, $q->param('pref_speed'); @speeds = sort { $a <=> $b } @speeds; if ($q->param('pref_speed') > 17) { shift @speeds; } else { pop @speeds; } } } my @out_route; my %speed_map; my %power_map; my @strnames; my @path; CALC_ROUTE_TEXT: { last CALC_ROUTE_TEXT if (!$r || !$r->path_list); my @bikepwr_time = (0, 0, 0); #use vars qw($wind_dir $wind_v %wind_dir $wind); # XXX oben definieren if ($bp_obj && @weather_res && exists $BBBikeCalc::wind_dir{lc($weather_res[4])}) { BBBikeCalc::analyze_wind_dir($weather_res[4]); # XXX del: $wind = 1; my $wind_v = $weather_res[7]; my(@path) = $r->path_list; for(my $i = 0; $i < $#path; $i++) { my($x1, $y1) = @{$path[$i]}; my($x2, $y2) = @{$path[$i+1]}; my($deltax, $deltay) = ($x1-$x2, $y1-$y2); my $etappe = sqrt(BBBikeUtil::sqr($deltax) + BBBikeUtil::sqr($deltay)); next if $etappe == 0; # XXX feststellen, warum hier ein Minus stehen muß... my $hw = -BBBikeCalc::head_wind($deltax, $deltay); # XXX Doppelung mit bbbike-Code vermeiden my $wind; # Berechnung des Gegenwindes if ($hw >= 2) { $wind = -$wind_v; } elsif ($hw > 0) { # unsicher beim Crosswind $wind = -$wind_v*0.7; } elsif ($hw > -2) { $wind = $wind_v*0.7; } else { $wind = $wind_v; } for my $i (0 .. 2) { # XXX Höhenberechnung nicht vergessen # XXX Doppelung mit bbbike-Code vermeiden my $bikepwr_time_etappe = ( $etappe / bikepwr_get_v($wind, $power[$i])); $bikepwr_time[$i] += $bikepwr_time_etappe; } } } @strnames = $net->route_to_name($r->path); foreach my $speed (@speeds) { if ($speed == 0) { $speed = $speed_default; # sane default } my $def = {}; $def->{Pref} = ($q->param('pref_speed') && $speed == $q->param('pref_speed')); my $time; if ($handicap_net) { # XXX should also have values for other categories? my %handicap_speed = ("q4" => 5); # hardcoded für Fußgängerzonen $time = 0; my @realcoords = @{ $r->path }; for(my $ii=0; $ii<$#realcoords; $ii++) { my $s = Strassen::Util::strecke($realcoords[$ii],$realcoords[$ii+1]); my @etappe_speeds = $speed; ## XXX warum ist das hier nicht aktiviert, sieht mir sinnvoll aus? ## XXX Aus dem RCS log: das hier war nie aktiv, kein Kommentar. ## XXX Antwort: weil qualitaet_s_speed nicht definiert ist # if ($qualitaet_net && (my $cat = $qualitaet_net->{Net}{join(",",@{$realcoords[$ii]})}{join(",",@{$realcoords[$ii+1]})})) { # push @etappe_speeds, $qualitaet_s_speed{$cat} # if defined $qualitaet_s_speed{$cat}; # } if ($handicap_net && (my $cat = $handicap_net->{Net}{join(",",@{$realcoords[$ii]})}{join(",",@{$realcoords[$ii+1]})})) { push @etappe_speeds, $handicap_speed{$cat} if defined $handicap_speed{$cat}; } $time += ($s/1000)/min(@etappe_speeds); } } else { $time = $r->len/1000/$speed; } $def->{Time} = $time; $speed_map{$speed} = $def; } if ($bp_obj and $bikepwr_time[0]) { for my $i (0 .. $#power) { $power_map{$power[$i]} = {Time => $bikepwr_time[$i]}; } } if (!defined $r->trafficlights && new_trafficlights()) { $r->add_trafficlights($ampeln); } if ($with_comments) { if (!$comments_net) { my @s; my @comment_files = qw(comments qualitaet_s); if ($scope eq 'region' || $scope eq 'wideregion') { push @comment_files, "qualitaet_l"; } if (@custom && grep { $_ =~ /^temp-blocking-/ } @custom && $custom_s{"handicap"}) { push @s, $custom_s{"handicap"}; } else { push @comment_files, "handicap_s"; if ($scope eq 'region' || $scope eq 'wideregion') { push @comment_files, "handicap_l"; } } for my $s (@comment_files) { eval { if ($s eq 'comments') { push @s, MultiStrassen->new (map { "comments_$_" } grep { $_ ne "kfzverkehr" } @Strassen::Dataset::comments_types); } elsif ($s =~ /^(qualitaet|handicap)/) { my $old_s = Strassen->new($s); my $new_s = $old_s->grepstreets (sub { $_->[Strassen::CAT] !~ /^[qQ]0/ }, -idadd => "q1234"); push @s, $new_s; } else { push @s, Strassen->new($s); } }; warn "$s: $@" if $@; } if (@s) { $comments_net = StrassenNetz->new(MultiStrassen->new(@s)); $comments_net->make_net_cat(-obeydir => 1, -net2name => 1, -multiple => 1); } } if (!$comments_points) { $comments_points = {}; eval { my $s = Strassen->new("gesperrt"); $s->init; while(1) { my $rec = $s->next; last if !@{ $rec->[Strassen::COORDS] }; if ($rec->[Strassen::CAT] =~ /^0(?::(\d+))?/) { my $name = $rec->[Strassen::NAME]; if (defined $1) { $name .= " (ca. $1 Sekunden Zeitverlust)"; } $comments_points->{$rec->[Strassen::COORDS][0]} = $name; } } }; warn $@ if $@; } @path = $r->path_list; } my($next_entf, $ges_entf_s, $next_winkel, $next_richtung); ($next_entf, $ges_entf_s, $next_winkel, $next_richtung) = (0, "", undef, ""); my $ges_entf = 0; for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#strnames; $i++) { my $strname; my $etappe_comment = ''; my $fragezeichen_comment = ''; my $entf_s; my $raw_direction; my $route_inx; my($entf, $winkel, $richtung) = ($next_entf, $next_winkel, $next_richtung); ($strname, $next_entf, $next_winkel, $next_richtung, $route_inx) = @{$strnames[$i]}; $strname = Strasse::strip_bezirk_perfect($strname, $city); if ($i > 0) { if (!$winkel) { $winkel = 0 } $winkel = int($winkel/10)*10; if ($winkel < 30) { $richtung = ""; $raw_direction = ""; } else { $raw_direction = ($winkel <= 45 ? 'h' : '') . ($richtung eq 'l' ? 'l' : 'r'); $richtung = ($winkel <= 45 ? 'halb' : '') . ($richtung eq 'l' ? 'links ' : 'rechts ') . "($winkel°) " . Strasse::de_artikel($strname); } $ges_entf += $entf; $ges_entf_s = sprintf "%.1f km", $ges_entf/1000; $entf_s = sprintf "nach %.2f km", $entf/1000; } elsif ($#{ $r->path } > 1) { # XXX main:: ist haesslich my($x1,$y1) = @{ $r->path->[0] }; my($x2,$y2) = @{ $r->path->[1] }; $raw_direction = uc(BBBikeCalc::line_to_canvas_direction ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2)); $richtung = "nach " . BBBikeCalc::localize_direction($raw_direction, "de"); } if ($with_comments && $comments_net) { my @comment_objs; my %seen_comments_in_this_etappe; my %comments_in_whole_etappe; my %comments_at_beginning; my $is_first = 1; for my $i ($strnames[$i]->[4][0] .. $strnames[$i]->[4][1]) { my @etappe_comment_objs = $comments_net->get_point_comment(\@path, $i, undef, AsObj => 1); my %etappe_comments; if (@etappe_comment_objs) { for (@etappe_comment_objs) { (my $name = $_->[Strassen::NAME()]) =~ s/^.+?:\s+//; # strip street; $_ = [$name, $_]; } %etappe_comments = map {($_->[0],1)} @etappe_comment_objs; foreach my $etappe_comment_obj (@etappe_comment_objs) { if (!exists $seen_comments_in_this_etappe{$etappe_comment_obj->[0]}) { push @comment_objs, $etappe_comment_obj; $seen_comments_in_this_etappe{$etappe_comment_obj->[0]}++; } } } if ($is_first) { %comments_in_whole_etappe = %etappe_comments; %comments_at_beginning = %etappe_comments; $is_first = 0; } else { while(my($k,$v) = each %comments_in_whole_etappe) { if (!exists $etappe_comments{$k}) { delete $comments_in_whole_etappe{$k}; } } } } for (@comment_objs) { # Alle Kommentare, die sich nur auf Teilstrecken # beziehen, bekommen ein Anhängsel. Ausnahme: # PI-Anweisungen. Eigentlich müsste alles, was # sich in comments_path befindet, ausgenommen # werden, aber ich bekomme zurzeit die Info nicht # heraus. if (!exists $comments_in_whole_etappe{$_->[0]}) { my $cat = $_->[1]->[Strassen::CAT()]; if (($cat =~ /^CP2/ && !exists $comments_at_beginning{$_->[0]}) || $cat !~ /^(CP2|PI|CP$|CP;)/) { $_->[0] .= " (Teilstrecke)"; } } } my @comments = map { $_->[0] } @comment_objs; for my $i ($strnames[$i]->[4][0] .. $strnames[$i]->[4][1]) { my $point = join ",", @{ $path[$i] }; if (exists $comments_points->{$point}) { my $etappe_comment = $comments_points->{$point}; # XXX not yet: problems with ... Sekunden Zeitverlust #if (!exists $seen_comments_in_this_etappe{$etappe_comment}) { push @comments, $etappe_comment; #} else { #} # XXX better solution for multiple point comments: use (2x), (3x) ... } } $etappe_comment = join("; ", @comments) if @comments; } if ($has_fragezeichen_routelist) { my @comments; my %seen_comments_in_this_etappe; for my $i ($strnames[$i]->[4][0] .. $strnames[$i]->[4][1]) { my($from, $to) = (join(",", @{$path[$i]}), join(",", @{$path[$i+1]})); if (exists $fragezeichen_net->{Net}{$from}{$to}) { my($etappe_comment) = $fragezeichen_net->get_street_record($from, $to)->[Strassen::NAME()]; if (!exists $seen_comments_in_this_etappe{$etappe_comment}) { push @comments, $etappe_comment; $seen_comments_in_this_etappe{$etappe_comment} = 1; } } } $fragezeichen_comment = join("; ", @comments) if @comments; } push @out_route, { Dist => $entf, DistString => $entf_s, TotalDist => $ges_entf, TotalDistString => $ges_entf_s, Direction => $raw_direction, DirectionString => $richtung, Angle => $winkel, Strname => $strname, ($with_comments && $comments_net ? (Comment => $etappe_comment) : () ), ($has_fragezeichen_routelist ? (FragezeichenComment => $fragezeichen_comment) : () # XXX key label may change! ), Coord => join(",", @{$r->path->[$route_inx->[0]]}), PathIndex => $route_inx->[0], }; } $ges_entf += $next_entf; $ges_entf_s = sprintf "%.1f km", $ges_entf/1000; my $entf_s = sprintf "nach %.2f km", $next_entf/1000; push @out_route, { Dist => $next_entf, DistString => $entf_s, TotalDist => $ges_entf, TotalDistString => $ges_entf_s, DirectionString => "angekommen!", Strname => $zielname, Coord => join(",", @{$r->path->[-1]}), PathIndex => $#{$r->path}, }; } OUTPUT_DISPATCHER: if (defined $output_as && $output_as =~ /^(xml|yaml|yaml-short|perldump|gpx-route)$/ && $r && $r->path) { require Karte; Karte::preload(qw(Polar Standard)); my $res = { Route => \@out_route, Len => $r->len, # in meters Trafficlights => $r->trafficlights, Speed => \%speed_map, Power => \%power_map, ($sess ? (Session => $sess->{_session_id}) : ()), Path => [ map { join ",", @$_ } @{ $r->path }], LongLatPath => [ map { join ",", $Karte::Polar::obj->trim_accuracy($Karte::Polar::obj->standard2map(@$_)) } @{ $r->path }], }; if ($output_as eq 'perldump') { require Data::Dumper; http_header (-type => "text/plain", @no_cache, -Content_Disposition => "attachment; filename=route.txt", ); print Data::Dumper->new([$res], ['route'])->Dump; } elsif ($output_as =~ /^yaml(.*)/) { my $is_short = $1 eq "-short"; require YAML; http_header (-type => "text/plain", # XXX text/yaml ? @no_cache, -Content_Disposition => "attachment; filename=route.yml", ); if ($is_short) { my $short_res = {LongLatPath => $res->{LongLatPath}}; print YAML::Dump($short_res); } else { print YAML::Dump($res); } } elsif ($output_as eq 'gpx-route') { require Strassen::GPX; http_header (-type => "application/xml", -Content_Disposition => "attachment; filename=route.gpx", ); my @data; for my $pt (@out_route) { push @data, $pt->{Strname} . "\tX " . $pt->{Coord} . "\n"; } my $s = Strassen->new_from_data(@data); print $s->Strassen::GPX::bbd2gpx(-as => "route"); } else { # xml require XML::Simple; http_header (-type => "text/xml", @no_cache, -Content_Disposition => "attachment; filename=route.xml", ); my $new_res = {}; while(my($k,$v) = each %$res) { if ($k eq 'Path' || $k eq 'LongLatPath') { $new_res->{$k} = { XY => $v }; } elsif ($k eq 'Route') { $new_res->{$k} = { Point => $v }; } else { $new_res->{$k} = $v; } } print XML::Simple->new (NoAttr => 1, RootName => "BBBikeRoute", XMLDecl => "", )->XMLout($new_res); } return; } %persistent = get_cookie(); foreach my $key (@pref_keys) { $persistent{"pref_$key"} = $q->param("pref_$key"); if (!defined $persistent{"pref_$key"}) { #$persistent{"pref_$key"} = ""; delete $persistent{"pref_$key"}; } } my $cookie = set_cookie({ %persistent }); http_header(@weak_cache, -cookie => $cookie, ); my %header_args; ##XXX die Idee hierbei war: table.background ist bei Netscape der Hintergrund ## ohne cellspacing, während es beim IE mit cellspacing ist. Also für ## jedes td bgcolor setzen. Oder besser mit Stylesheets arbeiten. Nur wie, ## wenn man nicht für jedes td die Klasse setzen will? # if ($can_css) { # $header_args{'-style'} = < # EOF # } $header_args{-script} = {-src => $bbbike_html . "/bbbike_result.js", }; $header_args{-printmode} = 1 if $printmode; header(%header_args, -onLoad => "init_search_result()"); ROUTE_HEADER: if (!@out_route) { print "Keine Route gefunden.\n"; } else { if (@current_temp_blocking && !@custom && !$printmode) { my @affecting_blockings; TEMP_BLOCKING: for my $tb (@current_temp_blocking) { my(@path) = $r->path_list; for(my $i = 0; $i < $#path; $i++) { my($x1, $y1) = @{$path[$i]}; my($x2, $y2) = @{$path[$i+1]}; if ($tb->{net}{Net}{"$x1,$y1"}{"$x2,$y2"}) { push @affecting_blockings, $tb; next TEMP_BLOCKING; } } } if (@affecting_blockings) { my $hidden = ""; foreach my $key ($q->param) { $hidden .= $q->hidden(-name => $key, -default => [$q->param($key)]); } print qq{
1 ? qq{onSubmit="return test_temp_blockings_set()"} : "") . qq{>}; print $hidden; print "Ereignisse, die die Route betreffen können:
"; for my $tb (@affecting_blockings) { print " 1 ? "checkbox" : "hidden") . "\" name=\"custom\" value=\"temp-blocking-$tb->{'index'}\"> "; print "$tb->{text}
"; } print <

EOF } } if (@custom && !$printmode) { print "

Mögliche Ausweichroute
\n"; } ROUTE_TABLE: print "
" unless $printmode; print qq{
Bevorzugte Geschwindigkeit: km/h
Bevorzugter Straßentyp:
Bevorzugter Straßenbelag:
Ampeln vermeiden:
Grüne Wege:
Winteroptimierung ExperimentellWas ist das?
Unbekannte Straßen mit einbeziehen: Was ist das?
{'can_javascript'}; print ">
${fontstr}Route von " . coord_or_stadtplan_link($startname, $startcoord, $q->param('startplz')||"", $q->param('startisort')?1:0, (defined $starthnr && $starthnr ne '' ? $starthnr : undef), -jslink => $can_jslink, ) . " "; if (defined $vianame && $vianame ne '') { print "über " . coord_or_stadtplan_link($vianame, $viacoord, $q->param('viaplz')||"", $q->param('viaisort')?1:0, (defined $viahnr && $viahnr ne '' ? $viahnr : undef), -jslink => $can_jslink, ) . " "; } print "bis " . coord_or_stadtplan_link($zielname, $zielcoord, $q->param('zielplz')||"", $q->param('zielisort')?1:0, (defined $zielhnr && $zielhnr ne '' ? $zielhnr : undef), -jslink => $can_jslink, ) . "$fontend

\n"; print "\n"; printf "${fontstr}Länge:$fontend${fontstr}%.2f km$fontend\n", $r->len/1000; print "${fontstr}Fahrzeit:$fontend"; my $ampel_count; my $ampel_lost = 0; if (defined $r->trafficlights) { $ampel_count = $r->trafficlights; $ampel_lost = 15*$ampel_count; # XXX do not hardcode! } { my $i = 0; my @speeds = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %speed_map; for my $speed (@speeds) { my $def = $speed_map{$speed}; my $bold = $def->{Pref}; my $time = $def->{Time}; print "$fontstr" . make_time($time + $ampel_lost/3600) . "h (" . ($bold ? "" : "") . "bei $speed km/h" . ($bold ? "" : "") . ")"; print "," if $speed != $speeds[-1]; print "$fontend"; if ($i == 1) { print ""; } $i++; } } print "\n"; print "$fontend"; if (%power_map) { print ""; my $is_first = 1; for my $power (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %power_map) { print ""; if (!$is_first) { print ","; } else { $is_first = 0; } print $fontstr, make_time(($power_map{$power}->{Time} + $ampel_lost)/3600) . "h (bei $power W)", $fontend, "" } print "\n"; } print "\n"; if (defined $ampel_count) { print $fontstr; if ($ampel_count == 0) { print "Keine Ampeln"; } else { print $ampel_count . " Ampel" . ($ampel_count == 1 ? "" : "n"); } print " auf der Strecke (in die Fahrzeit einbezogen).$fontend
\n"; } print "\n" unless $printmode; print "
"; my $line_fmt; if (!$bi->{'can_table'}) { $with_comments = 0; if ($bi->{'mobile_device'}) { $line_fmt = "%s %s %s (ges.:%s)\n"; } else { $line_fmt = "%-13s %-24s %-31s %-8s"; if ($has_fragezeichen_routelist && !$printmode) { $line_fmt .= " %s"; } $line_fmt .= "\n"; } print "
	} else {
	    # Ist width=... bei Netscape4 buggy? Das nachfolgende Attribut
	    # ignoriert font-family.
	    #   width=\"90%\"
	    print "
" unless $printmode; print "{'can_css'}) { # XXX siehe Kommentar oben (css...) # print ' XXXbgcolor="#ffcc66" style="background-color:#ffcc66; border-style:solid; border:white; border-width:1px;" '; print ' bgcolor="#ffcc66" '; } } print ">"; if ($with_comments) { print "${fontstr}Bemerkungen$fontend"; } if ($has_fragezeichen_routelist && !$printmode) { print ""; # no header for Fragezeichen } print "\n"; } if ($with_cat_display && !$radwege_net) { $radwege_net = new StrassenNetz get_cyclepath_streets(); $radwege_net->make_net_cat; } my $odd = 0; my $etappe_i = -1; for my $etappe (@out_route) { $etappe_i++; my($entf, $richtung, $strname, $ges_entf_s, $etappe_comment, $fragezeichen_comment, $path_index) = @{$etappe}{qw(DistString DirectionString Strname TotalDistString Comment FragezeichenComment PathIndex)}; my $last_path_index; if ($etappe_i < $#out_route) { $last_path_index = $out_route[$etappe_i+1]->{PathIndex} - 1; } if (!$bi->{'can_table'}) { printf $line_fmt, $entf, $richtung, string_kuerzen($strname, 31), $ges_entf_s; } else { ## XXX rechter Pfeil, sieht eigentlich schöner aus, aber wo ist es unterstützt? #$richtung =~ s/=>/→/g; print ""; $odd = 1-$odd; if ($with_comments && $comments_net) { if ($with_cat_display && !$printmode) { # Es wird jeweils die längste # Straßen/Radwegekategorie für die Anzeige # verwendet. my($cat, $rw); if (defined $last_path_index) { my($longest_cat, $cat_length); my($longest_rw, $rw_length); for my $path_i ($path_index .. $last_path_index) { my $p1 = join(",", @{$r->path->[$path_i]}); my $p2 = join(",", @{$r->path->[$path_i+1]}); my $len = Strassen::Util::strecke_s($p1, $p2); if (!defined $cat_length || $cat_length < $len) { my $rec = $net->get_street_record($p1, $p2); if ($rec) { my $cat = $rec ? $rec->[Strassen::CAT] : ''; if ($cat =~ /^\?/) { $cat = 'fz'; } $longest_cat = $cat; $cat_length = $len; } } if ($radwege_net && (!defined $rw_length || $rw_length < $len)) { my $rw; my $rw_rec = $radwege_net->{Net}->{$p1}->{$p2}; if ($rw_rec) { if ($rw_rec =~ /^RW([1234789])?$/) { $rw = "RW"; } elsif ($rw_rec eq 'RW5') { $rw = "BS"; # Busspur } elsif ($rw_rec eq 'RW10') { $rw = "NS"; # Nebenstraße } } $longest_rw = $rw; $rw_length = $len; } } if ($longest_cat) { $cat = $longest_cat; } $rw = $longest_rw || ""; } if ($cat) { my $cat_title = { NN => "Nebenstraße ohne Kfz", N => "Nebenstraße", H => "Hauptstraße", HH => "wichtige Hauptstraße", B => "Bundesstraße", fz => "unbekannte Strecke", }->{$cat}; my $rw_title; if ($rw) { $rw_title = { RW => "Radweg/spur", BS => "Busspur", NS => "Nebenstraße", }->{$rw}; } my $title = $cat_title; if ($rw_title) { $title .= ", $rw_title"; } print ""; } else { print ""; } } print ""; } if ($has_fragezeichen_routelist && !$printmode) { if ($fragezeichen_comment ne "") { # unbekannt oder unvollständig my $is_unknown = 1; my $rec; if ($path_index < $#{ $r->path }) { $rec = $net->get_street_record(join(",", @{$r->path->[$path_index]}), join(",", @{$r->path->[$path_index+1]})); } if ($rec && $rec->[Strassen::CAT] !~ /^\?/) { $is_unknown = 0; } my $qs = CGI->new({strname => $fragezeichen_comment, strname_html => CGI::escapeHTML($fragezeichen_comment), })->query_string; print qq{}; } else { print qq{}; } } print "\n"; } } if ($bi->{'can_table'}) { if (!$bi->{'text_browser'} && !$printmode) { my $qq = new CGI $q->query_string; $qq->param('output_as', "print"); print qq{}; #print qq{}; print qq{"; } print "
$fontstr$entf$fontend$fontstr$richtung$fontend$fontstr"; print "" if $can_jslink; print $strname; print "" if $can_jslink; print "$fontend$fontstr$ges_entf_s$fontend$fontstr$etappe_comment$fontend$fontstr}; if ($is_unknown) { print qq{Unbekannte Straße}; } else { print qq{Unvollständige Daten}; } print qq{, Kommentar eintragen$fontend 
Route als ...}; print "query_string . "\">" . "Druckvorlage"; if ($can_palmdoc) { my $qq2 = new CGI $q->query_string; $qq2->param('output_as', "palmdoc"); my $href = $bbbike_script; #XXX not needed anymore: # if ($ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} !~ /Roxen/) { # # with Roxen there are mysterious overflow redirects... # $href .= "/route.pdb"; # } print qq{PalmDoc}; } if ($can_gpx) { { my $qq2 = new CGI $q->query_string; $qq2->param('output_as', "gpx-route"); my $href = $bbbike_script; print qq{GPX (Route)}; } { my $qq2 = new CGI $q->query_string; $qq2->param('output_as', "gpx-track"); my $href = $bbbike_script; print qq{GPX (Track)}; } print qq{Experimentell}; } if (0) { # XXX not yet my $qq2 = CGI->new({}); $qq2->param("query", $q->query_string); my $href = "bbbike_comment.cgi"; print qq{Kommentar zur Route}; } print "
\n"; print "
\n" unless $printmode; } if ($printmode) { print "

", $fontstr, "BBBike by Slaven Rezic: ", "$bbbike_url
\n", "\n"; goto END_OF_HTML; } if (!$bi->{'mobile_device'}) { my $string_rep = $r->as_cgi_string; my $kfm_bug = ($q->user_agent =~ m|^Konqueror/1.0|i); # XXX Mit GET statt POST gibt es zwar einen häßlichen GET-String # und vielleicht können lange Routen nicht gezeichnet werden, # dafür gibt es keine Cache-Probleme mehr. # (Möglicher Fix: timestamp mitschicken) # Weiterer Vorteil: die Ergebnisse werden auch im accesslog # aufgezeichnet. Ansonsten muesste ich ein weiteres Logfile # anlegen. my $post_bug = 1; # XXX für alle aktivieren #$post_bug = 1 if ($kfm_bug); # XXX war mal nur für kfm #print "
"; print qq{
}; print "
1) } @$default_draw; my $imagetype_checked = sub { my $val = shift; 'value="' . $val . '" ' . ($default_imagetype eq $val ? "selected" : "") }; my $geometry_checked = sub { my $val = shift; 'value="' . $val . '" ' . ($default_geometry eq $val ? "checked" : "") }; print " target=\"BBBikeGrafik\" action=\"$bbbike_script\""; # show_map scheint bei OS/2 nicht zu funktionieren # ... und bei weiteren Browsern (MSIE), deshalb erst einmal # pauschal herausgenommen. # Uns das bleibt auch so, es sei denn ich habe Zugang zu den # meisten Browsern... if (0 # $bi->{'user_agent_name'} =~ m;(Mozilla|MSIE);i && # $bi->{'user_agent_version'} =~ m;^[4-9]; && # $bi->{'user_agent_os'} !~ m|OS/2| # $bi->{'user_agent_name'} =~ m{(Mozilla)}i && # $bi->{'user_agent_version'} =~ m{^[5-9]} ) { print " onsubmit='return show_map(\"$bbbike_html\");'"; } print ">\n"; print "\n"; #XXX not yet print "\n"; print " (neues Fenster wird geöffnet)"; print " "; #XXX not yet print " als Download"; print "   Ausgabe als: \n"; print "
\n"; if ($sess) { $sess->{routestringrep} = $string_rep; $sess->{route} = \@out_route; print "{_session_id}\">"; untie %$sess; } else { print ""; } print ""; print ""; if (@weather_res) { eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; require Met::Wind; print ""; print ""; }; } my @not_for; push @not_for, "PDF" if !$cannot_pdf; push @not_for, "SVG" if !$cannot_svg; push @not_for, "Mapserver" if $can_mapserver; print "\n"; foreach my $geom ("400x300", "640x480", "800x600", "1024x768") { print qq{\n}; } if (@not_for) { print ""; } print "\n"; print ""; my @draw_details = (['Straßen', 'str', $default_draw{"str"}], ['S-Bahn', 'sbahn', $default_draw{"sbahn"}], ['U-Bahn', 'ubahn', $default_draw{"ubahn"}], ['Gewässer', 'wasser', $default_draw{"wasser"}], ['Flächen', 'flaechen', $default_draw{"flaechen"}], "-", ['Ampeln', 'ampel', $default_draw{"ampel"}], ); if ($multiorte) { push @draw_details, ['Orte', 'ort', $default_draw{"ort"}]; } push @draw_details, ['Routendetails', 'strname',$default_draw{"strname"}], ['Titel', 'title', $default_draw{"title"}], ['Alles', 'all', $default_draw{"all"}]; foreach my $draw (@draw_details) { my $text; if ($draw eq '-') { print "\n"; next; } if ($draw->[0] eq 'S-Bahn' && !$bi->{'text_browser'}) { $text = "S-Bahn"; } elsif ($draw->[0] eq 'U-Bahn' && !$bi->{'text_browser'}) { $text = "U-Bahn"; } else { $text = $draw->[0]; } my $id = "draw_" . $draw->[1]; print qq{\n}; } print "\n"; ##XXX Fix this without using $str # if ($str->{Scope} ne "cityXXX" || $multiorte) { # # XXX scope instead??? # print "\n"; # } print "
$fontstrBildgröße:$fontend(nicht für: " . join(", ", @not_for) . ")
[2] ? " checked" : ""), ($draw->[1] eq 'all' ? qq{ onclick="all_checked()"} : ""), qq{>$fontstr $fontend
\n"; print <Die Dateigröße der Grafik beträgt je nach Bildgröße, Bildformat und Detailreichtum 15 bis 50 kB. PDFs sind 100 bis 400 kB groß. EOF print window_open("$bbbike_html/legende.html", "BBBikeLegende", "dependent,height=392,resizable" . "screenX=400,screenY=80,scrollbars,width=440") . "Legende.\n"; print "
"; } print ""; print "\n"; print qq{}; #print "
"; print qq{
}; print "
self_url . "\">\n"; foreach my $key ($q->param) { next if $key =~ /^(pref_.*)$/; print $q->hidden(-name=>$key, -default=>[$q->param($key)]) } print "Einstellungen:"; reset_html(); print "

\n"; settings_html(); print "\n"; print "

\n"; print qq{
}; #print "
"; print qq{
}; print "
\n"; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; if (defined $viacoord && $viacoord ne '') { print ""; print ""; } for my $param ($q->param) { if ($param =~ /^pref_/) { print "param($param) ."\">"; } } print "
"; hidden_smallform(); my $button = sub { my($label, $query) = @_; my $url = $bbbike_script."?".$query; if ($bi->{'can_javascript'} >= 1.1) { print " "; } else { print "$label "; } }; if ($show_start_ziel_url) { my $qq = new CGI $q->query_string; foreach (qw(viac vianame)) { $qq->delete($_); } foreach ($qq->param) { if (/^pref_/) { $qq->delete($_); } } print " Neue Anfrage: "; my $qqq = new CGI $qq->query_string; foreach ($qqq->param) { if (/^ziel/) { $qqq->delete($_); } } $button->("Start beibehalten", $qqq->query_string); $qqq = new CGI $qq->query_string; foreach ($qqq->param) { if (/^start/) { $qqq->delete($_); } } $button->("Ziel beibehalten", $qqq->query_string); $button->("Start und Ziel neu eingeben", "begin=1"); $qqq = new CGI $qq->query_string; foreach (qw(c name plz)) { $qqq->param("start$_", $qqq->param("ziel$_")); $qqq->delete("ziel$_"); } $button->("Ziel als Start", $qqq->query_string); print "
"; } print "
\n"; print qq{
}; } if (@weather_res) { my(@res) = @weather_res; print "
\n"; print ""; print "\n"; print "\n"; my($kmh, $windtext); eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; require Met::Wind; $kmh = Met::Wind::wind_velocity([$res[5], 'm/s'], 'km/h'); if ($kmh >= 5) { $kmh = sprintf("%d",$kmh); # keine Pseudogenauigkeit, bitte } $windtext = Met::Wind::wind_velocity([$res[5], 'm/s'], 'text_de'); }; print "\n"; print "
${fontstr}" . link_to_met() . "Aktuelle Wetterdaten ($res[0], $res[1])$fontend
${fontstr}Temperatur:$fontend${fontstr}$res[2] °C$fontend
${fontstr}Windgeschwindigkeit:$fontend${fontstr}"; if (defined $kmh) { print "$kmh km/h"; } else { print "$res[5] m/s"; } if (defined $windtext) { print " ($windtext)"; } print "$fontend

"; } footer(); END_OF_HTML: print $q->end_html; } sub user_agent_info { $bi = new BrowserInfo $q; # $bi->emulate("wap"); # XXX put your favourite emulation $fontstr = ($bi->{'can_css'} || $bi->{'text_browser'} ? '' : ""); $fontend = ($bi->{'can_css'} || $bi->{'text_browser'} ? '' : ""); $bi->{'hfill'} = ($bi->is_browser_version("Mozilla", 5, 5.0999) ? "class='hfill'" : ""); } sub show_user_agent_info { print $bi->show_info('complete'); print $bi->show_server_info; } sub coord_or_stadtplan_link { my($strname, $coords, $plz, $is_ort, $hnr, %args) = @_; if (defined $coords && $use_coord_link) { coord_link($strname, $coords, %args); } else { stadtplan_link($strname, $plz, $is_ort, $hnr); } } sub coord_link { my($strname, $coords, %args) = @_; my $coords_esc = CGI::escape($coords); my $strname_esc = CGI::escapeHTML($strname); my $jslink = $args{-jslink}; my $out = qq{$strname_esc}; $out; } # XXX Is this link still active? sub stadtplan_link { my($strname, $plz, $is_ort, $hnr) = @_; return $strname if $is_ort; my $stadtplan_url = "http://www.berlin.de/stadtplan/explorer"; my @aref; foreach my $s (split(m|/|, $strname)) { # Text in Klammern entfernen: (my $str_plain = $s) =~ s/\s+\(.*\)$//; $s = CGI::escapeHTML($s); $str_plain = CGI::escape($str_plain); push @aref, "$s"; } join("/", @aref); } sub string_kuerzen { my($strname, $len) = @_; if (length($strname) <= $len) { $strname; } else { substr($strname, 0, $len-3)."..."; } } sub overview_map { if (!defined $overview_map) { require BBBikeDraw; $overview_map = BBBikeDraw->new (ImageType => 'dummy', Geometry => ($xgridwidth*$xgridnr) . "x" . ($ygridwidth*$ygridnr), ); $overview_map->set_dimension($x0, $x0 + $xm*$xgridnr*$xgridwidth, $y0 - $ym*$ygridnr*$ygridwidth, $y0, ); $overview_map->create_transpose; } $overview_map; } sub start_mapserver { require BBBikeMapserver; my $ms = BBBikeMapserver->new_from_cgi($q, -tmpdir => $tmp_dir); $ms->read_config("$0.config"); $ms->set_coords("8593,12243"); # Brandenburger Tor $ms->start_mapserver(-route => 0, -bbbikeurl => $bbbike_url, -bbbikemail => $BBBike::EMAIL, ); return; } sub draw_route { my(%args) = @_; my @cache = (exists $args{-cache} ? @{ $args{-cache} } : @no_cache); my $draw; my $route; # optional Route object if (defined $q->param('coordssession') && (my $sess = tie_session($q->param('coordssession')))) { $q->param(coords => $sess->{routestringrep}); $route = $sess->{route}; } my $cookie; %persistent = get_cookie(); if (defined $q->param("interactive")) { foreach my $key (qw/outputtarget imagetype geometry/) { $persistent{$key} = $q->param($key); } # draw is an array; my $i = 0; foreach ($q->param("draw")) { $persistent{"draw$i"} = $_; $i++; } $cookie = set_cookie({ %persistent }); } # XXX move to BBBikeDraw::Mapserver! # XXX init() does first part, flush() does start_mapserver # XXX and set: sub module_handles_all_cgi { 1 } if (defined $q->param('imagetype') && $q->param('imagetype') =~ /^mapserver/) { require BBBikeMapserver; my $ms = BBBikeMapserver->new_from_cgi($q, -tmpdir => $tmp_dir); $ms->read_config("$0.config"); my $layers; if (defined $q->param("layer")) { # Mapserver styled parameters $layers = [ "route", $q->param("layer") ]; } elsif (grep { $_ eq 'all' } $q->param("draw")) { $layers = [ $ms->all_layers ]; } else { $layers = [ "route", map { my $out = +{ str => "str", # always drawn ubahn => "bahn", sbahn => "bahn", wasser => ["gewaesser", "faehren"], flaechen => "flaechen", ampel => "ampeln", fragezeichen => "fragezeichen", orte => "orte", grenzen => "grenzen", }->{$_}; if (!defined $out) { (); } elsif (ref $out eq 'ARRAY') { @$out; } else { $out; } } $q->param('draw') ]; } $layers = [ grep { $_ ne "route" } @$layers ] if !$ms->has_coords; my $scope = $q->param('scope'); if (!defined $scope || $scope eq "") { $scope = 'all,city' # "all", so switching between reference maps is possible } if ($scope !~ /^all/) { $scope = "all,$scope"; } my $has_center = (defined $q->param("center") && $q->param("center") ne ""); if ($has_center) { my $width = $q->param("width"); my $height = $q->param("height"); if ($scope =~ /city/) { $q->param("width", 1000) if !defined $q->param("width"); $q->param("height", 1000) if !defined $q->param("height"); } else { $q->param("width", 5000) if !defined $q->param("width"); $q->param("height", 5000) if !defined $q->param("height"); } } $ms->start_mapserver (-bbbikeurl => $bbbike_url, -bbbikemail => $BBBike::EMAIL, -scope => $scope, -externshape => 1, -layers => $layers, -cookie => $cookie, (defined $q->param("mapext") ? (-mapext => $q->param("mapext")) : () ), ($has_center ? (-center => $q->param("center"), -markerpoint => $q->param("center"), ) : () ), defined $q->param("width") ? (-width => $q->param("width")) : (), defined $q->param("height") ? (-height => $q->param("height")) : (), defined $q->param("padx") ? (-padx => $q->param("padx")) : (), defined $q->param("pady") ? (-pady => $q->param("pady")) : (), ); return; } if (defined $q->param('imagetype') && $q->param('imagetype') eq 'googlemaps') { my @wpt; if ($route) { for my $wpt (@$route) { push @wpt, join "!", $wpt->{Strname}, $wpt->{Coord}; } } my $q2 = CGI->new({coords => $q->param("coords"), wpt => \@wpt}); # XXX do not hardcode print $q->redirect("http://www.radzeit.de/cgi-bin/bbbikegooglemap.cgi?" . $q2->query_string); return; } my @header_args = @cache; if ($cookie) { push @header_args, "-cookie", $cookie } # write content header for pdf as early as possible, because # output is already written before calling flush if (defined $q->param('imagetype') && $q->param('imagetype') =~ /^pdf/) { http_header (-type => "application/pdf", @header_args, -Content_Disposition => "inline; filename=bbbike.pdf", ); if ($q->param('imagetype') =~ /^pdf-(.*)/) { $q->param('geometry', $1); $q->param('imagetype', 'pdf'); } } if (defined $q->param('imagetype') && $q->param('imagetype') eq 'berlinerstadtplan') { $q->param("module", "BerlinerStadtplan"); } if (defined $use_module) { $q->param("module", $use_module); } eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; require BBBikeDraw; BBBikeDraw->VERSION(2.26); $draw = BBBikeDraw->new_from_cgi($q, MakeNet => \&make_netz ); die $@ if !$draw; }; if ($@) { my $err = "Fehler in BBBikeDraw: $@"; http_header(-type => 'text/html', @no_cache, ); print "$err"; die $err; } if (!$header_written && !$draw->module_handles_all_cgi) { http_header (-type => $draw->mimetype, @header_args, -Content_Disposition => "inline; filename=bbbike.".$draw->suffix, ); } $draw->pre_draw if $draw->can("pre_draw"); $draw->draw_map if $draw->can("draw_map"); $draw->draw_wind if $draw->can("draw_wind"); $draw->draw_route if $draw->can("draw_route"); $draw->add_route_descr(-net => make_netz()) if $draw->can("add_route_descr"); $draw->flush; } sub draw_map { my(%args) = @_; my($part, @dim); my($x, $y); if (exists $args{'-x'} and exists $args{'-y'}) { ($x, $y) = ($args{'-x'}, $args{'-y'}); $part = sprintf("%02d-%02d", $x, $y); @dim = xy_to_dim($x, $y); } else { die "No x/y set"; } http_header(@weak_cache) unless $args{-quiet}; if (!@dim) { die "No dim set" } my($img_url, $img_file); my $map_file = "$mapdir_fs/berlin_map_$part.map"; my $create = 1; my $ext; my $_create_imagemap = exists $args{-imagemap} ? $args{-imagemap} : $create_imagemap; my $set_img_name = sub { $img_file = "$mapdir_fs/berlin_map_$part.$ext"; $img_url = "$mapdir_url/berlin_map_$part.$ext"; }; if (!$args{'-force'}) { my $str = get_streets(); foreach (qw(png gif)) { $ext = $_; #XXX next if $ext eq 'png' and !$bi->{'can_png'}; $set_img_name->(); if (-s $img_file && (!$use_imagemap || -s $map_file)) { my(@img_file_stat) = stat($img_file); if (defined $img_file_stat[9]) { my(@map_file_stat) = stat($img_file); if (defined $map_file_stat[9]) { my(@bbbike_cgi_stat) = stat($0); for my $str_file ($str->dependent_files) { my(@strassen_stat) = stat($str_file); my $to_create_time = min($img_file_stat[9], $map_file_stat[9]); my $check_time = ($check_map_time == 0 ? 0 : ($check_map_time == 1 ? $strassen_stat[9] : max($bbbike_cgi_stat[9], $strassen_stat[9]) )); $create = ($to_create_time < $check_time); if ($debug) { warn __LINE__ . ": time_exist=$to_create_time, " . "check_time=$check_time, create=$create\n"; } last if $create; } } elsif ($debug) { warn __LINE__ . ": Can't stat $map_file: $!\n"; } } elsif ($debug) { warn __LINE__ . ": Can't stat $img_file: $!\n"; } last if (!$create); } elsif ($debug) { warn __LINE__ . ": $img_file or $img_url empty\n"; } } } if ($create) { $ext = $graphic_format; $set_img_name->(); } if ($create || !-r $img_file || -z $img_file || !-r $map_file) { eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; require BBBikeDraw; open(IMG, ">$img_file") or confess "Fehler: Die Karte $img_file konnte nicht erstellt werden.
\n"; chmod 0644, $img_file; open(MAP, ">$map_file") or confess "Fehler: Die Map $map_file konnte nicht erstellt werden.
\n"; chmod 0644, $map_file; $q->param('geometry', $detailwidth."x".$detailheight); $q->param('draw', 'str', 'ubahn', 'sbahn', 'wasser', 'flaechen', 'orte', 'berlin'); $q->param('drawwidth', 1); # XXX Argument sollte übergeben werden (wird sowieso noch nicht # verwendet, bis auf Überprüfung des boolschen Wertes) $q->param('strlabel', 'str:HH,H');#XXX if $args{-strlabel}; if (!$q->param('imagetype')) { if (!$can_gif) { $q->param('imagetype', 'png'); } else { $q->param('imagetype', 'gif'); } } if ($args{-module}) { $q->param('module', $args{-module}); } elsif ($detailmap_module) { $q->param('module', $detailmap_module); } my $draw = BBBikeDraw->new_from_cgi($q, Fh => \*IMG); $draw->set_dimension(@dim); $draw->create_transpose(); print "Create $img_file...\n" if $args{-logging}; $draw->draw_map(); if ($_create_imagemap) { $draw->make_imagemap(\*MAP); } $draw->flush(); $q->delete('draw'); $q->delete('geometry'); close MAP; close IMG; }; die __LINE__ . ": Warnung: $@
\n" if $@; } unless ($args{-quiet}) { my $type = $q->param('type') || ''; my $script = < $script, #-onLoad => 'jump_to_map()' ); print "" . ucfirst($type) . "-Kreuzung auswählen:
\n"; print "
\n"; foreach ($q->param) { unless ($_ eq 'type') { print "param($_) . "\">\n"; } } print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
"; # obere Zeile if ($y > 0) { print "\n"; if ($x < $xgridnr-1) { print ""; } print "\n"; } # mittlere Zeile print "\n"; if ($x < $xgridnr-1) { print ""; } print "\n"; # untere Zeile if ($y < $ygridnr-1) { print ""; if ($x < $xgridnr-1) { print ""; } print "\n"; } print "
"; if ($x > 0) { print ""; } print "
"; if ($x > 0) { print ""; } print "", "
"; if ($x > 0) { print ""; } print "
"; print ""; print "
"; print < EOF if ($use_imagemap) { open(MAP, $map_file) or confess "Fehler: Die Map $map_file konnte nicht geladen werden.\n
"; while() { print $_; } close MAP; } footer(); print "\n"; print $q->end_html; } } # Stellt für den x/y-Index der berlin_small-Karte die zugehörige # Dimension für BBBikeDraw fest. sub xy_to_dim { my($x, $y) = @_; ($x*$xgridwidth*$xm+$x0, ($x+1)*$xgridwidth*$xm+$x0, $y0-($y+1)*$ygridwidth*$ym, $y0-$y*$ygridwidth*$ym, ); } # Für einen Punkt aus der Detailmap wird die am nächsten liegende # Kreuzung festgestellt. Zurückgegeben wird die Koordinate der # Kreuzung "(x,y)". sub detailmap_to_coord { my($index_x, $index_y, $map_x, $map_y) = @_; my($x, $y) = ($index_x*$xgridwidth*$xm+$x0 + ($map_x*$xm*$xgridwidth)/$detailwidth, $y0-$index_y*$ygridwidth*$ym - ($map_y*$ym*$ygridwidth)/$detailheight, ); new_kreuzungen(); # XXX needed for munich, here too? get_nearest_crossing_coords($x,$y); } sub get_cyclepath_streets { my($scope) = shift || $q->param("scope") || "city"; if ($scope eq 'city') { Strassen->new("radwege_exact"); } else { MultiStrassen->new("radwege_exact", "comments_cyclepath"); } } sub get_streets { my($scope) = shift || $q->param("scope") || "city"; $scope =~ s/^all,//; if ($g_str) { return $g_str if (($scope eq 'city' && $g_str->{Scope} eq 'city') || ($scope eq 'region' && $g_str->{Scope} eq 'region') || ($scope eq 'wideregion' && $g_str->{Scope} eq 'wideregion') ); } my @f = ("strassen", ($scope =~ /region/ ? "landstrassen" : ()), ($scope eq 'wideregion' ? "landstrassen2" : ()), ); if (defined $q->param("pref_fragezeichen") && $q->param("pref_fragezeichen") eq 'yes') { push @f, "fragezeichen"; } if ($q->param("addnet")) { for my $addnet ($q->param("addnet")) { if ($addnet =~ /^(?: )$/x) { # no addnet support for now push @f, $addnet; } } } my $use_cooked_street_data = $use_cooked_street_data; while(1) { my @f = @f; if ($use_cooked_street_data) { @f = map { $_ eq "fragezeichen" ? $_ : "$_-cooked" } @f; } eval { if (@f == 1) { $g_str = new Strassen $f[0]; } else { $g_str = new MultiStrassen @f; } }; if ($@) { if ($use_cooked_street_data) { warn 'Maybe the "cooked" version is missing? Try again the normal version...'; $use_cooked_street_data = 0; next; } else { die $@; } } last; } $g_str->{Scope} = $scope; if (!$use_cooked_street_data) { my $i_s; eval { $i_s = new Strassen "inaccessible_strassen" }; if ($i_s) { $g_str = $g_str->new_with_removed_points($i_s); $g_str->{Scope} = $scope; } } $g_str; } sub get_streets_rebuild_dependents { $g_str = get_streets(); if ($crossings) { undef $crossings; all_crossings(); } if ($kr) { undef $kr; new_kreuzungen(); } if ($net) { undef $net; make_netz(); } $g_str; } ###XXX do not delete this --- # # Orte # my @o; # $orte = new Strassen "orte" unless defined $orte; # push @o, $orte; # if ($use_umland_jwd) { # $orte2 = new Strassen "orte2" unless defined $orte2; # push @o, $orte2; # } # $multiorte = new MultiStrassen @o; sub all_crossings { if (scalar keys %$crossings == 0) { my $str = get_streets(); $crossings = $str->all_crossings(RetType => 'hash', UseCache => 1); } } sub new_kreuzungen { if (!$kr) { all_crossings(); my $str = get_streets(); $kr = new Kreuzungen(Hash => $crossings, Strassen => $str); $kr->make_grid(UseCache => 1); } $kr; } sub new_trafficlights { if (!$ampeln) { eval { my $lsa = new Strassen "ampeln"; $lsa->init; while(1){ my $ret = $lsa->next; last if !@{$ret->[1]}; my($xy) = $ret->[1][0]; $ampeln->{$xy}++; } }; warn $@ if $@; } $ampeln; } sub init_plz { if (1) { # XXX introduce flag? (i.e. for other cities!!!) require PLZ::Multi; $plz = PLZ::Multi->new("Berlin.coords.data", "Potsdam.coords.data", Strassen->new("plaetze"), # XXX why? -cache => 1, ); } else { require PLZ; PLZ->VERSION(1.26); $plz = new PLZ; } $plz; } sub load_temp_blockings { if (!@temp_blocking && defined $bbbike_temp_blockings_file) { @temp_blocking = (); if (defined $bbbike_temp_blockings_optimized_file && -e $bbbike_temp_blockings_optimized_file && -M $bbbike_temp_blockings_optimized_file < -M $bbbike_temp_blockings_file) { do $bbbike_temp_blockings_optimized_file; } else { do $bbbike_temp_blockings_file; } if (!@temp_blocking) { warn "Could not load $bbbike_temp_blockings_file/$bbbike_temp_blockings_optimized_file or file is empty: $@"; } } } # The combination of Strassen->nearest_point and crossing_text may # lead to some unexpected results. Take for instance Tübinger Str. # (approx. 5426,8148): nearest_point will return a point at # Bundesallee (5360,8197). crossing_text will calculate the nearest # crossing from this point which would be Bundesallee/Durlacher Str. # But the nearest crossing from 5426,8148 is actually # Bundesallee/Wexstr.! sub crossing_text { my $c = shift; all_crossings(); if (exists $crossings->{$c}) { join("/", @{ $crossings->{$c} }); } else { new_kreuzungen(); my(@nearest) = $kr->nearest_coord($c); if (@nearest and exists $crossings->{$nearest[0]}) { join("/", @{ $crossings->{$nearest[0]} }); } else { "???"; } } } # Gibt den Straßennamen für type=start/via/ziel zurück --- entweder # aus startname oder abgeleitet aus startc sub name_from_cgi { my($q, $type) = @_; if (defined $q->param($type . "name") and $q->param($type . "name") ne '') { $q->param($type . "name"); } elsif (defined $q->param($type . "c")) { crossing_text($q->param($type . "c")); } else { undef; } } sub make_time { my($h_dec) = @_; my $h = int($h_dec); my $m = int(($h_dec-$h)*60); sprintf "%d:%02d", $h, $m; } sub get_next_scopes { my $scope = shift; if (!defined $scope || $scope eq "" || $scope =~ /\bcity\b/) { return (qw(region wideregion)); } elsif ($scope =~ /\bregion\b/) { return (qw(wideregion)); } else { return (); } } # Increment scope and return the new scope, or undef if the largest scope # is already used. Call get_streets_rebuild_dependents after. sub increment_scope { my $scope = $q->param("scope"); if ($scope eq "" || $scope eq "city") { $scope = "region"; } elsif ($scope eq "region") { $scope = "wideregion"; } else { return undef; } $q->param("scope", $scope); $scope; } # falls die Koordinaten nicht exakt existieren, wird der nächste Punkt # gesucht und gesetzt sub fix_coords { my($startcoord, $viacoord, $zielcoord) = @_; foreach my $varref (\$startcoord, \$viacoord, \$zielcoord) { next if (!defined $$varref or $$varref eq '' or exists $net->{Net}{$$varref}); if (!defined $kr) { new_kreuzungen(); } TRY: { if ($use_exact_streetchooser) { my $str = get_streets(); my $ret = $str->nearest_point($$varref, FullReturn => 1); if ($ret && $ret->{Dist} < 50) { $$varref = $ret->{Coord}; last TRY; } else { # Try to enlarge search region my @scopes = get_next_scopes($q->param("scope")); if (@scopes) { for my $scope (@scopes) { $q->param("scope", $scope); # XXX "all," gets lost my $str = get_streets_rebuild_dependents(); my $ret = $str->nearest_point($$varref, FullReturn => 1); if ($ret) { $$varref = $ret->{Coord}; last TRY; } } } } } # Fallback to old, non-exact chooser # # This is for now buggy, because we should really use # AllPoints in Kreuzungen->new and all_crossings. # my(@nearest) = $kr->nearest_coord($$varref, IncludeDistance => 1); if (@nearest && $nearest[0]->[1] < 50) { $$varref = $nearest[0]->[0]; } else { # Try to enlarge search region $q->param("scope", "city") if !$q->param("scope"); my @scopes = get_next_scopes($q->param("scope")); if (@scopes) { for my $scope (@scopes) { $q->param("scope", $scope); # XXX "all," gets lost get_streets_rebuild_dependents(); @nearest = $kr->nearest_loop_coord($$varref); if (@nearest) { $$varref = $nearest[0]; last TRY; } } } else { @nearest = $kr->nearest_loop_coord($$varref); if (@nearest) { $$varref = $nearest[0]; last TRY; } } } warn "Can't find nearest for $$varref. Either try to enlarge search space or add some grids for nearest_coord searching"; } } ($startcoord, $viacoord, $zielcoord); } sub start_weather_proc { my(@stat) = stat("$tmp_dir/wettermeldung"); if (!defined $stat[9] or $stat[9]+30*60 < time()) { my @weather_cmdline = (@weather_cmdline, '-o', "$tmp_dir/wettermeldung"); if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { # XXX Austesten eval q{ require Win32::Process; unlink "$tmp_dir/wettermeldung"; my $proc; Win32::Process::Create($proc, $weather_cmdline[0], @weather_cmdline, 0, Win32::Process::CREATE_NO_WINDOW, $tmp_dir); }; } else { eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; my $weather_pid = fork(); if (defined $weather_pid and $weather_pid == 0) { eval { require File::Spec; my $devnull = File::Spec->can("devnull") ? File::Spec->devnull : "/dev/null"; open STDIN, $devnull; open STDOUT, '>' . $devnull; open(STDERR, '>' . $devnull); require POSIX; # Can't use `exists' (for 5.00503 compat): POSIX::setsid() if defined &POSIX::setsid; }; warn $@ if $@; unlink "$tmp_dir/wettermeldung"; exec @weather_cmdline or my_exit 1; } }; } } } sub gather_weather_proc { my @res; my(@stat) = stat("$tmp_dir/wettermeldung"); if (defined $stat[9] and $stat[9]+30*60 > time()) { # Aktualität checken if (open(W, "$tmp_dir/wettermeldung")) { chomp(my $line = ); @res = split(/\|/, $line); close W; } } @res; } sub etag { my $lang = 'de'; # XXX my $rcsversion = $VERSION; my $browserversion = $q->user_agent; my $etag = "$lang-$rcsversion-$browserversion"; $etag =~ s;[\s\[\]\(\)]+;_;g; $etag =~ s|[^a-z0-9-_./]||gi; $etag = qq{"$etag"}; (-ETag => $etag); } # Write a HTTP header (always with Etag and Vary) and maybe enabled compression sub http_header { my(@header_args) = @_; push @header_args, etag(), (-Vary => "User-Agent"); if ($q->param("as_attachment")) { push @header_args, -Content_Disposition => "attachment;file=" . $q->param("as_attachment"); } if ($use_cgi_compress_gzip && eval { require CGI::Compress::Gzip; CGI::Compress::Gzip->VERSION(0.16); package MyCGICompressGzip; @MyCGICompressGzip::ISA = 'CGI::Compress::Gzip'; sub isCompressibleType { my($self, $type) = @_; # XXX removed application/pdf| because BBBikeDraw::PDF # and CGI::Compress::Gzip does not work well together # (the latter does not handle "print $fh" calls) return $type =~ m{^(text/.*|image/svg\+xml)$}; } 1; }) { $CGI::Compress::Gzip::global_give_reason = $CGI::Compress::Gzip::global_give_reason = $debug; $cgic = MyCGICompressGzip->new; print $cgic->header(@header_args); } else { print $q->header(@header_args); } $header_written = 1; } sub header { my(%args) = @_; delete $args{-from}; # XXX if (!exists $args{-title}) { $args{-title} = "BBBike"; } no strict; local *cgilink = ($CGI::VERSION <= 2.36 ? \&CGI::link : \&CGI::Link); my $head = []; push @$head, $q->meta({-http_equiv => "Content-Script-Type", -content => "text/javascript"}); # XXX check the standards: push @$head, $q->meta({-name => 'revisit-after', -content => "7 days"}); push @$head, ""; # Can't use -target option here push @$head, cgilink({-rel => "shortcut icon", # -href => "$bbbike_images/favicon.ico", # -type => "image/ico", -href => "$bbbike_images/srtbike16.gif", -type => "image/gif", }); if (!$smallform) { push @$head, cgilink({-rel => 'Help', -href => "$bbbike_script?info=1"}), cgilink({-rel => 'Home', -href => "$bbbike_script?begin=1"}), cgilink({-rel => 'Start', -href => "$bbbike_script?begin=1"}), cgilink({-rel => 'Author', -href => "mailto:@{[ $BBBike::EMAIL ]}"}), (defined $args{-up} ? cgilink({-rel => 'Up', -href => $args{-up}}) : ()), ; if ($args{-contents}) { push @$head, cgilink({-rel => 'Contents', -href => $args{'-contents'}}); } } delete @args{qw(-contents -up)}; my $printmode = delete $args{-printmode}; if ($bi->{'can_css'} && !exists $args{-style}) { $args{-style} = {-src => "$bbbike_html/" . ($printmode ? "bbbikeprint" : "bbbike") . ".css"}; #XXX del: # <{'can_javascript'}) { delete $args{-script}; delete $args{-onload}; } $args{-head} = $head if $head && @$head; if (!$smallform) { print $q->start_html (%args, -lang => 'de-DE', -BGCOLOR => '#ffffff', ($use_background_image && !$printmode ? (-BACKGROUND => "$bbbike_images/bg.jpg") : ()), -meta=>{'keywords'=>'berlin fahrrad route bike karte suche cycling route routing routenplaner routenplanung fahrradroutenplaner radroutenplaner', 'copyright'=>'(c) 1998-2005 Slaven Rezic', }, -author => $BBBike::EMAIL, ); if ($bi->{'css_buggy'}) { print ""; } print "

\n"; if ($printmode) { print "$args{-title}"; print "\"\""; } else { my $use_css = !$bi->{'css_buggy'}; my $title = $args{-title}; if ($is_beta) { $title = "BBβike"; } print "$title"; print ""; print ""; } print "

\n"; } else { print $q->start_html; print "


"; } if ($ENV{SERVER_NAME} =~ /cs\.tu-berlin\.de/ && open(U, "$FindBin::RealBin/bbbike-umzug.html")) { while() { print } close U; } } sub footer { print footer_as_string() } sub footer_as_string { my $s = ""; # ?begin anscheinend notwendig (Bug in Netscape3, Solaris2?) my $smallformstr = ($q->param('smallform') ? '&smallform=' . $q->param('smallform') : ''); $s .= qq{
{'css_buggy'} ? qq{style="padding-top:5px;" } : "") . qq{>{'can_css'}) { # XXX siehe oben Kommentar am Anfang von "sub search_*" bzgl. css $s .= "bgcolor=\"#ffcc66\" "; } $s .= "cellpadding=3>\n"; $s .= < EOF $s .= <$fontstrKontakt, Info & Disclaimer${fontend} EOF $s .= "\n"; if ($can_mapserver) { $s .= ""; } elsif (defined $mapserver_init_url) { $s .= ""; } if ($ENV{SERVER_NAME} =~ /radzeit/i) { $s .= ""; } $s .= <
${fontstr}bbbike.cgi $VERSION${fontend} ${fontstr} E-Mail${fontend} $fontstrNeue Anfrage${fontend}$fontstr"; $s .= complete_link_to_einstellungen(); $s .= "${fontend}MapserverMapserverRadzeit.de
EOF if ($bi->{'css_buggy'}) { $s .= "
\n"; } $s; } sub blind_image { my($w,$h) = @_; $w = 1 if !$w; $h = 1 if !$h; "" } sub complete_link_to_einstellungen { window_open("$bbbike_script?bikepower=1", "BikePower", "dependent,height=400,resizable," . "screenX=400,screenY=40,scrollbars,width=550") . "Einstellungen"; } sub link_to_met { ""; } sub window_open { my($href, $winname, $settings) = @_; if ($bi->{'can_javascript'} && !$bi->{'window_open_buggy'}) { ""; } else { ""; } } sub call_bikepower { http_header(@no_cache); eval q{ require BikePower::HTML; # XXX no support for css in BikePower::HTML print BikePower::HTML::code(); }; if ($@) { header(); print "Sorry, BikePower ist anscheinend auf diesem System ", "nicht installiert.

\n"; footer(); } } sub init_bikepower { my $q = shift; undef $bp_obj; eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require BikePower; require BikePower::HTML; $bp_obj = BikePower::HTML::new_from_cookie($q); $bp_obj->given('P'); BBBikeCalc::init_wind(); }; # XXX warn __LINE__ . ": Warnung: $@
\n" if $@; $bp_obj; } # XXX Doppelung mit bbbike-Code vermeiden sub bikepwr_get_v { # Resultat in m/s my($wind, $power, $grade) = @_; $grade = 0 if !defined $grade; # $grade wird noch nicht verwendet XXX $bp_obj->grade($grade); $bp_obj->headwind($wind); $bp_obj->power($power); $bp_obj->calc(); my $v = $bp_obj->velocity; $v; } sub choose_street_html { my($strasse, $plz_number, $type) = @_; $plz = init_plz(); my $plz_re = $plz->make_plz_re($plz_number); my @res = $plz->look($plz_re, Noquote => 1); my $str = get_streets(); my @strres = $str->union(\@res); if (!@strres) { print "Keine Straßen im PLZ-Gebiet $plz_number.
\n"; print ucfirst($type) . ":
\n"; } else { print <$strasse ist nicht in der BBBike-Datenbank erfasst. Folgende Straßen sind im selben PLZ-Gebiet:
EOF my @strname; for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#strres; $i++) { push @strname, $str->get($strres[$i])->[0]; last if $i >= $max_plz_streets; } @strname = sort @strname; my $i = 0; my $strname; if ($use_select) { print " $strname
\n"; if ($i >= $max_plz_streets && $i < $#strres) { print "...
\n"; last; } } $i++; } if ($use_select) { print "
\n"; } print "
\n"; } } sub choose_all_form { #XXX siehe choose_ch_form my $locale_set = 0; my $old_locale; use locale; eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; require POSIX; $old_locale = &POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_COLLATE, ""); foreach my $locale (qw(de de_DE de_DE.ISO8859-1 de_DE.ISO_8859-1)) { $locale_set=1, last if (&POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_COLLATE, $locale)); } }; http_header(@weak_cache); header(#too slow XXX -onload => "list_all_streets_onload()", -script => {-src => $bbbike_html . "/bbbike_start.js", }, ); my @strlist; my $str = get_streets(); $str->init; while(1) { my $ret = $str->next; last if !@{$ret->[1]}; push(@strlist, $ret->[0]); } my %trans = ('Ä' => 'A', 'Ö' => 'O', 'Ü' => 'U', 'ä' => 'a', 'ö' => 'o', 'ü' => 'u', 'ß' => 'ss', 'é' => 'e', ); my $trans_rx = "[".join("",keys %trans)."]"; if ($locale_set) { @strlist = sort @strlist; } else { @strlist = map { $_->[1] } sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } map { (my $s = $_) =~ s/($trans_rx)/$trans{$1}/ge; [ $s, $_] } @strlist; } my $last = ""; my $last_initial = "A"; print "

"; for my $ch ('A' .. 'Z') { print "$ch "; } # for my $type (qw(s u)) { # print qq{} . uc($type) . qq{-Bahnhöfe }; # } print "
"; for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#strlist; $i++) { next if ($strlist[$i] =~ /^\(/); next if $last eq $strlist[$i]; $last = $strlist[$i]; (my $strname = $strlist[$i]) =~ s/\s+/\240/g; my $initial = substr($strname, 0, 1); if (defined $last_initial and $last_initial ne $initial and (!defined $trans{$initial} or $last_initial ne $trans{$initial})) { print "
"; $last_initial = ($trans{$initial} ? $trans{$initial} : $initial); print "$last_initial
"; } print "$strname
"; } # for my $type (qw(s u)) { # my $s = Strassen->new($type . "bahnhof"); # my @bhf; # $s->init; # while(1) { # my $r = $s->next; # last if !@{ $r->[Strassen::COORDS()] }; # push @bhf, $r->[Strassen::NAME()] if $r->[Strassen::CAT()] !~ /0$/; # } # @bhf = sort @bhf; # print "
\n"; # print qq{} . uc($type) . qq{-Bahnhöfe
\n}; # print join("
\n", map { uc($type) . " " . $_ } @bhf), "\n"; # } print "
"; print $q->end_html; if ($locale_set && defined $old_locale) { eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; &POSIX::setlocale( &POSIX::LC_COLLATE, $old_locale); }; warn $@ if $@; #XXX remove? } } sub nahbereich { my($startc, $zielc, $startname, $zielname) = ($q->param('startc'), $q->param('zielc'), $q->param('startname'),$q->param('zielname')); http_header(@weak_cache); header(); print "Kreuzung im Nahbereich angeben:

\n"; new_kreuzungen(); my($startx, $starty) = split(/,/, $startc); my($zielx, $ziely) = split(/,/, $zielc); print "

"; print "Start:
\n"; print ""; my $i = 0; foreach ($kr->nearest_loop($startx, $starty)) { print " ", join("/", @{$crossings->{$_}}), "
\n"; } print "
"; print ""; print "Ziel:
\n"; $i = 0; foreach ($kr->nearest_loop($zielx, $ziely)) { print " ", join("/", @{$crossings->{$_}}), "
\n"; } print "
"; suche_button(); footer(); print "
\n"; print $q->end_html; } sub get_nearest_crossing_coords { my($x,$y) = @_; new_kreuzungen(); my $xy; while (1) { if ($use_exact_streetchooser) { my $str = get_streets(); my $ret = $str->nearest_point("$x,$y", FullReturn => 1); $xy = $ret->{Coord}; } else { $xy = (($kr->nearest_loop($x,$y))[0]); } last if defined $xy; my $new_scope = increment_scope(); last if !defined $new_scope; get_streets_rebuild_dependents(); } $xy; } sub draw_route_from_fh { my $fh = shift; my $file = "$tmp_dir/bbbike.cgi.upload.$$." . time; open(OUT, ">$file") or die "Can't write to $file: $!"; while(<$fh>) { print OUT $_; } close OUT; close $fh; require Route; Route->VERSION(1.09); my $res; eval { $res = Route::load($file, { }, -fuzzy => 1); }; my $err = $@; ## XXX unlink later... #unlink $file; if ($res->{RealCoords}) { $q->param('draw', 'all'); $q->param('scope', 'wideregion'); $q->param('geometry', "800x600") if !defined $q->param("geometry"); # Separator war mal ";", aber CGI.pm behandelt diesen genau wie "&" $q->param('coords', join("!", map { "$_->[0],$_->[1]" } @{ $res->{RealCoords} })); if (!$q->param("imagetype")) { $q->param("imagetype", "png"); # XXX seems to be necessary } $q->delete('routefile'); $q->delete('routefile_submit'); draw_route(); } else { http_header(@no_cache); header(); print "Dateiformat nicht erkannt: $err"; upload_button_html(); footer(); print $q->end_html; } } sub upload_button { http_header(@no_cache); # wegen dummy header(); upload_button_html(); footer(); print $q->end_html; } sub upload_button_html { # XXX warum ist dummy notwendig??? print $q->start_multipart_form(-method => 'post', -action => "$bbbike_url?dummy=@{[ time ]}"), "Anzuzeigende Route-Datei (GPSman-Tracks, .ovl- oder .bbr-Dateien):
\n", $q->filefield(-name => 'routefile'), "

\n", # hier könnte noch ein maxdist-Feld stehen, um die maximale # Entfernung anzugeben, bei der eine Route noch als # "zusammenhängend" betrachtet wird XXX "Bildformat: ", $q->popup_menu(-name => "imagetype", -values => ['png', ($cannot_pdf ? () : ('pdf-auto')), ($cannot_svg ? () : ('svg')), ($cannot_jpeg ? () : ('jpeg')), ($can_mapserver ? ('mapserver') : ()), ], -default => 'png', -labels => {'png' => 'PNG', 'pdf-auto' => 'PDF', 'svg' => 'SVG', 'jpeg' => 'JPEG', 'mapserver' => 'Mapserver'}, ), "

\n", "Bildgröße: (nicht für PDF, SVG und Mapserver)
\n", $q->radio_group(-name => "geometry", -values => ["400x300", "640x480", "800x600", "1024x768", "1200x1024", "1600x1200", ], -linebreak => "true", -default => (defined $q->param("geometry") ? $q->param("geometry") : "1024x768"), ), "

\n", $q->checkbox(-name => "outputtarget", -value => 'print', -label => "für Druck optimieren", ), "

\n", $q->submit(-name => 'routefile_submit', -value => 'Anzeigen'), $q->endform; } sub tie_session { my $id = shift; return unless $use_apache_session; if (!eval qq{ require $apache_session_module }) { $use_apache_session = undef; warn $@ if $debug; return; } if ($apache_session_module eq 'Apache::Session::Counted') { return tie_session_counted($id); } tie my %sess, $apache_session_module, $id, { FileName => "/tmp/bbbike_sessions_" . $< . ".db", # XXX make configurable LockDirectory => '/tmp', } or do { $use_apache_session = undef; warn $! if $debug; return; }; return \%sess; } sub tie_session_counted { my $id = shift; # To retrieve a session file: #perl -MData::Dumper -MStorable=thaw -e '$content=do{open my $fh,$ARGV[0] or die;local$/;<$fh>}; warn Dumper thaw $content' file #my $dirlevels = 1; my $dirlevels = 0; my @l = localtime; my $date = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", $l[5]+1900, $l[4]+1, $l[3]; # Make sure a different user for cgi-bin/mod_perl operation is used my $directory = "/tmp/bbbike-sessions-" . $< . "-$date"; # require File::Spec; # open(OLDOUT, ">&STDOUT") or die $!; # open(STDOUT, ">&STDERR") or die $!; # Apache::Session::CountedStore->tree_init($directory, $dirlevels); # close STDOUT; # open(STDOUT, ">&OLDOUT") or die $!; tie my %sess, $apache_session_module, $id, { Directory => $directory, DirLevels => $dirlevels, CounterFile => "/tmp/bbbike-counter-" . $< . "-$date", AlwaysSave => 1, HostID => undef, HostURL => sub { undef }, Timeout => 10, } or do { $use_apache_session = undef; warn $! if $debug; return; }; return \%sess; } sub load_teaser { eval { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; my $teaser_file = "$FindBin::RealBin/bbbike-teaser.pl"; if (defined $BBBikeCGI::teaser_file_modtime && (stat($teaser_file))[9] > $BBBikeCGI::teaser_file_modtime) { delete $INC{$teaser_file}; } require $teaser_file; $BBBikeCGI::teaser_file_modtime = (stat($teaser_file))[9]; }; warn $@ if $@; } ###################################################################### # # Information # sub show_info { http_header(@weak_cache); header(); my $perl_url = "http://www.perl.org/"; my $cpan = "http://www.cpan.org/"; my $scpan = "http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=module&query="; print <


Die Routensuche

Das Programm versucht, den kürzesten Weg zwischen den gewählten Berliner Straßen zu finden. Die Auswahl erfolgt entweder durch das Eintippen in die Eingabefelder für Start und Ziel (Via ist optional), durch Auswahl aus der Buchstabenliste oder durch Auswahl über die Berlin-Karte. Straßennamen müssen nicht völlig korrekt eingegeben werden. Groß- und Kleinschreibung wird ignoriert.

Bei der Suche wird auf Einbahnstraßen und zeitweilig gesperrte Straßen geachtet; auf Steigungen und Verkehrsdichte (noch) nicht. Straßen mit schlechter Oberfläche und/oder Hauptstraßen können geringer bewertet oder von der Suche ganz ausgeschlossen werden.

EOF print "Falls die " . complete_link_to_einstellungen() . " ", "für BikePower ausgefüllt wurden, ", "kann mit der " . link_to_met() . "aktuellen Windgeschwindigkeit die ", "Fahrzeit anhand von drei Leistungsstufen (50 W, 100 W und 200 W) ", "berechnet werden.

\n"; print <* eingesetzt 1.

EOF print <


Die Daten auf dem aktuellen Stand zu halten ist in einer Stadt wie Berlin für einen Einzelnen eine schwere Aufgabe. Deshalb freue ich mich über Feedback: neue Straßen, veränderte Gegebenheiten, sowohl in Berlin als auch im Brandenburger Umland. Anregungen bitte als Mail schicken oder dieses Formular benutzen.

Link auf BBBike setzen

Man kann einen Link auf BBBike mit einem bereits vordefinierten Ziel setzen. Die Vorgehensweise sieht so aus:
  • Eine beliebige Route mit dem gewünschten Zielort suchen lassen. Dabei darf die Auswahl für den Zielort nicht über die Berlin-Karte erfolgen, sondern der Zielort muss direkt eingegeben werden.
  • Wenn die Route gefunden wurde, klickt man den Link "Ziel beibehalten" an.
  • Die URL der neuen Seite kann nun auf die eigene Homepage aufgenommen werden. Die URL müsste ungefähr so aussehen: $bbbike_url?zielname=Alexanderplatz;zielplz=10178;zielc=10923%2C12779
  • Auf Wunsch kann zielname verändert werden. Beispielsweise: $bbbike_url?zielname=Weltzeituhr;zielc=10923%2C12779
    Dabei sollte zielplz gelöscht werden. Wenn im Namen Leerzeichen vorkommen, müssen sie durch + ersetzt werden.
Für einen vordefinierten Startort geht man genauso vor, lediglich werden alle Vorkommen von ziel durch start ersetzt.

BBBike-Modul für Mambo

Für das CMS Mambo gibt es auf mamboforge ein BBBike-Modul von Ramiro Gómez.

EOF print <

Weitere Möglichkeiten und Tipps


Es gibt eine wesentlich komplexere Version von BBBike mit interaktiver Karte, mehr Kontrollmöglichkeiten über die Routensuche, GPS-Anbindung und den kompletten Daten. Diese Version läuft als normales Programm (mit Perl/Tk-Interface) unter Unix, Linux, Mac OS X und Windows. Hier bekommt man dazu mehr Informationen. Als Beispiel kann man sich Screenshots der Perl/Tk-Version angucken.


Zukünftige BBBike-Features können hier getestet werden.

PDA-Version für iPAQ/Linux

Für iPAQ-Handhelds mit Familiar Linux gibt es eine kleine Version von BBBike: tkbabybike.


BBBike kann man per WAP-Handy unter der Adresse @{[ $BBBike::BBBIKE_WAP ]} nutzen.


Es besteht die experimentelle Möglichkeit, sich GPS-Tracks oder bbr-Dateien anzeigen zu lassen.


Das Programm wird auch in meiner Diplomarbeit behandelt.

EOF if ($bi->is_browser_version("Mozilla", 5)) { print <


Add sidebar, dabei folgende Adressen optional als Default verwenden:
Start Start:
Ziel Ziel:
EOF } if ($can_palmdoc) { print <


Für den PalmDoc-Export benötigt man auf dem Palm einen entsprechenden Viewer, z.B. CSpotRun. Für eine komplette Liste kompatibler Viewer siehe auch hier. EOF } print "

\n"; print "

Hard- und Software

\n"; # funktioniert nur auf dem CS-Server my $os; if (open(INFO, "/usr/INFO/Rechnertabelle")) { my $host; eval q{local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; require Sys::Hostname; $host = Sys::Hostname::hostname(); }; while() { if (/^$host:/o) { print "Hardware: " . (split /:/)[2] . "

\n"; $os = (split /:/)[3]; last; } } close INFO; } unless (defined $os or $^O eq 'MSWin32') { open UNAME, "-|" or exec qw(uname -sr); my $uname = ; close UNAME; if ($uname) { chomp($os = "$uname"); } } # Config ist ungenau, weil perl evtl. für ein anderes Betriebssystem # compiliert wurde. unless (defined $os) { require Config; $os = "\U$Config::Config{'osname'} $Config::Config{'osvers'}\E"; } my $cgi_date = '$Date: 2005/12/10 23:46:45 $'; ($cgi_date) = $cgi_date =~ m{(\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2})}; my $data_date; for (@Strassen::datadirs) { if (my(@s) = stat "$_/.modified") { my @l = localtime $s[9]; $data_date = sprintf "%04d/%02d/%02d", $l[5]+1900,$l[4]+1,$l[3]; last; } } $data_date = "unbekannt" if !defined $data_date; print < Stand der Daten: $data_date
bbbike.cgi ist Bestandteil von BBBike Release $BBBike::VERSION

EOF if (defined $os) { print "Betriebssystem: $os\n"; if ($os =~ /freebsd/i) { print ""; } elsif ($os =~ /linux/i) { print ""; } print "

"; } if (defined $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'}) { print "HTTP-Server: $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'}\n"; if ($ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'} =~ /apache/i) { print ""; } print "

"; } if ($ENV{SERVER_NAME} =~ /sourceforge/) { print < SourceForge Logo

EOF } print <

  • perl $]
  • perl-Module: EOF if ($can_mapserver) { print <Mapserver EOF } print <

    EOF if ($bi || eval { require BrowserInfo }) { print "


    	$bi = BrowserInfo->new($q) if !$bi;
    	print $bi->show_info();
    	print "

    \n"; } print <Disclaimer Es wird keine Gewähr für die Inhalte dieser Site sowie verlinkter Sites übernommen.

    EOF print <Kontakt
    Autor: Slaven Rezic
    E-Mail: @{[ $BBBike::EMAIL ]}
    Homepage: @{[ $BBBike::HOMEPAGE ]}
    Telefon: @{[ CGI::escapeHTML("+49-172-1661969") ]}
    Donji Crnač 81, BiH-88220 Široki Brijeg

    EOF # XXX Wo gehören die Fußnoten am besten hin? print <

    1 @{[ footnote(1) ]}

    EOF footer(); print $q->end_html; } sub footnote { my($nr) = @_; if ($nr == 1) { <*, Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 32, No. 3, July 1985, Seiten 505-536. EOF } else { ""; } } =head1 AUTHOR Slaven Rezic =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Slaven Rezic. All rights reserved. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, see the file COPYING. =head1 SEE ALSO bbbike(1). =cut